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mission 7

If you are stuck in a mission and do not know how to continue, this is the place to ask for help. This also the only place where spoilers are allowed!

Post Sat Oct 12, 2002 1:44 am

mission 7

i am stuck on 7. i can save the lifeboats, but i cant seem to protect the gamma torp bombers. How do i stick by them and know which fighters to shoot?

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 4:41 pm

Hello. First post on the forum. I enjoy the site, can't wait to get FreeLancer. I too have a question about Mission 7, Starlancer. I shot out the Ramses Shields and a turret. I got 13 kills in the mission. I shot the taunting guy, Al somebody. He warped out while he was still taunting. I protected the Gamma's. The life pods were too far away, and the rundown posted on this site said that they didn't matter to the outcome. Oh yeah, the Ramses got destroyed too. Not 1 Gamma died. I had to restart once because one of the dumb Gammas parked in front of a turret.. (the one I took out on the next try). My question, is Enriquez always unhappy about the outcome of this mission when it would have been the ^5 cutscene? The only thing I didn't do is save the life pods. The rest of the mission was great.. I mean I got 13 kills on this mission and she said my flying was below standard. Hello! How many kills did you get? Where were you when my shields were getting pounded while I was the only one shooting at the Ramses?
Anyway, that's my question..Is that her normal response for this mission being concluded successfully.
Sorry for the long post.
Thanks, SMATZ

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 5:34 pm

Welcome to the forums!

Now to your questions: you did ok, but you could do better. I think you could even get a medal if you did it perfectly.


Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 6:43 pm

Yeah, saving Makin (or whatever that dumb general is called) really improves Enriquez's mood

There is no greater fear than running out of beer!

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 5:03 pm

Fear Factor/Zlo,

Thank you for your prompt response. The fact that the General's pod matters to the outcome of the mission needs to be in the walkthrough. I was having trouble with this mission, consulted the walkthrough for some tips, then completely ignored the life pods when I played again.

Thanks for the info, I'm going to replay that mission now.


Post Wed Jun 04, 2003 12:21 am

Hi all,

I'had the same problem with this mission. Whatever I do, I get always the same un pleased debriefing from Enriquez.

How many safe pods must I save ?
Is there a miraculous tactic to save all pods ?
And last, in which pod is this Dumb general ?????

Post Wed Jun 04, 2003 8:41 am


Here's what I do to save everything.
You need to load out with missiles, lots of fighter killing missiles (Think it's Raptor)
When you first jump in hit the burners immediately and hightail it towards Ramases, when you close hit the button that targets the nearest fighter (as they start appearing). Once locked on a fighter shoot it and fire a missile, once away hit that target button and go for the next nearest fighter and repeat.
Another method is to use the friendly target button and rotate till you have lifeboats, then tag any fighters near them using the above method.
This way you get to save a lot of lifeboats and especially the general.

The rest you already know

Hope this helps


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