Ra, your English is quite understandable. Certainly when compared to some others.
I don't know if anyone is doing a mod like you sugested, but I sugest you check
the General editing forum, or the
Freelancer MOD Announcment Forum.
You are better of asking there anyway, as most modders (wich I'm not btw

) hang around there.
And if you check the
download page you will find that there are a lot of ship mods available. Some are good and some are excelent.
I sugest the starviper made by APS.
A big massive addon like The Next Generagtion (TNG) or Hostile Universe version 8.0 (HUv8.0) are a nice unofficial expansion to the game. The include new ships, new commodities, new weapons and new systems. But prepare yourself for a heavy battle, because they tend to make the game a bit (a lot actually) harder.
Most mods need Freelancer Mod Manager 1.2 to be installed. It is a handy tool for installating/de-installating a mod.
Browse around through the forums, but stay out of the spoiler forums if you want to discover everything by yourself
Anyway, welcome to the Lancers Reactor forums. I hope you and your son have a good time freelancing
The Titan Flies Like A Cow
"They're talking from here..." - Freddy Mercury '86
Edited by - Nickless on 17-09-2003 21:07:13