The Argumentaly crippled
I mean we all do have off days, but some people are total ineffective morons. Here is a example from my life of a terrible argument. Loc you gave me some fodder today but i am nice

A idiot i happened to encounter and foolishly talk music to
Me: Meh i like Dimmu Borgir as a band... Good music and there not Goth
Him: Yes they are goth
Me: Hmm (Refraining from swearing a lot)
Him:They are, listen to them
Me: Sigh no my not so intelligent... not friend (i did say this, not making it up) Dimmu is Dark metal, Much more intense then Goth. Also they don't claim to be Goth they claim the opposite .
(Here is the real juicy bit)
Him: I am right your wrong
Me: (thinking he is kidding) Haha, but no really they arent
Him: No, they are
Me: How so?
Him: Up-bup-bup-bup-bup-bup
Me: what the hell man?
Him NO1 i am right...
He just wandered off then..
Here is a classic that happened to me.
Him: Gareth your so god-damn lazy! (I am but thats not the point, he could of proved it better as you will see)
Me: No i am not, i just store energy then only preform important tasks that i don't like.
Him: No you ignore many important tasks!
Me: Like what
Him:Cleaning up that <Censored> hole of yours
Me: How is that important
Him: It has a Desired result
I stop, and i just stare at him wanting to say “So does kicking your arse around this room but...”
Him: What?
I went to sleep about then.
Anyone else got some good stories to share?
Edited by - DSQrn on 3/19/2005 8:10:03 PM