n00b questions, please dont ignore
i have been around games and game editing forums for a long time, long enough to know that most users are going to skip right over the topic, and i could curse them right now, and they'd never know. but i aint gonna do that
. i have had an interest in modding games for many years now, and even have a couple C++ books sitting on my desk next to me, even though i havent gotten very far into them.
I have decided now is as good a time as ever to begin trying to mod and this is as good a game as any to try and mod. They only other game i have tried to "mod" has been unreal tournament. which brings me to my first question...
In UT, you can open any .ini file and change variables (this is the extent of my above mentioned "modding"
. as i gaze through the tutorials in the forums section, they all tell me to open .ini files. when i do this however notepad displays them all as bunches of unreadable blocks and odd shapes. how do i open this an have a document i can read and change?
My next question is pretty broad and that is what programs/utilities do i need to mod? i know milkshpape and 3DSmax fom my time with UT. for FL i am not that interested in making my own models. but i know, or at least suspect, that i need other programs to mod this. One tutorial mentioned a "UTF edit" program. didnt mention what it did, where to get it, etc, etc. i know most people that are interesting in modding probably know enough already to get going, or what these programs do. but i am clueless. Even tutorials written "so that even n00bs can understand it" can easily confoose "n00bs" when you dont tell them what programs they need or where to get them at least.
i have more questions, but its senseless asking them now, since they may very wel be revealed when these q's are answered and i go back to the tutorials with a little more idea what i am doing.
thx for any help, and a big thanks for not ignoring the topic/ flaming me.

I have decided now is as good a time as ever to begin trying to mod and this is as good a game as any to try and mod. They only other game i have tried to "mod" has been unreal tournament. which brings me to my first question...
In UT, you can open any .ini file and change variables (this is the extent of my above mentioned "modding"

My next question is pretty broad and that is what programs/utilities do i need to mod? i know milkshpape and 3DSmax fom my time with UT. for FL i am not that interested in making my own models. but i know, or at least suspect, that i need other programs to mod this. One tutorial mentioned a "UTF edit" program. didnt mention what it did, where to get it, etc, etc. i know most people that are interesting in modding probably know enough already to get going, or what these programs do. but i am clueless. Even tutorials written "so that even n00bs can understand it" can easily confoose "n00bs" when you dont tell them what programs they need or where to get them at least.
i have more questions, but its senseless asking them now, since they may very wel be revealed when these q's are answered and i go back to the tutorials with a little more idea what i am doing.
thx for any help, and a big thanks for not ignoring the topic/ flaming me.