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The general place to discuss MOD''ing Freelancer!
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Hey, does anyone out there know if there's an INI file related to the 'Possible Cheater Detected: (name)' on mp?
and honestly dont you people think too that this cheater detected thing is total crap? *rant* .. i'm so sick of people getting kicked even though they didn't cheat. No mods no ini changing nothing.. clean freelancer installations.. getting kicked with the beloved cheaterlog.log entry: Ship or Equipement not sold on Base... whatever...
(ok..i'll be quiet now)..
(ok..i'll be quiet now)..
The last two posters do not seem to be informed as to how hard it really is (and time consuming) to be a gaming server admin. The cheater log is a godsend to most. If you're getting bumped off on a regular basis then you're doing something wrong and should be bumped. If you log in and get hit once, then chances are it was a simple lag issue or something. Server admins should look at the entire picture, not just a snapshot. If you keep seeing the same snap shot then a cliche comes to mind. If it feels like cheaitng, looks like cheating, smells like cheating...chances are good it is cheating.
Chances are real good if the log shows "exceeds ship specifications" because that IS cheaitng...period.
Edited by - Stinger on 25-06-2003 05:48:17
Chances are real good if the log shows "exceeds ship specifications" because that IS cheaitng...period.
Edited by - Stinger on 25-06-2003 05:48:17 it seem i'm a total idiot in your eyes... but i'll forgive you this time as my mood is a bit better today.. i'm a server admin..and actually of a nice frequented one.. the swiss freelancers server.. and i did keep an eye on it.. but i must tell u.. it does kick people without them cheating.. of course.. still 90 % of the kicks are very true and absolutely correct.. so i must give kudos to the people at DA for their patch...but it still happens also quiet alot that it kicks people for selling something on a base without it beeing cheating.. and that is for the players annoying as also for a admin to keep up with.. besides having to keep an eye on the server all the time and having to keep an eye on the people on the server.. that just adds extra effort there.. and i bet, as u seem to have your own server and are a admin too ..i guess.. u should know those things too...
so excuse me if i ranted.. but it is quiet annoying with the time..
Edited by - Capt.Harlock on 25-06-2003 11:24:01
so excuse me if i ranted.. but it is quiet annoying with the time..
Edited by - Capt.Harlock on 25-06-2003 11:24:01
well of course..but you tell me it's not time consuming....every idiot that comes to a server and has a question runs to the head of the gang... and believe me..there's more than enough of it is enough to do after all.. especially with a community page and u trying to find time to mod ...
..but anyhow... we're off topic here
.. to the original thread writer.. is it
/EXE/CheatMessage.txt that you mean? so that you can change the Message that appears when somebody cheats??
Edited by - Capt.Harlock on 25-06-2003 17:49:18
..but anyhow... we're off topic here

/EXE/CheatMessage.txt that you mean? so that you can change the Message that appears when somebody cheats??
Edited by - Capt.Harlock on 25-06-2003 17:49:18
Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed? Where this hostility coming from? If you're upset, fine, deal with it.
Freelancer was N E V E R designed to be played on anything else other than private persistent servers. This is not a MMOG by any stretch. The biggest FL server out there constitently has less than 40 people at any given time. Yet with those numbers, it is very time consuming to take care of thousands of accounts, even for a team of admins/subadmins/whatevers.
I have not have the opportunity to actually play the game in weeks due to my desire to keep the server alive and kicking for everyone. I truly believe before you lash out at FL server admins for complaining of the time it takes to administer the FL servers you should remember one VERY important item. They are all F R E E and that does make a huge difference to most people playing the game.
Edited by - Stinger on 25-06-2003 17:59:06
Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed? Where this hostility coming from? If you're upset, fine, deal with it.
Freelancer was N E V E R designed to be played on anything else other than private persistent servers. This is not a MMOG by any stretch. The biggest FL server out there constitently has less than 40 people at any given time. Yet with those numbers, it is very time consuming to take care of thousands of accounts, even for a team of admins/subadmins/whatevers.
I have not have the opportunity to actually play the game in weeks due to my desire to keep the server alive and kicking for everyone. I truly believe before you lash out at FL server admins for complaining of the time it takes to administer the FL servers you should remember one VERY important item. They are all F R E E and that does make a huge difference to most people playing the game.
Edited by - Stinger on 25-06-2003 17:59:06
Stinger is right everyone.......
Think of all those games that charge money for being on their servers that host MILLIONS! Maybe these FL servers dont hold so many people but they bring great pleasure. And the Admins work their A$$E$ of to keep the players on their servers happy!
I myself have NO idea of exactly how hard and time consuming it is to keep theese servers cheater free and keep them up (I dont even know how to get a server
) But Im sure its a lot harder than just flying around in a spaceship on one of them. There maybe only 16 people on a server at once but Hundreds of people that have characters on that server!
Heres to all the server admins out there that work DAMN hard to keep the server clean!
Dont mistake Santa for Santa Claus!
Think of all those games that charge money for being on their servers that host MILLIONS! Maybe these FL servers dont hold so many people but they bring great pleasure. And the Admins work their A$$E$ of to keep the players on their servers happy!
I myself have NO idea of exactly how hard and time consuming it is to keep theese servers cheater free and keep them up (I dont even know how to get a server

Heres to all the server admins out there that work DAMN hard to keep the server clean!
Dont mistake Santa for Santa Claus!
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