dunno if this will help but heres a couple of problems/fixes i had.
for me the crash at the ship dealers turned out to be a problem with the ini files rather than the textures.
turns out i was calling something id made but forgot to add to the script (never said i was clever did i?)
try doublechecking all the entries in the goods ini for typo's etc - my error was in something id added to the package - think id assigned a running light to the wrong hardpoint number or sumat
i had to flip my ship in milkshape (as well as increasing the size by about 2000%)
this resulted in a nice shiny white plastic ship till i flipped the textures id used to make it vertically in photoshop and then used the flipped textures to make the mat file - dont ask me why but it worked
hope you get this sorted dude cos youve made some really kickass models

dr del
if the mormons come to your front door ;
invite them in,
slip out the back door and go to your neighbours,
phone the police and tell them you think your being burgled.