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Post Sun Jul 27, 2003 2:18 am

So let me get this straight:

If the corvette as a ship is set to sell at 50.... it will jkust be a stripped out hul with no components.

if i have a kick ass package, it will cost more than the 50 i set it too?

this still doesn't make any sense, because even when i have the price of the ship at 50, there is no fluctuation in price.

We pray for one last landing on the globe that gave us birth, let us rest our eyes an fleecy skies and the cool green hills of Earth!

Post Sun Jul 27, 2003 2:34 am

OKAY!!!! I GOT IT!!!! (well kind of)

on a hunch, i modified the goods.ini file in my freelancer directory, as opposed to the rebalance directory i was working in. this brought the brice down from 3.5 million to 200,005!!!!

the 200,000 is most likely from the equipment package; but as i am a respectablebly humble merchant, i have enough to capital to cover this investment!!!!
Thanks all for you help

We pray for one last landing on the globe that gave us birth, let us rest our eyes an fleecy skies and the cool green hills of Earth!

Post Sun Jul 27, 2003 9:05 am

hey im sort of a newbie but know few things i have a friend who came over
a set up a sever on lan when i went in i had 20mil at start and he was was just using FL sever how do u change it so u can have the money to come up

Post Sun Jul 27, 2003 3:57 pm

right i aint having much luck with changin ship prices for thr rebalance mod and i cant really be arsed messin with it anymore so is there away to change the amount of money you start for SINGLE PLAYER?

i know how to do it for MP but SP seems to encripted or somting

guns dont kill people,
people kill people

Post Sun Jul 27, 2003 4:30 pm

Okay - when you are setting the price of a ship - it comes already with some stuff - mainly shields. As you know - shields cost alot of money - so to make your ship really cheap - first - open your goods.ini and find out what sheild is mounted on your ship when you start. Once you have found out what type (see the type of ship you are using - eg - Sabre = bwe2_package and note down the shield type (you can chane this if you wish - good one is shield03_mark10_hf for a nice brigadine shield on your ship. Then open the st_goods.ini and scroll down to the shield you have mounted on the package - and change its price too. This means that combined with the ships price being lowered that you will also lower the overall price as well.....quite nicely you will find.
Hope that helps get the ship you are after

Post Mon Jul 28, 2003 12:11 am


i dont know how to change the amount you start with, but in you Data/missions folder, open the folder M01A. then open the configuration document entitled m01a. the fourth line of type is reward= 2000. Change this number to whatever amount of credits you desire.

Note: this file may be read-only. changeing this is simple. right click on the file icon, select properties, and un select the box that says read-only

We pray for one last landing on the globe that gave us birth, let us rest our eyes an fleecy skies and the cool green hills of Earth!

Post Mon Jul 28, 2003 4:56 am

Okay okay! My turn now:

where do I see what transports, trains and other npc freighters drop when i blow them or their cargo pods up.
Ok Imagine you're in new york and you're sitting next to the tradelane from manhattan to fort bush. I want to know which goods are transported through this area.

Some guys "said" that in rheinland for example, you get a higher chance of finding diamond transports than in other places. So it has something to do with encounters right?

Post Mon Jul 28, 2003 2:09 pm

okay, what i did is i followed the engine color turtorial on this site and i finished my editing, now i have an ini file. when i leave the original file and the edited ini file the game reads the original and not my edited one. when i take out the original file and leave the edited file in the same place that the original file was (it has the same name) and load the game the game says that i cannot leave the base because i don't have an engine.
how can i get the game to read my file? do i have to recompress it into configuration setting or what, and how do i do that and with what? i'm also using windows xp

Post Mon Jul 28, 2003 5:45 pm

Hmm - not sure - but i think it has something to do with missions > encounters and can be found in their - possibly with lootsprop.ini - will check it out when i have some more time though.....
This hasn't

Post Mon Jul 28, 2003 9:43 pm

I checked universe/systems and checked for rh01 (thats new berlin right?) And I can't see anything that looks like a cargo thing (in rh01.ini)

In lootprops.ini there's stuff like this:

nickname = commodity_boron
drop_properties = 100, 0, 3333, 1, 150, 150

the first and the 3d number are the only ones that change for all goods - what does that mean?

Post Mon Jul 28, 2003 11:32 pm

I have a question to the "swarm" missiles you described a few weeks ago.

it's about this:
projectile_archetype = missile01_mark01_rtc_ammo
projectile_archetype = missile01_mark01_rtc_ammo2 ;<-- Add
projectile_archetype = missile01_mark01_rtc_ammo3 ;<-- these
projectile_archetype = missile01_mark01_rtc_ammo4 ;<-- lines

i tried this out, thought over it again and again and came to the conclusion that it can't work!!!
simple: the "variable" project_archetype will be overwritten by the value specified in each next line. the result was only one missile (the one from the last line).

correct me if i am wrong. has anyone managed to fire multiple shots from a gun at the same time?
pls message me or post it here if this is the case.
tnx in advance

Edited by - LordFjord on 29-07-2003 00:32:45

Post Tue Jul 29, 2003 3:53 am


to change Fl Rebalance ship prices, alter the price of the ship in you freelancer/data/equipment/goods file. this is a configuration file that has all ships from all mods in it. If you change the price of the desired ship here, its in game price will drop.
If you are going through FLMM and clicking on tools, thaen opening the mods folder and selecting the flrebalance mod folder and going through the data/equipment/goods file, this will not work.

i hope this helps

We pray for one last landing on the globe that gave us birth, let us rest our eyes an fleecy skies and the cool green hills of Earth!

Post Tue Jul 29, 2003 9:47 am

1. I've already figured out how to make bases and jumpholes visible - I go into the individual system INI (e.g. Br01.ini) and add visit = 1 under every base and jumphole. However, I'm not sure which files are responsible for the hidden wrecks - is it things like "borderworld_surprise_elite"? Addtionally, it's tricky to figure out which bits in that system INI file are responsible for things like asteroid fields. Is there a reference somewhere?

2. How do I make all the systems visible on the overview sector map? I tried adding visit = 1 to every system in universe.ini, but that had no effect.

3. Is there a way to get trade prices from the start of a SP game?

4. Is there a way to make weapons restricted to classes of ship, in the same way that shields are?

5. How do I change the loadout (e.g. weapons, shield, etc.) that comes with a ship you buy?

6. Earlier on the thread someone mentioned a "How to get to Toledo" thread. I can't find it in the tutorials forum - does anyone have a link?

Edited by - zulu9812 on 29-07-2003 11:58:35

Post Tue Jul 29, 2003 1:26 pm

Okay - i aint a systems person - so i can't help with that yet, but i do mod ships....only 1 problem. You mention that shields are limited to the ship? as in the class they mount? - If so - then so are guns.........or am i barking up the wrong tree here.
To change the loadout of the ship that you buy.....SP i presume..(get kicked in patched MP servers).
Starting ship - Loadouts.ini
Where it says equip = change the guns and shield that you would like - so
equip = shield01_mark01_lf, HpShield01
Change this to:
equip = shield01_mark10_lf, HpShield01 <--class 10light fighter shield
Change your guns as well
equip = li_gun01_mark01, HpWeapon01 to
equip = nomad_gun01_mark03, HpWeapon01 <--nomad laser
The thruster?
equip = ge_s_thruster_01, HpThruster01 change to
equip = ge_s_thruster_04, HpThruster01 <--advanced thruster
Amount of bats and bots?
cargo = ge_s_battery_01, 3 change to
cargo = ge_s_battery_01, 10 <--gives you ten batteries - do the same for repair(bots)
You can also change the power supply of the ship, change
equip = ge_fighter_power01 change to
equip = infinite_power - do the following fo some cash
cargo = special_gun04, 10 <--carry 10 diamondbacks to sell for some cash etc or
cargo = shield01_mark10_hf, 10 <--- carry a load of shields to sell....
If this isn't what you were after - ask again - i will try to answer for you

Post Tue Jul 29, 2003 1:50 pm

For the wrecks - i think that the thing you are looking for is in the loadouts.ini as well....
However - check in the .ini file for your chosen system - i am using the gamma one here - you will see something like:

nickname = Hi02_suprise_co_fighter_10
ids_name = 261749
pos = 23244, 0, -43157
archetype = suprise_co_fighter
visit = 16
ids_info = 66441
loadout = SECRET_c_co_elite2_hi02a

This is one of the wrecks around the jumphole - note the loadout of it:
Now open the loadouts.ini file and find:
nickname = SECRET_c_co_elite2_hi02a
archetype = co_elite2
equip = fc_c_gun01_mark04, HpWeapon01
equip = fc_c_gun01_mark04, HpWeapon02
cargo = commodity_alien_artifacts, 20
Now change the equip to give what you
equip = mine02_mark05, HpMine01 <--ripper mine
equip = special_gun04, HpWeapon01 <--diamondback
cargo = commodity_diamond, 70
etc etc - if you find the right wreck (bout 5 have the same loadout though) you get the stuff nice and easy..
I haven't tried this - but it should work.....i

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