all the surface programs i have tried create an Ascii type text file(filled with numbers). so the problem i have is either the sur file is coded(like every other bloody file in this game) or i am totally missing something program wise.i have opened probably all the sur files in the game with a hex editor.they all have few common themes (of how this helps i have no idea).
they all start with the char's VERS about 25 Characters int they have the word "fxdext".then about 5-6 characters later the word "surf". that is the common bit in ship_shield.sur. if you open the ship.sur it is the same but has the word "surf" thought the file (this i think signifies it is a more complex surface made up of bits, where as the sheild one is to all intents and purposes is a encasulating bubble).
the latest program i have tried to solve this with produces a surface "bubble" of a 3ds file.the file structure it saves seems similar to what i think an uncoded sur file should look like. but i maybe heading totally in the wrong direction and the sur file is not coded in any way.
HCl where are you and how are you getting on decoding the sur files?
American Scientists spent millions developing the perfect writing utensil; It writes in Zero-gravity, upside down, under water, in space... The Russians used a Pencil.
they all start with the char's VERS about 25 Characters int they have the word "fxdext".then about 5-6 characters later the word "surf". that is the common bit in ship_shield.sur. if you open the ship.sur it is the same but has the word "surf" thought the file (this i think signifies it is a more complex surface made up of bits, where as the sheild one is to all intents and purposes is a encasulating bubble).
the latest program i have tried to solve this with produces a surface "bubble" of a 3ds file.the file structure it saves seems similar to what i think an uncoded sur file should look like. but i maybe heading totally in the wrong direction and the sur file is not coded in any way.
HCl where are you and how are you getting on decoding the sur files?

American Scientists spent millions developing the perfect writing utensil; It writes in Zero-gravity, upside down, under water, in space... The Russians used a Pencil.