1) "Much Uba About Nothing"
that thread was a nice funny thread to track down the guys post FOR ANOTHER MODERATOR. But no, this thread has thus been deemed USELESS by a moderator who clearly doesn't deserve half his powers.
Of course it was useful. Emphasize on "was". The guy is gone, and the thread was sinking anyway until someone decides that he didn't get his share of flaming of the guy and wanted to practice necromancy on a dead conflict. What is the sole purpose of the resurrection? flame and spamming for post counts. I closed it, no regrets or remorse.
2) A Reminder for the Incompitent About The Cloaking Mod
heres my thread. it was a reminder for people about the damn mod, and what not to use it for. no info on how to create it was disclosed. then it turned into a discussion. last time i checked, discussions are ok. or have we lost all freedom in the world and its doomed? hm...
also, this thread was a news item. thats what i intended it for. i made it, then sent the link to TLR (namingly baked potatoe, as he does most of these submissions), and it got put up in the news. then for reasons unknown you pull yet another stupid move, let all your power go to your head, and close it, just because people were talking about it, and giving ideas of fairer versions of cloak, and better anticloaks. it was actually pretty helpful.
Bargib and I disagreed on this last point. We both thought that the discussion was dead, although he didn't think it deserved a lock. This is the our exact conversation:
I understand your feeling, and I tend to agree!
Though I would not have locked the topic, but maybe posted saying that if people feel they can add to the subject, then post away, but try to move the topic along instead of back and forth...
Close call... I know... Just wanted to forward the feedback...
People have a tendency to react quite harshly to locked topics, so I usally only do it with flames or similar... Also if the discussion is way off the original topic, then I lock..
Keep it up!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Fear Factor, ." <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, September 15, 2003 9:57 AM
Subject: RE: Closed topic - maybe a bit to harshly?
> Yes, I made a judgement call on that topic. IMO, it was 6 pages of
back-and-forth argument that could not be resolved. Not exactly hardcore flame war, but it was going stale. Please see for yourself.
http://www.lancersreactor.com/t/forum/t ... c_id=23910
> If you agree with Wassup, however, I'll unlock the thread and/or
> sticky it
to raise future awareness about similar topic. Your call. Either way, I will adhere to your advise about asking the other mods in the future
> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van: Christian Koerner [mailto:[email protected]
> Verzonden: ma 15-9-2003 7:44
> Aan: Fear Factor, .
> CC:
> Onderwerp: Closed topic - maybe a bit to harshly?
> FYI - remember use your powers lightly - maybe you could try asking
> one of
the other mods if a topic should be closed before doing it - if at all in
I asked him if I should unlock the topic, but he basically left it unanswered - but he did after all decided that it didn't deserve to be locked - so I'll unlock it if you want me to. Your call

. My apologies on this one.
3) Ahh. Lab Mice We Are
Someone states an opinion about how we are acting. He tells us its ridiculous. You decide that since you didn't agree with his opinion, you must close it. One again, abuse.
Ok, here's some of the content of that thead:
I live in america and i didin't care when the twin towers fell. i wasint sad or happy that thoes peopel died. I am onley 14 to.
And these follow:
Well, in that case, why do you hang round a well populated forum at all? Nah - methinks you are someone who likes to get a kick out of trying to annoy people. Your post is only there to try and get everyone riled up and provoke them.
Luckily, poeple see this and haven't bothered posting. You posted in the editing forums hoping to get a strong response about it (you know most of the regular posters have been here a while and don't pk at all), and when that failed, you turned to a very controversial personalised view that was posted to obviously incite some other response instead
That was one guy's opinion on the post. I'm not crazy enough to let a thread so politically loaded in the forum. Not on my watch. How long do you think before people notice and start telling him to go live in [insert name of repressively governed country here because he hated America so much? I might not be psychic, but I do have instincts, and it's only common sense to predict that it will escalate into a flame war.
) Cloaking finally achieved... then THIS
well here we have a nice intelligent discussion once again about cloaking. we enlighten a few people why it wouldn't work, dire wolf enlightens me to stop bugging him and treating him like a n00b. we make peace. we start to brainstorm more ideas. then you deem the thread not useful anymore, and close it. WTF? if something isn't useful to you, it must be cloased? I sure as hell hope you never become president of america or of germany...
I do not see the problem here. Threads have been locked for less, according to my 3 years I spend here since SL era. Threads in the FL Discussion forum have been locked, NOT moved to Spoilers, if it contains spoilers.
Even people who participated in that thread agreed that there was nothing more to be said. And it was not locked because of flame or improper conduct, I grant you, but because it would be better to start a new thread, because it would be better to start with a clean slate, forgetting your past animosity with Dire Wolf. You did make peace with him - but it's hard to get back on the topic after that show. Just start a new thread with the same topic, as I said in that thread, and I'll leave it alone - provided you stay in line.
And finally, I want to state that I take full responsibilities for my actions. I could have locked those threads anonymously, and you'd have no one to bash. I maybe born yesterday as a moderator, and you might outclass me in moderating matter, but I have been here since year 2000, and excuse me when I claim that I know more about this place's climate a little bit more than you do.
I'm here to stay until I die or until Bargib finds someone better.