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finding folk to bribe...

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Post Wed Jul 05, 2006 9:26 am

finding folk to bribe...

I have decided that I would really like to fly one of the best very heavy fighters, problem is the titan and the sabre are both in enemy territorry. I was hoping someone could tell me where to go to bribe and get on good terms with the red hessians or the corrsiars. I would greatly appreciate any help in this area.

Post Wed Jul 05, 2006 11:41 am

go to freeport 9 in Omicron Theta for Corsairs (They have Titan)
go to Freeport 10 (please correct me if i'm wrong) in omicron Beta (This is a bribe for outcasts, they have the sabre also)

Post Thu Jul 06, 2006 8:11 am

There's a list of whom to bribe and where to find them in the Spoilers Forum.

Also, fly missions against the Bounty Hunters. That gets you in good with the bad guys fairly quickly. Pays well too.

Post Thu Jul 06, 2006 5:00 pm

thank-you both for answering so quickly...

Post Sat Jul 08, 2006 7:54 am

The Zoners sell the Eagle. It's the Outcasts and Hessians who have the Sabre. However, the Red Hessians don't have the higher level shields.

p.s. Try all three VHFs and see which you like best -- Eagle, Sabre, Titan. Each handles differently.

Post Sat Jul 08, 2006 8:34 am

You can always (if you want the titan) kill hessians. It's cheaper than paying for being corsair's friend and you get lots of equipment to sell to the nearest base.
In addition, to be outcast's friend (sabre), you can always kill xenos. LOT of them, hehe, in colorado system there are a base, so you can go there an wait until some xenos appear :p

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