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Post Thu Aug 05, 2004 2:15 pm

yea thought about cloning the base .. but hell yea lot of work ..
actually the game should check where you docked and then leave the same way .. too bad

but if you try copying the base and make it accessable only through mooring fixture, i guess you won`t need a hpexit anymore ..

should really just try adding hpexit to mooring fixture and look if fl remembers which way to go .. or if somewhere else is defined it will depart through docking ring .. will have to check solararch for that ..

anyways i`ll be away over weekend so good luck to anyone trying
gonna get back to this on monday ..

have nice weekend !!

Post Fri Aug 06, 2004 12:32 am

Hello AccuShot

Do you know, how I can add new persons to a bar? In my new stations is only a barkeeper.

Post Fri Aug 06, 2004 3:12 am


You need to add the NPC's to Data/Missions/mbases.ini. Find the entry for your base, and add NPC's like so:

nickname = MYBASE_BAR_NPC_1 ;<-- Change this
body = sh_male3_body
head = sh_male3_head
lefthand = benchmark_male_hand_left
righthand = benchmark_male_hand_right
individual_name = 220002
affiliation = li_n_grp ;<-- Faction the NPC belongs to
voice = rvp111
room = bar
misn = DestroyMission, 0.000000, 0.112387 ;<-- Add lines like this to allow them to give missions
rumor_type2 = mission_07_loaded, freetime_07_08, 1, 393647 ;<-- This allows them to give out rumours
bribe = co_be_grp, 10000, 16101 ;<-- Add these lines to make them offer bribes to the specified faction.

When you have created the NPC's you need to add them to their factions. Find the corresponding "BaseFaction" section (or add one) and add "NPC = " and the NPC nickname. For example, to add the above NPC:

faction = li_n_grp
weight = 4

to allow the faction to give missions to the player add these lines in the "BaseFaction" section:

offers_missions = true
mission_type = DestroyMission, 0.000000, 3.000000, 100

The 3.00000 is the mission difficulty

That's about it

Edited by - Accushot on 8/6/2004 4:13:49 AM

Post Fri Aug 06, 2004 9:54 am


I've finished testing. The exit routine (position and animation) must be hardcoded for each object (solarach.ini) type. A docking ring everytime leaves the planet through the rings, a battleship in general throug the hangar bay. But you can have a litte impact on this:

The jump_out_hp parameter is not used for stations. The ship is placed on the first hardpoint you define with docking_sphere or hardcoded (docking ring ?). If you use more than one docking possibilitiies to a planet (that's yours RimShot), the exit hardpoint and animation is taken from the first entry in your system.ini. So first define the docking_fixture and than the docking_ring. All ship now will leave through the docking_fixture. Fighters land still through the rings.

This also works with my dreadnought. The solararch.ini should look like this:

docking_sphere = jump, HpDockMountB, 200
docking_sphere = berth, HpDockMountA, 10, Sc_open baydoor

Smaller ships use mission_property method and dock in the hangar. Big ships use mooring points. Each ship leave the dreadnought at position of hardpoint --> HpDockMountB (the first one)

The docking_sphere = jump could be used with every ship. It worked without defining a mission_property. If there is a jump entry, it will work. But for sure, fighter with a mission_property = can_use_berth first use this docking_sphere.

If I'm wrong or anyone knows more details about this matter, please let me know.

Post Sat Aug 14, 2004 5:15 am


In the custom system I created, when I launch, it works for about 10-15 seconds then the server crashes, with a whole heap of error messages like these:

E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Common\CEqObj.cpp(454) : *** WARNING: alloc_equip: Archetype[0xa6dd74ca not supported/equippable!
E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Common\CEqObj.cpp(454) : *** WARNING: alloc_equip: Archetype[0xbba74b8e not supported/equippable!
E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Common\CExternalEquip.cpp(142) : *** WARNING: CExternalEquip: Object (0x96503c89) missing hardpoint (HpTurret_B1_01) for item (0xb81af689)
E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Common\CExternalEquip.cpp(142) : *** WARNING: CExternalEquip: Object (0x96503c89) missing hardpoint (HpTurret_B1_02) for item (0xb81af689)
E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Common\CExternalEquip.cpp(142) : *** WARNING: CExternalEquip: Object (0x96503c89) missing hardpoint (HpTurret_B1_03) for item (0xb81af689)
E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Common\CExternalEquip.cpp(142) : *** WARNING: CExternalEquip: Object (0x96503c89) missing hardpoint (HpTurret_B2_01) for item (0x981a8a89)
E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Common\CExternalEquip.cpp(142) : *** WARNING: CExternalEquip: Object (0x96503c89) missing hardpoint (HpTurret_B2_02) for item (0x981a8a89)
E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Common\CExternalEquip.cpp(142) : *** WARNING: CExternalEquip: Object (0x96503c89) missing hardpoint (HpTurret_B2_03) for item (0x981a8a89)

I haven't seen this kind of message before. What does it all mean?

High Monk Leek. "Because there aren't enough idiots in the world."

Post Sat Aug 14, 2004 5:48 am

It means you have stuff mounted upon turrets that do not exist on the model.

What station model are you using? Which solar object is it? What loadout and what is the stations entry like in the system.ini file.

So - the archetype and loadout in the systems file
The corresponding loadout in the loadouts.ini file in the SOLAR folder
The archetype that loadout is supposedly for
The pilot line for the base in the systems.ini file

Make sure the archetypes match correctly between loadout and object in system (archetypes). Nick a pilot from an existing base to ensure you haven't spelt that wrongly
OR can you fly in your system until the base is within site or not?
Have you checked the thread i made in tutorials forum about debugging, finding answers to crashes? It deals with systems crashes exclusively.

Post Sat Aug 14, 2004 10:00 pm

HI There,

I need your help i just downloaded some mods and there not working can you please try to help my find out why?

Post Sat Aug 14, 2004 10:24 pm

It's not due to a station, I've triple (yes, triple :-P) checked them, and they all work fine. It is whenever I start to add zone populations that I get the errors.

Post Sat Aug 14, 2004 11:44 pm

To bud

You need to download and install Freelancer Mod Manager. Its in the downloads section OR its available on the main page in posts etc. Its on version 1.31 you want - or 1.3

Once you download it, double click on icon and install. Now this is what all mods use. To use a mod, you first have to download it and then double click on its icon. This will "autounzip and install" for you - very nice and handy (open from location on download does the same).

Then - you find the mod name after startnig FLMM in its main window - choose it, and double click on it to activate. You can also click on the green tick to activate. It will then activate, and copy files across whilst backing originals up. Once done, the text in the window of mods names changes green for the acitvated, black for unactivated, and orange/red for the ones that will clash if you try to activate.

Now click on freelancer to launch.

To deactivate mods, start FLMM up, and click on the green text in the window twice (the active mod) and it will deactivate.


Have some fun.

Post Sun Aug 15, 2004 4:55 am

our server is running a mod, but it's nor required for client, some new systems and transports were added (if client wants to fly in that systems or on that transports he should dload then the mod). Now we decided to add some new textures to new systems, seems to be no probs.. but solararch.ini needs to be changed. ok, we change that file and include it to mod, the result we have: client, who dloaded mod feels good and has no troubles, rather another one, who has no mod - crashes on desktop (textures were added to new systems only ofcourse, so that player without mod can't get to any new system and to conflict with unknown textures; also blocks in solararch are new and not bundled with any object in standard systems). Ok, then we add modded solararch.ini to client_mod only, ie leave the old solararch on server, - the same result. So we're going to freelancer.ini and see something like that:

;;; ************************************************************************
;;; SNICHOLS: There is a multi-player optimization that has been made to
;;; the archetype system. This optimization allows archetype-holding packets
;;; to store those values in 16 bits instead of 32 bits. It is vital that
;;; the order of shared archetype initialization is kept in sync between
;;; the client and server. This must be verified before releasing any patch
;;; without increasing the "build number". Otherwise, unpredictable results
;;; will occur.
;;; ************************************************************************

;EMAURER must load solar archetypes before universe. Universe inspects solar OBJECT_TYPE values.
solar = solar\solararch.ini
universe = universe\universe.ini

yeh, they say that archetypes have to be synced between client and server. My question is: is it possible to do sumthing against it at all? If positive, then how? We just don't wanna make the mod required

((( 3N3RGY )))


Post Sun Aug 15, 2004 5:14 am

I am wondering how to make a mod that gives Unlimited ammo and power (missiles,torpedoes,counter measures,mines and cruise disruptors) I unfortunatly have NO idea on how to create a mod and how to edit files so I was hoping one of you out there could make the mod and call it something simple like "unlimited ammo for all weapons". please do this for me

Post Sun Aug 15, 2004 8:21 am

J.J you wont have much success with that approach around these parts. Most people do not especially enjoy sitting around using their own time to make a mod for someone else. If you ask for help on how to you will be much more successful. As for ammo, go into weapon_equip.ini, you will need to learn the archetypes for all the weapons but I believe there is a list out in the forums for the newbies to modding. You will need to change, for every missile, torpedo, mine, cruise disruptor (and later countermeasures, but they arent in weapon_equip.ini) the line in the entries from requires_ammo = true to requires_ammo = false, this will take away any ammo requirements for the weapon. To make countermeasures unlimited, go into misc_equip.ini and do the same thing. As for power, the powerplants are also in misc_equip.ini, and are fairly straight forward.

nickname = f_mirage_power
ids_name = 525301
ids_info = 525301
volume = 0.000000
mass = 10
DA_archetype = equipment\models\hardware\li_fusion_reactor.3db
material_library = equipment\models\hardware.mat
capacity = 9800
charge_rate = 1420
thrust_capacity = 1400
thrust_charge_rate = 200
lootable = false

That's an entry from a powerplant I made for the mod my team and I are working on, its pretty obvious what to change, capacity changes the maximum, so something like 1000000 would suit your range, charge rate is how fast it recharges itself, so 1000000 would also suit you. thrust capacity is how much thrust power your plant has, im not sure how much you are looking for, but 1000 is standard, and thrust_charge_rate defines how fast your thrust power recharges.

Note, please do not just copy this entry into your mod.

Post Sun Aug 15, 2004 5:17 pm

A long time ago I read something about the main menu camera locations.
(the locations you see when you start fl)
I cannot seem to find any info, and I really do not feel like reading through 43 pages of posts that might not have this info as it isn't really important modding info.

Just wondering if anyone knows the file for it.

Post Thu Aug 19, 2004 3:19 pm

ok i didnt take the time to look. BUT. i have a questiON!

HOW in the WORLD do i extract a MAT file?

Post Tue Aug 24, 2004 1:17 pm

Ok I'm A newbie here and I have A question or two.Don't know if anyone asked this before or not(most likely they have),but I want to know how to make the level you need to buy A ship lower.For example the Sabre XR mod is A really great ship,but you need to be level 32 or something close to that to get it which makes it of no use in the SP story game where it would be of best use.Could someone please walk me through what I would have to do to change the level needed for ships in the SP story game?

"Religion or cover.On the battle field everyone finds something."

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