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Juni.... *spoiler*

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Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 11:53 pm

Juni.... *spoiler*

Juni she is no commander Enrique. I think the good ol commander should be in Juni's place instead. I liker her so much more than this new woman.

I think Im dumb, maybe just happy - Kurt cobain

Edited by - ElectricBrain on 08-03-2003 21:11:06

Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 12:51 am

Come on Doyler, Enrique was seriously butch and about as charming as a cold wet fish.

I don't really run this place but I have an understanding with the people who do.

Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 1:25 am

Just eww...

Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 1:27 am

<3 your sig mustang :'D

"Yes, it's the right planet, all right, " he said again. "Right planet, wrong universe. " Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy

Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 5:31 am

Enriquez???? UGH! Moose was prettier.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
The Next Thing I Say To You Will Be True
The Last Thing I Said Was False

Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 12:59 pm

You guys have no taste.

I think Im dumb, maybe just happy - Kurt cobain

Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 4:35 pm

She had a nice rack, but that was about all she had going for her. Now Juni on the other hand.... mmmmmm..... polygons...... *drool*

Stormtrooper Tactics 101: Okay class, repeat after me. "There he is! Blast em!" Very good.

Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 4:57 pm

Junis ass tempts me

My guns stiffen and my lavablades suddenly sparks with fire, and suddenly they explode into a "pacing beam" LOL

I Rule!!!!!

Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 11:02 pm


I think Im dumb, maybe just happy - Kurt cobain


Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 11:14 pm

Guys, they're a bunch of pixels! Try something with a pulse! j/k!

Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 12:24 am

Awww come on, at least she's one step up from a 2D picture in a top shelf magazine for these guys, they *are* getting there but slowly

My idea of an OS is one that operates the system, not a self contained package of every piece of software ever invented.

Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 4:31 am

yeah, juni is hot, no doubt about it. i think trent knows it too...


Guitar God at heart...something quite unsatisfyingly different in reality...

Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 4:37 am

Yeah well Trents got all the social graces of the Nomads.

*Walks into bar. Walks up to chick in booth.*

Woman - "Can I help you?"
**Real Person - "Hey, my name's Trent, I was wondering if you have, you know, any freelance work for me to do."**
Trent - "What do you have for me?"
Woman - "I haven't seen you around here. You new?"
**Real Person - "Yeah I just docked, stopped in here looking to make some cash."
Trent - "I suppose."


Woman - "Hey Trent, it's good to see you."
**Real Person - "Good to see you too."
Trent - "It's good to be seen." (Wow how conceided can you GET?)

Edited by - uranium - 235 on 08-03-2003 04:41:27

Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 6:19 am

I'll have you know that I'm married and have gotten some more than most of you combined.

I can just appreciate the, ahem, detail.... that the creators put into Juni. Yeah.

And Sinclair.

Stormtrooper Tactics 101: Okay class, repeat after me. "There he is! Blast em!" Very good.

Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 7:46 am

And is it me or is Jacobi disturbingly... Attractive, considering by her voice she should be at least fifty or so. Maybe they've changed it, I don't think I've played through again in the gold...

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