Battleship Mod!!! (98% DONE) <------ NEED HELP!!!!
I'm almoast done it as I wright this, just have to add some encounter locations. Basically I'm trying to create a war between the Rheinland and Liberty factions. The Liberty factions will be backed up by the Kusari, of course.
I'll have the Kusari fleet around Dashima station and lending aid to the Liberty fleet in Colorado. The bulk of the Liberty fleet will be in New York and Texas fending off Rheinland battleships. I'm gonna give Rheinland the upper hand in Hamburg though, they have to be winning somewhere.

I have to wright the actual system modifications, "Li01.ini" and such, and do some extensive testing on my Win98 and WinXP boxes but I hope to have it done by later today. I havn't slept yet, having been working on this since I woke up (around 3PM yesterday) and as I look at the clock I keep saying to myself "Go to Bed", but you know how it is when you get on a roll. Hopefully I don't make a major screwup in my sleepyness, but sofar everything is editing properly (in my Freelancer test folder which only contains the directory structure and the files to be modified). It should work for both Server and Client ends, as far as I know, and since it's so small it will be easy to distribute for those who want it but are too -lazy- to code...
You know who you are!

I'm using the code in the main tutorial you give there, if there are any IMPORTANT modifications to that procedure please let me know IMMEDIATELY so I can get the changes made and this baby completed (with hopefully no crashing issues).
At any rate, speaking of code, I could use some locations to put the battleship encounters in. I want to have one battle going on between Rhindland and Kusari around Dashima station. A Liberty/Rhindland battle approxamately 3 tradelane rings away from Manhatten. Two battlezones in Colorado, one at the Galileo jumpgate between the Liberty and Rhindland and another by the Rio Grande between the Kusari and Rhindland. I'm wanting to have a large Rhindland fleet in Hamburg being assulted by a small Liberty fleet. As you can see, a rather large war. Now I just need to figure out the code, hopefully with your help.

This is your baby, I'm using your code, any suguestions on other locations to make a cooler war happen? I need code, as I said, because I'm having troubles thinking straight right now and couldn't find my way off Manhatten. *LOL*
P.S. Please don't fill up this topic with requests for this mod file. When it's done I'll post on the forum and make a download location available. Thank you.
Edited by - Jackel on 17-04-2003 14:59:13
Edited by - Jackel on 5/13/2005 7:39:37 PM
Edited by - Jackel on 5/13/2005 7:40:22 PM