ERROR: Cannot find bodypart voc_male_elite_body
ERROR: Cannot find bodypart voc_male_elite_body
I got this error when I tried scripting Initialworld.ini, I had to rewrite the file:
ERROR: FACTION: save game has corrupted reputation data for group fc_borg_grp, please re-create the savegame
Are you scripting your faction(s) data into Initialworld.ini?
Also, if you're using OpenSP, make sure the same data as in Initialworld.ini is in M13.ini, but watch the format, they're different.
Oh, and you'll need to start a new game after you fix that.
You've also got a problem in your Goods.ini, or other _good.ini file:
(well, actually, you've got 3 bad entries.)
WARNING: Good (0x8132a6c4 nickname different from equipment
WARNING: Good (0xa132dac4 nickname different from equipment
WARNING: Good (0x85b5158b nickname different from equipment
A bad Example Would be:
nickname = commodity_vips
equipment = commodity_vip
Both names must be identical.
Not sure what's causing this one:
WARNING: Voice message 2213849798 is invalid for voice 3073825485
This may be caused by the voc_male_elite_body error.
Good luck!
Watch your 6!
Edited by - warzog on 3/24/2006 10:47:00 AM