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Darkstar One Discussion

This is a open discussion forum for Darkstar One. Development team members will try and answer all your questions.

Post Fri May 12, 2006 7:35 pm

I think your writing and the story line are excellent, there is a depth and complexity that is really rich, and it evokes its reality very well, similar to
early H. Beam Piper. one of my own favorites...the very best SF conveys a complete world view, yet does not force it on the reader, it evokes it by nuance, mystery and subltey, and you do all very well. I am enjoying your piece very much. Thanks so much for sharing it. It would be great to see some really good illustrations for it too......or maybe even conversion into vid or a game,
.......time to get back to reading it.
cheers and thanks

Post Thu May 18, 2006 6:00 am

Ingame screeny of the German Demo Link below.

What do you think of the Graphics?

"It doesn’t matter what universe you’re from. That’s got to hurt!"

Post Thu May 18, 2006 6:09 am

Ohhhh I like it. I think I am going to buy it.

No wait... hang on, I already bought 4 copies of the game in german ^^

No joke btw ^^

Post Thu May 18, 2006 12:49 pm

Hi Erazor

just a quick question, i see that in the discussion u mentioned that there will be several bases, a major planet, other stuff, etc in each star system and u aim in cutting down the boring flight from point a to point b (or at least that was my interpretation)

but one could argue that space is very big, sometimes without all the fantasical features and colours (ice fields/gas clouds) that r so evident in freelancer - to help preserve the 'wow space is big' feeling of the game maybe there shud be fewer of these things along the way ? sometimes in freelancer it seemed that going through a system is like going through a rainbow, and because those things occured so regularly, they quickly became pretty boring and werent very impressive. maybe a more realistic(without getting too over the top) space sim would have quite a few of those long boring space journeys, but say all the other space traffic could provide some conversation and companionship along the way.

i suppose that want really a question....yeh

Edited by - redreaver on 5/18/2006 1:52:16 PM

Post Fri May 19, 2006 8:42 am

You guys better lower your expectations, because Darkstar One isn't what many of you hoped for. For one the game is pretty bug-ridden, the graphics get blown out of the water by the 3 year old Freelancer, while needing a lot more rendering power than FL, and the universe in general seems dead and empty.

An utter disappointment, really. You really can tell that the makers didn't have any experience in creating this kind of game.

Edited by - Lev Arris on 5/19/2006 9:46:12 AM

Post Sat May 20, 2006 8:45 am

Here are a few previews to check out

GamersInfo DSO Preview 1

GamersInfo DSO Preview 2

"It doesn’t matter what universe you’re from. That’s got to hurt!"

Post Mon May 22, 2006 3:23 am

Apologies if this has been answered before:
What is the original language of the game ? German or English ?
Of course I know the origin of the developping company - but even a Germany based company could design an english-spoken original => world market.
And I want to play the original.

Simple reason:
In most cases the original language is the better choice for atmosphere and characters as long you know both languages ...

Post Mon May 22, 2006 7:30 am

Here's one: Any ETA on that playable demo? *ducks*

I'm the Anagram of me...

Post Mon May 22, 2006 2:57 pm

Why is it you decided to stick to one boat with upgrades until it is a ship? This, is starting to remind me of a certain 2D game I remember, that get's you shields, weapon, and engine upgrades only 3D. Sounds pathetic to me, unless it's only 20$.

So basically what's price and why one upgradeable plane?

Hey, it's a new way to study up on my German! Hurrah!
Feishteinzie Doitch? Ya. Apologies for bad spelling.

Edited by - GeneralZap on 5/22/2006 3:59:14 PM

Post Mon May 22, 2006 9:59 pm

Original Language: German

DEMO ETA: 1st July

Actually quite a few reasons. The first is a gameplay reason. The DSO is like a character which you can upgrade and level up to improve it's "skills". From weapon mountings to overall performance. You may only fly one ship but depending on the type of upgrades you decide to make, the DSO will feel different from one that has hull upgraded for instance to one that has engines upgraded.
Another reason is the story itself, since the ship is part of the story (and hopefully future stories that explore areas we have on paper but not in the original title).
A third reason is identification with both the character and the ship itself - for a player. Its like buying a car and changing it to suit your needs.

Post Tue May 23, 2006 1:59 am

@Eerazor: thanks !
@ GeneralZap: lol - just compare to the correct spelling and you will see why I exploded laughing about your spelling:
Verstehen Sie Deutsch ?
Feirstenzie (or the like ) is very creative. I like it.
There is this famous French Novel "Zazie dans le métro" (yeeahhh, that's why ....) and it's first word is "Doukipudonktan" - a phonetic form of a phrase in one single word

Post Tue May 23, 2006 9:00 am

I got a tape that helps you learn German, only thing is it's like 6 or 7 years old. And it connects a few words.

So what's the price of this game?
Oh and for those that don't know, if you look hard in the place you can find a language translater, you just need good spelling.

Edited by - GeneralZap on 5/23/2006 10:00:41 AM

Edited by - GeneralZap on 5/23/2006 10:02:45 AM

Edited by - GeneralZap on 5/23/2006 10:06:21 AM

Post Mon May 29, 2006 3:10 pm

earazor, i would first like to give you a standing applause to all your hard work and everyones unrelentless and sometimes unintelligent questions. I would like to ask however, is the main characters apperance going to change. I do not mean this as an insult, but, right now the main character looks like a 16 year old on a need for speed game. And I would also like to know, with the way the DSO is made isnt it possible to make the perfect ship and if you ever make mp for the game (which I hope you do by the way) wont that kinda disrupt the mp gameplay? Because what happens when you have an very powerful veteren suddenly set outside as a "noob" is just starting out? The "noob" will have no chance. I dont care how good a player is, if hes fighting a ship that is 100x better than himself, then there is nowhere for him to go. he'l probally change server or stop playing altogether. how will that work?

Post Tue May 30, 2006 12:02 am

LOL, well yes.. uhm Kayron. We actually have another name for him (at least for his german voice). Rest assured though, the english voice provides the character with much needed weight. As for appearence changes, not externally, but the character will certainly grow up during DSO.

MP Gameplay is a tricky subject. We are playing with a number of ideas. How and when these could be realized is a question that can only be answered by the market itself. I am afraid I cannot give any specifics here, suffice to say that it certainly is being toyed with right now.

And balancing is always a difficult task. Some get too strong, others too weak, and some have no purpose at all. All this and the ability to mod the ship makes this task extremly difficult. Again, as stated above, not much I can officially say here, I can just speculate on my own ideas until the big boss comes up with something ^^

Post Tue May 30, 2006 9:11 am

eerazor thanks for answering my question. i looked at the ships at the top of the screen and at your website , so im wondering where does the flaming red ship come in. i didnt see it in the ship index, so is it the dso upgraded, or is it just a advanced concept for a ship. and Im sorry if this has already been told but where in the game do you exactly work at. and on an side note , what ever happened to spacesurfer? he kinda vanished

cant see me

Edited by - gecko on 5/30/2006 10:16:57 AM

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