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I''m back!

This is for new and old members alike where you can say Hi and tell us about yourself and any malfunctions you may have.

Post Tue Mar 07, 2006 5:21 am

I''m back!

Again. I finally picked up Freelancer and had a sudden urge to play, one that I hadn't felt since before my Windows laptop broke. So I tracked down my old, old desktop which already had FL installed, and now I'm playing again! Which probably means that I'll be frequenting these forums again. The only problems are that the computer doesn't have internet and that I somehow got the Battleship Osiris, Destructable Universe and Open SP mods permenantly activated. But at least I can play again.

"Death to ZugZug!" Oh, and by the way, considering I outrank you, I shouldn't have to listen to you.

Post Tue Mar 07, 2006 3:49 pm

Welcome back, welcome back.

Post Thu Apr 06, 2006 12:22 pm

I understand that sudden urge... that gets me every time I see my halo2 copy i brought justa laying there in the table but since im currently freelanceing I tend to egnore it. (good thing too I hate paying 4 xbox live it makes me so enraged that i can't enjoy halo2)

The future isn't what it used to be....

---- Rex the lazy lancer

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