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The Blood Dragons vs. The Arch Rock

If you are stuck in a mission and do not know how to continue, this is the place to ask for help. Missing that elusive Level 10 Shield? Don''t know where to find the lost Ohtori ship? This is the only place where spoilers are allowed!

Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 8:11 pm

The Blood Dragons vs. The Arch Rock

I'm apparently a very bad pilot.

Even though I've made it through all the other missions with ease, and have not died once, I can't survive this mission where you have to destroy the shield generators at the traitor's asteroid base.

I've tried hanging back and letting my wingmen knock out the fighters, but then I get the "failed to destroy the generators" message and lose. If I try to tackle the fighters, I get the crap knocked out of me, and die. If I go after the shield generators, I can kill one, but I'm dead before I can finish off the others.

I've tried using my Moonwalker missiles, my torpedoes, and straight-in strafing. I just can't kill the generators fast enough to still have life in me.

And, darn it, they need to make it so that battle damage doesn't destroy your backup shield batteries. I HATE THAT! :-)

Someone help a lost pilot?


Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 8:58 pm

I'm stuck on the same mission. First time around i got all the shield generators only to be taken out by the battleship as i tried to find the docking point. second time got 2 generators before dying.

Is there any trainer than gives you unlimited shield batteries or something to keep my shields up in this mission?

Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 9:09 pm

It helps if you have a ship with a torpedo launcher. I did it in a Barracuda with six beam weapons and torpedoes.

Come up through the bottom of the station through the big cylindral shaft with electricity bolts. Torpedo the **** out of the battleship and your life will be much easier. After the ship goes down, take out the generators and dodge the fighters and turret blasts, or engage as you see fit. once the four generators are down, its mission over and time for a MAJOR plot twist.

Some people say I drink too much, I say I'm sober too often.

Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 9:24 pm

I abused this mission :-) but i've completed it. I don't know, is it a true tactics or just my pilotage level :-))

First - you should be full of nanobots and shield batteries. Try to equip yor ship with best armor. I had heavy fighter Barracuda with Advanced Shield, I had slingshot missiles (about 20) and countermeasure dropper (about 10 flares).
In first part of mission you encounter Tekagi's patrol. You should do your best in order to use nanobots and batteries as little as possible in that fight.
My tactics is completely destroy shield of targets and then actively use slingshot missiles.
About destroying generators: I fly from bottom of asteroid - it have a passage that leads directly to generators. Then I destroy all generators dropping countermeasure flare when I heard about incoming missile and using nanobots, batteries, all blast power and rest of missiles. I don't pay attention to other enemies. I concentrated on generators, because of if you destroy them - you complete this mission by immediate docking with arch base.
Oh, one more thing - I fire generators with no speed at all. Just sliding left/right.

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