right well that seem to come up over and over again, the only odd thing that i have found with it is that if a ship has no yexyures on it at all it doesnt diplay at all but this obviously is, my only sudgestion is that you open the .mat file for the ship extract the texture files and check that there there, that they have details on them, that they are square (multipul of

, thats all that i can think of off the top of my head but i will have a look at it, also i think they released a patch for voyager that made it work, im not sure tho, ive been busy with other things *evil laugh* hope that helped you in some way.
Ohhhh and to open the .mat use the UTF(Think thts right) editor in the utilites download sections.
Edited by - Maverickdan on 03-07-2003 18:18:55