DO YOUR FLAMING VIA EMAIL! TLR will not be an arena to display your cuss articulacy galore. Your flamings will get deleted anyway and you can risk banning. Just email the mods and we'll take care of it, don't be no hero, you're actually making it harder for us to do our job.
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Wolf Demon: LOOK, ITS UBA NEW!!!
The general place to discuss MOD''ing Freelancer!
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No you will not. The only ones giving punishments here are us mods. You wanna flame him, do it via email. Flame is a big no-no here, no matter who the target is or for whatever reason. Besides, flaming means posting, and when people get so excited with posting flames simultaneously, you're only eating up TLR's bandwidth and making it harder for the REAL mods to come, read, and close and delete threads, due to extended loading time.
DO YOUR FLAMING VIA EMAIL! TLR will not be an arena to display your cuss articulacy galore. Your flamings will get deleted anyway and you can risk banning. Just email the mods and we'll take care of it, don't be no hero, you're actually making it harder for us to do our job.
DO YOUR FLAMING VIA EMAIL! TLR will not be an arena to display your cuss articulacy galore. Your flamings will get deleted anyway and you can risk banning. Just email the mods and we'll take care of it, don't be no hero, you're actually making it harder for us to do our job.
But it's so much fun!
But seriously, how much activity can TLR's bandwith take at a time? As for doing it via email, I wouldn't want these rampanteers (my new word) having my email address so easily.
Besides you wouldn't be able to read any more works from Spectrespeare.
I mean, come on, I've made all the chaos worth it, haven't I
Sir Spectre
.... Ours is not to reason why, but to fly or fry!
Edited by - Sir Spectre on 25-09-2003 22:38:35

But seriously, how much activity can TLR's bandwith take at a time? As for doing it via email, I wouldn't want these rampanteers (my new word) having my email address so easily.
Besides you wouldn't be able to read any more works from Spectrespeare.

I mean, come on, I've made all the chaos worth it, haven't I

Sir Spectre
.... Ours is not to reason why, but to fly or fry!
Edited by - Sir Spectre on 25-09-2003 22:38:35
Do you realize you sound so much like the bad guy from Tomorrow Never Dies?
Writing a funny piece inspired by an incident is one thing, deliberately starting it is another.
You don't want him to get your email address? there's a price to pay for everything, right? you can also, you know, not flame at all
. I don't know why you guys take it so personally. These pathetic individuals are not even worth my precious keystrokes, on the forums or on the email. I just lock em, delete em, and recommend banning, then I shrug and move on.

Writing a funny piece inspired by an incident is one thing, deliberately starting it is another.
You don't want him to get your email address? there's a price to pay for everything, right? you can also, you know, not flame at all

Of course, The Romans had their battalions, Napolean had his legions, Hitler had his armies, Carver had his divisions, I have my Threads of Lore. But taking over the world is a hobby, I do it in my spare time.
But just so we're clear, I never started anything on these forums.
Sir Spectre
.... Ours is not to reason why, but to fly or fry!

But just so we're clear, I never started anything on these forums.
Sir Spectre
.... Ours is not to reason why, but to fly or fry!
<command does not compute>
<command does not compute>
have u even seen his e-mail?
i took a look at his e-mail address
it says:
thats not even an e-mail!
what r we gonna do?
go to a hacking school to find out his address so we can drop a bomb on it?
my mood:
oy!: I'm happy
iiieeee!: I'm psycho
dude: I'm not in a very good mood
AHHHH!: I'm mad
<command does not compute>
<command does not compute>
have u even seen his e-mail?
i took a look at his e-mail address
it says:
thats not even an e-mail!
what r we gonna do?
go to a hacking school to find out his address so we can drop a bomb on it?
my mood:
oy!: I'm happy
iiieeee!: I'm psycho
dude: I'm not in a very good mood
AHHHH!: I'm mad
To Wolf: [email protected]
a gotchoo address biatch!!
J/k don mess wid me biatch
To Spectre: no wrote apocalypse cuz wolf said it
BTW i actually do live in albania, lol
Edited by - UbaNew on 26-09-2003 02:23:31
a gotchoo address biatch!!
J/k don mess wid me biatch
To Spectre: no wrote apocalypse cuz wolf said it
BTW i actually do live in albania, lol

Edited by - UbaNew on 26-09-2003 02:23:31
1 thing:
don't say biatch cause it is stupid
say b*tch its more formal in a manner of speaking
<edit> @Uba: no u don't mess wit me
in fact, u dont wanna get me started!
my mood:
oy!: I'm happy
iiieeee!: I'm psycho
dude: I'm not in a very good mood
AHHHH!: I'm mad
Edited by - ):Wolf_Demon
on 26-09-2003 02:35:51
don't say biatch cause it is stupid
say b*tch its more formal in a manner of speaking
<edit> @Uba: no u don't mess wit me
in fact, u dont wanna get me started!
my mood:
oy!: I'm happy
iiieeee!: I'm psycho
dude: I'm not in a very good mood
AHHHH!: I'm mad
Edited by - ):Wolf_Demon

This region of the world looks familiar ....
THATS IT!!! Uba is Milosevic the tyrant from Bosnia-Herzagovnia!! This explains a lot.
I thought you were in prison or were you just exiled to Albania? Well, I had no idea we had cuttroat world leaders visiting these forums.
BTW, thanks for the Geography lesson.
Sir Spectre
.... Ours is not to reason why, but to fly or fry!

BTW, thanks for the Geography lesson.

Sir Spectre
.... Ours is not to reason why, but to fly or fry!
HAH!! ME? PLAY THE HERO?? What a good id... I mean, I was talking about US a community as a whole.... jee Gotta Stand Back For Fear o Bein Burnt... an look at my email, it was Killzone the last time I looked... and Sir Specter, my freind has made world domination his life goal, sooo give up while your ahead...
Bein an Outcast is about doin things you wanna do: Kill, Terrorise, Murder, Destroy, Smoke Cardamine, ya know, normal stuff.....
Bein an Outcast is about doin things you wanna do: Kill, Terrorise, Murder, Destroy, Smoke Cardamine, ya know, normal stuff.....
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