they are like weapons ...the texures are in the .cmp file. and 2 textures are basically mapped to the same surface, one is the texture, the other is a gradient map that references in a .thn file.. it's very strange.. it also uses an odd hardpoint - HpFixed/HpFx01, tho I am not entirely sure what it does.. but I think that should we spend a little time on it it is possible to make all kinds of translucent self lit textures like this..
The shiparch has some oddities too..
DA_archetype = ships\aefleet\nightmare\nightmare.cmp
material_library = ships\nomad\nomad_fx.txm
nomad = true
I basically made a ship then copied the structure as close as I could to the nomad ships/textures, and then tried it, the first few efforts were invisible(frustrating head scratching time), then it just clicked, tho I did have to play with the ms3d files and build a secondary 'skeleton' ----- somewhere in there it appeared

It is relatively easy to 'light' textures or make them 'translucent' (to completely invisible).... there is structure involved tho, the good thing about translucent textures, is that equipment/weapons hidden inside the ship disappears, yet the ship stays 'see through'
*Edit: The Ai have no trouble seeing you tho.. lol* and you appear on the hud of other ships as a "signature" so you cannot really hide.. he he.. but you can appear (almost) invisible--- (not cloaked)
The trick is to make them transparent and "self" lit ... (btw) combining the effects of lighting and translucency in .mat files does not work.. again I dunno why/why not.
I have been playing with this for a long time ,there are things in the nomad files that appear nowhere else..... yet they work in the freelancer environment:
in the .cmp file under type: DcDtBtOcOtTwo
I think i know what the Two signifies - "Two textures"
'Oc' is transparency.. most of the others are in the previous of this thread..it still needs work.. but making self illuminated panels is fairly simple and I see no reason why they cannot be combined with translucent "textured" textures and even glowing alien textures .. altho that might be stretching the friendship somewhat... lol.
I think we can even help it along with different lods.. but that's another story..
If you are interested in helping I'd appreciate it.. if you want more detail as to how.. I can add stuff to this..
This has very interesting possibilities.....
Edited by - harrier on 12/18/2004 3:26:58 AM