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New Mod help please?!?

This is where you can ask for help and post your knowledge on error messages from using the various tools that describe error messages in MODs such as DataStorm the Freelancer MOD Scanner the server console and FLSpit.

Post Sun Dec 04, 2005 9:06 am

New Mod help please?!?

I have started to create a new mod and the systems are done, when I went to try it out, there was no names for anything....Hummmm

Why is that, what am I doing wrong?

Oh and yes I gave everything names and everything to go along with it!

Edited by - {ED}Boden on 12/4/2005 9:10:21 AM

Post Sun Dec 04, 2005 9:13 am

what tool are you using to create systems in FL explorer when you create a planet base or star etc. proper name is the first field.(ie starname planet name,base name etc.) if your not using the above it is a really easy to use tool although in my limited experience stuff I create 'in system' in FLE wont show up when I load the system in "FL system editor" I dont know why but FLE seems sufficient for creating real estate.

Dolph ZztunGunn

Post Sun Dec 04, 2005 9:24 am

I do use FLE, and like it a lot!

I just found out that there is a little more to it then just that.

There are 2 others working on this project, so as soon as I get all the info, I'll return in here and give the full problem. LOL

<a href="../../../../undefined/"><img border="0" src="images/banners/Boden.gif" />

Post Sun Dec 04, 2005 9:25 am

LOL now my Sig wont work. LOL there is another thred to post in. LOL I dislike posting

Post Sun Dec 04, 2005 9:51 am

You need to use forum code for your sig, then you can test it in the sig testing forum, to adjust it as you need.

Bold : enclose your text with {b} and {/b}.
Italic : enclose your text with {i}and {/i}.
Image: insert an image with {img=link_to_my_image}, where "link_to_my_image" is a link to an image.
Link: enclose your linked text with {url=} and {/url}.
Code: enclose your text with {code} and {/code}.
Quote: enclose your text with {quote} and {/quote}.

Mearly exchange ( { ) with ( [)

Edited by - Finalday on 12/4/2005 10:12:32 AM

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