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Buying new hard-drive, anything I NEED to know?

This is where you can ask questions and get and give help about hardware related issues. This Forum will be moderated by Taw with help from some other experts. So feel free to ask any questions you may have about computers.

Post Thu Sep 15, 2005 12:37 am

"why last month my Windows partition conveniently disapeared"

I stole it. I'll sell it back to you if you like.

calm down Killa, we're only trying to help. any hard drive will do, you just have to determine whether you have SATA or not, and to ask for the right thing when you go to the shop. and thats just the start. you then have to install it, detect it, partition it, format it before you can actually use it for anything.

the reason I mention SATA is that if you just go to a shop and say "XXXgb Hard drive please" if you served by a muppet they will almost certainly sell you a SATA without even asking if youve got SATA on your board (Ive seen it happen and unf its YOUR burden to ask for the right thing, not theirs to figure out what you need) Your board will have IDE by default, for now they all do, but SATA is faster and SATA drives are now a little bit cheaper than IDE - which will go out of production soon.

no-one's trying to confuse you but we've all been doing this a long time and know the traps that the unwary can fall into. last thing you want is a great hard-drive that you can't actually use. although I'd buy it off you (discounted of course)

Post Thu Sep 15, 2005 10:07 am

Aah, it appears that I have met some people who are not capible of recognizing sarcasm. **I'm kidding, that was my fault. It was ment to be sarcasm but I didn't word it right and for that I apologize.**

Yes, I did get a little frustrated because some would not answer my question in plain English without using a bunch of computer jargon that I have no clue what it means, but that post saying Bush could have done better was ment to be sarcasm. I did not word it correctly, making it seem as if I actually ment that. I did not, and Taw, Argh and whoever else, I'M SORRY!

BTW, I got a new hard-drive this moring, a 120 gig for $100 U.S., not that bad of a deal. Now, as it turns out, my damn computer still doesn't work right, I got the right kind, but it just won't work. But no worries mates. I have an uncle who is the computer whiz of the family coming down to my house tomorrow, I hope to God he can help me fix it. (And yes, I have tried the Master/Slave thing on the Hard-Drive and the CD-rom drive.)

Edited by - Killa (The Revolution) on 9/15/2005 11:08:32 AM

Post Thu Sep 15, 2005 11:39 am

Okay, Killa, I forgive you, but remember: If in doubt, add emoticons

Post Thu Sep 15, 2005 11:56 am

you have put the cable on the right way round? (I've lost count of the number of times I've forgotten to do that....)

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