I have a Star Wars book that says the SD has 60 ion cannons and 60 turbolasers, but that just didn't sound right... I think I will just make about 10 class 10 gun/missile mounts, 10 torpedo/CD mounts, and 20 class 10 turrets. And probably around 300000 hull strength with two 50000 shield generators
Yeah I know...it's gonna take forever. I haven't even gotten the 3d model done yet! Hmmm...it would be really cool if the SD could launch some TIE fighters in the game if it got into a heavy combat situation it couldn't get out of (that's not gonna happen

Oh and once I get enough experience with ship-making, I am planning on making just about every Star Wars ship there is! SD, then TIE Interceptor, X-Wing, Corellian Corvette, B-Wing, A-Wing, TIE Fighter, TIE X-1, Millenium Falcon, maybe even a Rebel Airspeeder the flies in space!
One more question... I need to know what 3d program to use to make my ships. I know most people recommend Milkshape, but I like 3d Studio Max better and I have had training for 3d Studio Max at school, and I know how to do much more with it than Milkshape. Just give me some opinions.
Well, thanks for the feedback everyone...
This is but a taste of the Dark Side.