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Question about SP MODS

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Post Sun Jul 02, 2006 6:18 am

Question about SP MODS

Hi all.

I have just started playing Freelancer again after being away from the game for a couple of years.

Now I have had a quick look at the downloads sections and have got the shock of my life at how many new MODS there are.

Now for the question can anyone tell me which single MOD or combination of MODS will give the following result. The most systems to explore with the most ships to fly with the most weapons to try and with the most commidities to trade. This all has has to be in SP mode with or without storyline.


airport (Keith).

There`s no such thing as gravity.
The Earth just suck`s!!!

Post Sun Jul 02, 2006 8:51 am

That would be like the difference between and apple, orange, bannana, and grapes. Each is a good fruit and has taste, yet differnt from each other. The same with the mods. Some have added ships, some are Uber, some add weps, others add systems and different music, and a couple are total conversions. Best to pick one and try it out, based on your intrest. I happen to like different types of ships. I liked Tie univers as well as the star Trek one. I favored the Giffin in it.

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