***Tutorial*** Adding/Editing Ship Infocards
You'll need an ini decompressor/editor...i prefer BiniQDU and you'll need Fled-ids before you continue
1. open up the file "shiparch.ini" with your ini decompressor...(The path should look like c:\program files\microsoft games\freelancer\data\ships, if you installed it defaultly [if thats a word)
2. The purpose of doing this is just to find the ids_name and ids_info numbers for the ships
3. Once you find the lines ids_name = ###### and ids_info = ###### keep the page focused there
3a. There should be 4 ids_info lines if you want a complete infocard...they should be ids_info, ids_info1, ids_info2, ids_info3
4. Open up fled-ids.
5. The line ids_name is going to tell the name of the ship while ids_info will tell what the infocard says
6. copy the number you see after ids_name
7. paste it into fled-ids in the textbox next to the button that says get ids_name
8. once you have the number in the correct box press the get ids_name button
9. now, type in the name of choice...
10. click save ids_name
11. ok, now it gets tricky,,,,
12. plug the number 66570 into the box next to the get ids_info button, then press the button
13. this number references to the patriot info...before you do anything make sure you push your ids_info number over 66570...don't press get ids_info...you can press save ids_info just to play it safe if you want...
14. make sure the patriot info is still in the large textbox with your ids_info # in the box above...
15. this should be the simple infocard...don't change any words, just the numbers...what you will see should look like this
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Stats</TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Gun/Turret Mounts: 4/0</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Armor: 1300</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Cargo Space: 25</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Max Batteries/NanoBots: 12/12</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Optimal Weapon Class: 2</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Max. Weapon Class: 3</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Additional Equipment: M, CM, CD</TEXT><PARA/><PARA/><POP/></RDL>
it should be pretty self-explanitory...just change those numbers that come after the words like Armor, Gun/Turret Mounts....make sure the data here matches that of you ship....
16. Now save ids_info once you have completed this section...
17. Now plug the number 66571 into the same ids_info box...
18. again, this is still part of the patriot
19. once again, without getting rid of the text in the textbox, paste your ids_info1 number into the small box...
20. if the text is still in the large box you are good to go...you may want to save the info now under your number...
21. this is actually going to be the main infocard that you see...you know the ones you see when you read about the ship...the other one told the stats, this one will tell the background or whatever...
22. Don't Touch Anything Inside The Brackets ( [ ) Or The Arrows ( < > )!!!...this is very important that you do not....
23. this is what it will look like
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>LZF-6364 "Patriot" Liberty Light Fighter</TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>With comparable models in active government and military service, the Patriot delivers state-of-the-art maneuverability and punishing firepower in one unbeatable package. Impressive extensibility and a generous cargo hold round out the top notch appointments.</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>
You see the text LZF-6364 "Patriot" Liberty Light Fighter...change that to whatever you want the full name of your ship to be...and the text under that "With comparable models in.....top notch appointments" tells what the info will be...without touching the brackets, arrows, or anything inside of them, change the text i just described to whatever you'd like to see..
24. Once you're satisfied, click the save ids_info button
25. Your line ids_info2 =#####.....the number should always be 66608...
26. The last part now...this should be ids_info3....
27. Paste the number 66572 just like we did the other numbers....
28. This is still the patriot's info....
29. You should see this
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>4/0</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>1300</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>25</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>12/12</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>2</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>3</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>M, CM, CD </TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>
OK, this may seem confusing, but it's really not...
30. Almost done...
31. Again, dont touch those brackets and arrows...
32. You should see 6 sets of numbers....
33. The first set should look like this # / #...where the first number is how many guns are capable of being mounted on your ship and the second is the amount of turrets, change these numbers accordingly...
34. The second number is how much armor your ship has, shouldn't have to explain this much...
35. The third number, 25, says how much cargo space the ship has, change this to your number....
36. The next set should be another one that looks like this # / # where each number says how many shield batteries and nanobots your ship can have....change it to the correct number
37. The next number, 2 in this case, is the optimal weapon class...this should be judged by how much energy is in the ships power supply...
38. The last Number is 3 here...this is Max Weapon Class...the max class is just the highest level of one of your gun hardpoints...
39. Now you'll see some letters, they are M, CM, CD here, this is additional equipment...just put in what your ship can hold...M = Mines, CM = Countermeasures, CD = Cruise Disruptors, T = Torpedos....if your ship has more than one of these mounts you may want to put M x 2 instead of just M for example....
40. Now, once you are done with changing these numbers....put your number into the box and save it...
41. You now have a complete infocard from like 10 minutes of work!!!

1. open up the file "shiparch.ini" with your ini decompressor...(The path should look like c:\program files\microsoft games\freelancer\data\ships, if you installed it defaultly [if thats a word)
2. The purpose of doing this is just to find the ids_name and ids_info numbers for the ships
3. Once you find the lines ids_name = ###### and ids_info = ###### keep the page focused there
3a. There should be 4 ids_info lines if you want a complete infocard...they should be ids_info, ids_info1, ids_info2, ids_info3
4. Open up fled-ids.
5. The line ids_name is going to tell the name of the ship while ids_info will tell what the infocard says
6. copy the number you see after ids_name
7. paste it into fled-ids in the textbox next to the button that says get ids_name
8. once you have the number in the correct box press the get ids_name button
9. now, type in the name of choice...
10. click save ids_name
11. ok, now it gets tricky,,,,
12. plug the number 66570 into the box next to the get ids_info button, then press the button
13. this number references to the patriot info...before you do anything make sure you push your ids_info number over 66570...don't press get ids_info...you can press save ids_info just to play it safe if you want...
14. make sure the patriot info is still in the large textbox with your ids_info # in the box above...
15. this should be the simple infocard...don't change any words, just the numbers...what you will see should look like this
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Stats</TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Gun/Turret Mounts: 4/0</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Armor: 1300</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Cargo Space: 25</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Max Batteries/NanoBots: 12/12</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Optimal Weapon Class: 2</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Max. Weapon Class: 3</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Additional Equipment: M, CM, CD</TEXT><PARA/><PARA/><POP/></RDL>
it should be pretty self-explanitory...just change those numbers that come after the words like Armor, Gun/Turret Mounts....make sure the data here matches that of you ship....
16. Now save ids_info once you have completed this section...
17. Now plug the number 66571 into the same ids_info box...
18. again, this is still part of the patriot
19. once again, without getting rid of the text in the textbox, paste your ids_info1 number into the small box...
20. if the text is still in the large box you are good to go...you may want to save the info now under your number...
21. this is actually going to be the main infocard that you see...you know the ones you see when you read about the ship...the other one told the stats, this one will tell the background or whatever...
22. Don't Touch Anything Inside The Brackets ( [ ) Or The Arrows ( < > )!!!...this is very important that you do not....
23. this is what it will look like
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>LZF-6364 "Patriot" Liberty Light Fighter</TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>With comparable models in active government and military service, the Patriot delivers state-of-the-art maneuverability and punishing firepower in one unbeatable package. Impressive extensibility and a generous cargo hold round out the top notch appointments.</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>
You see the text LZF-6364 "Patriot" Liberty Light Fighter...change that to whatever you want the full name of your ship to be...and the text under that "With comparable models in.....top notch appointments" tells what the info will be...without touching the brackets, arrows, or anything inside of them, change the text i just described to whatever you'd like to see..
24. Once you're satisfied, click the save ids_info button
25. Your line ids_info2 =#####.....the number should always be 66608...
26. The last part now...this should be ids_info3....
27. Paste the number 66572 just like we did the other numbers....
28. This is still the patriot's info....
29. You should see this
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>4/0</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>1300</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>25</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>12/12</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>2</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>3</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>M, CM, CD </TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>
OK, this may seem confusing, but it's really not...
30. Almost done...

31. Again, dont touch those brackets and arrows...
32. You should see 6 sets of numbers....
33. The first set should look like this # / #...where the first number is how many guns are capable of being mounted on your ship and the second is the amount of turrets, change these numbers accordingly...
34. The second number is how much armor your ship has, shouldn't have to explain this much...
35. The third number, 25, says how much cargo space the ship has, change this to your number....
36. The next set should be another one that looks like this # / # where each number says how many shield batteries and nanobots your ship can have....change it to the correct number
37. The next number, 2 in this case, is the optimal weapon class...this should be judged by how much energy is in the ships power supply...
38. The last Number is 3 here...this is Max Weapon Class...the max class is just the highest level of one of your gun hardpoints...
39. Now you'll see some letters, they are M, CM, CD here, this is additional equipment...just put in what your ship can hold...M = Mines, CM = Countermeasures, CD = Cruise Disruptors, T = Torpedos....if your ship has more than one of these mounts you may want to put M x 2 instead of just M for example....
40. Now, once you are done with changing these numbers....put your number into the box and save it...
41. You now have a complete infocard from like 10 minutes of work!!!