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Sound Card

This is where you can ask questions and get and give help about hardware related issues. This Forum will be moderated by Taw with help from some other experts. So feel free to ask any questions you may have about computers.

Post Tue Sep 27, 2005 4:16 pm

Sound Card

For the record, I'm good at Windows, not hardware.

Ok, one of the self checkers for a game I recently purchased says I dont got sound HARDWARE. I know I got it or I wouldn't have any sound. How do I change that?

Can I fix this?

Side note: The game was Starwars: Battlefront, it will install, but it crashes upon seeing the actual game. Whats wierd is, I got everything for it, except the graphics card, but my friend plays it with the same amount of Vid Mem (32mb)
Can ya help?

Ps: If this is the wrong forum please tell me.

I'm A Forum Bowser!

Post Wed Sep 28, 2005 3:00 am

Q1:- reinstall your sound drivers. you presumably have the disk, or you can download them from your sound chip manufacturer's site. is it onboard?

Q2:- don't really understand this question? are you saying your onboard graphics controller is supposed to be sufficient for SW:B'front but like Q1 the game just won't accept it?

if that's the case, you could do with checking that your BIOS is enabling sufficent video memory, just cos its supposed to be XX amount doesn't mean that's what it's actually using. you might be able to free up more, but be careful with onboard cos it comes from your system RAM, if you don't have a lot to start with you could find yourself running out of RAM very soon. Also set your AGP aperture to 64, most games seem happy with that. then when you reboot, reinstall your video drivers.

32mb is appallingly low and I'm amazed it plays at all, what about Hardware T&L? are you sure he plays it with 32mb? I think it's prob more, because that will explain your problem right there. i trried to play BF1942 on 32mb way back when and it just wouldn't have it.

tbh my opinion of onboard graphics is generally not very high, you can do better just by shoving a 64mb MX440 in, and those are dirt cheap, $30 or so. You can pick up some quality graphics cards still for not a great deal, various ATi and Nvidia offerings for under $100. onboard graphics are really for non-power users, office work, workstations - gaming requires significantly more oomph.

Post Wed Sep 28, 2005 3:03 pm

Thanks, that was what i thought it was, and yes it says I do have TnL. Mabe i can talk my parerts into buying it. lol

I'm A Forum Bowser!

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