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Post Thu Feb 01, 2007 3:13 am


LR did decide to support this game not too long ago... everyone did say "yay we want it we need it!" but since that not much was done or has changed

i did read the discussion stuck on the top of this board where i was able to find many "excuses" such as no multiplayer... no modding support and so on
basically this project was doomed by the members of this community

a shame (i already did talk with bp about such things)
but ok the game is still part of LR and its not too late to do something
... to turn LR to the number1 source for DSO

and dont tell me that is not possible and that modding is also not possible because it is
im asking every1 who is willing to help me to turn this once started LR-Project into something that can be called "successful"
so everyone who likes to see an active DSO community here on LR... help us

im not saying this because im the biggest DSO fan ... im saying this because i think it will help LR

Post Fri Feb 02, 2007 6:26 am

impressive the amount of ppl willing to help LR O_o

Post Fri Feb 02, 2007 11:11 am

Do you wish for a front page post to get some attention to the topic. It could be that people just don't bother with this forum because there is never anything posted, and therefore don't expect it to have anything interesting.

Personally - for me, I've just uninstalled DarkStar One after just a day or two of having it installed.
It got to a point, I enjoyed playing it, but it just didn't... there wasn't anything...
Maybe some other time I'll give it another go, but not at the moment.

Oh, and the fact that when a fight involves more than about 8 ships, I got a slideshow (literally, about 1 frame every 3 seconds) was a big turn off. Even X3 performs better by miles, with ten times more traffic and models.

Post Fri Feb 02, 2007 1:14 pm

I must agree that this game runs a bit slow even on my high spec brand new system... but I'm willing to give it a chance. I've only put a few hours into it so far, and I'll wait until I beat it before I pass judgment.

Post Sat Feb 03, 2007 1:29 am

the problem is ppl wanted that LR does support dungeon siege... but nobody really did something for it so dungeon siege is not much interesting here while other communities have success with it

the problem is that ppl wanted DSO but nobody really did want to do something and support it... that is why there is not much interested while other communities took the chance and made something out of it

to make a game successful in a community it takes time and work
researches... interviews... news about patches... news about a possible DSO 2... modding support... tutorials
and for sure no ppl which say that the game is crap coz the community... the ppl in the community can decide for themselves if they like it or not

Post Wed Mar 21, 2007 8:33 am

To answer some of the questions you raise and not to offend you guys I will answer a few.

DSO was a crap game and many of us posted that before the game came out and predicted its doom. That is why this forum is dead because there are not too many who play it yet.

As to Modding I released a mod for the demo and fixed a few problems so it would even run better but Ascaron got after me and told me to pull it or else, I think BP remembers that also.

So Modding DSO I am not going to touch as Ascaron already let me know how much they like there DSO modded. Still on Modding DSO the tools Ascaron allowed the players to have I bet will not allow us to change what is needed to make this game a great game, so someone like ARGH or Lova makes a mod tool to make modding DSO easier or the tool allows to mod things they don't want you to mod and then those guys will be where I was with them. So in short their mod support stinks.

Dungeon Siege is just not a space game simple as that and TLR is known to be a space-oriented site Starlancer, Freelancer, then Dungeon Siege? Not trying to be a pain here just letting you all know about it.

Now if Ascaron has changed there views on modders???? DSO could be modded into a great game and I would go and buy it again because they will allow us to make it the game it should have been.

As for Dungeon Siege wrong site this site is about Space Action Simulation. Be what you are and you will be better off.

I feel SpaceForce2, and Evochron Alliance 2 should both have forums here, as I know Evochron Alliance 2 is a good game, and feel like SpaceForce2 will also be a good game.

Hope this helps not trying to start trouble just giving my opinion.

"When the government violates the people's rights, insurrection is, for the people and for each portion of the people, the most sacred of rights and the most indispensable of duties."

Edited by - FlyByU on 3/21/2007 9:15:57 AM

Post Fri Mar 23, 2007 3:46 am

Lancers reactor is/was a pure lancer site... that we support games like dso or sf2 means we like to expand into new areas of gaming
but where is said that we only can support space sims or space shooters (there is a difference)
with new games new game genres appear... if we would support infinity we would support space shooters, spacesims and mmporpg then ... and from that it just just a small jump to other genres

maybe next year ppl want to see LR support the new stargate game... or whatever... and such games are by far different from what we supported so far
one thing is sure... if you guys are not interested in one of the sections of LR then you always can ignore that section

Post Fri Mar 23, 2007 12:24 pm

We suppot SF-RU now lol maybe a stargate game next year...

Post Sun Mar 25, 2007 9:58 am

Personnally I never bought it because, I'm a ship fan first. They betted on a community that is lacking and starving for Space Sims by making a game with only one ship, the second I saw that I knew for a fact it was doomed from the start. They over estimated people's hunger for a Space Sim and now it's too little too alte as our attention is diverted by SFRU.

What's needed from Ascaron is better modding tools that will allow for more ships to be sold, and for him to be more flexible about what people can do or chage in his game.

Edited by - Poojah Nazol on 3/25/2007 11:00:48 AM

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