MS Hoax & Aftermath like Tragedy of Hamlet
Don't think yourselves unique by your anger. Just remember how it ended for Hamlet and his family, everyone dead.
This forum is like a family, without the dinners, the hugging or the drunk uncle, but it is still a common place where we come together in like interest. Don't let this hoax or whatever tear the site apart.
Let us quibble no longer. We are friends!

My Humourous & True Lancers Reactor Plays with Real Posters as Characters in These Divine Comedies:
The Full & Complete Text of "Much Uba About Nothing"
The Full & Complete Text of "The Taming of the Psycho (Hey)"
The Full & Complete Text of "Zlothello"
Sir Spectre
.... Time passes too quickly to be enjoyed and too slowly to be endured.
EDIT: Just updating my links.
Edited by - Sir Spectre on 10-10-2003 02:04:40