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Setting up your own phpBB

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Post Tue Oct 04, 2005 9:48 am

Setting up your own phpBB


If you're interested in firing up your own webserver, and hosting a forum on it, these instructions are a quick and easy guide to doing it. It works for both *nix and Windows as far as the MySQL goes, although the Windows version has a front-end that you should run and set up before doing the command-line stuff for the database.

Details on setting up Apache are here. For more info on the PHP4 portion, look here. In-depth info on the MySQL portion can be found here.

Edited by - Hahukum Konn on 10/4/2005 10:49:44 AM

Post Tue Oct 04, 2005 4:34 pm

Simplemachines forum is far superior to PHPBB in both security and features.

Also, i'd go for php5 instead of 4.
While php4 is still commonly used and still fully supported, php5 offers some very nice features especially in the object-oriented side of things.

I found this tutorial very comprehensive & easy to follow.

p.s. as it stands you're best off using Apache2 on windows and Apache1.3 on *nix. IIRC, there was a few issues with mod_perl and apache2 and i don't know whether these have been resolved so if you plan on running mod_perl you'd be better reading up on it.

Since someone will inevitably bring it up now i've mentioned apache2, yes the php manaul does (or did at least) suggest not using apache2 with php. This is a non-issue on windows because every module must be threadsafe.. but that's a very long discussion and theres plenty of info around. I haven't really kept up with this over the last 3 months or so, I don't know the current status of the issue. But last I checked the general consensus was use apache2 on windows and apache1.3 on *nix.

Post Tue Oct 04, 2005 8:42 pm

Mm-hmm. The only reason I mention PHP4 specifically is that I think there's actually a strong recommendation that if you do use phpBB under Windows you should use PHP4.

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