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Recommended mods for freelancer

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Post Thu May 11, 2006 1:23 pm

Recommended mods for freelancer

Hi all! I'm quite newb to this wonderfull game, I've get the game over two-three days ago, and find that lack of some things that (obviously) some guy in the other corner of the world made in a mod; I mean:

-> Control over capital ships. All right, I've just arrived bretonian space for first time and I can't buy one Battleship right now, but damn, I want that feeling of "Some day, that little one will be mine" :p (And of course, the felling of "Who-ho-ho you'e mine!"
-> Orbiting planets. I mean, we are in space, the planets orbits around it's world and all those stuff.. I know that implement that it's difficult, due the commerce lines, maps, etc, but who knows..
-> Different "bar" missions. I don't know if further in the game that will change (not joined a guild right now), but I'm quite tired of those "Kill that guy" or "kill all the spacecrafts" missions while Juni it's doing interesting stuff.
-> Auto turrets (at least those wich can aim back in heavy fighters), as in x-wing alliance, for those who played it.

I know that the capital ship mod already exists, but there are many! Talking just of capital ship, I've counted two or three different mods and don't want to install one just to see that I don't like it and it's incompatible with the other.. In addition, there are many "big" mods wich has the capital ship addition along other cool stuff, I would appreciate recommendations, having in mind that I want those mods to improve my first run over freelancer (as I see the "normal" game lacks in different aspects).

All right, many thanks for reading that, I'm spanish and my english it's not quite good, so sorry for all those grammatical errors...

Post Thu May 11, 2006 10:12 pm

There are a few mods that allow you to buy battleships. Crossfire is good and it adds more ships and more systems too. I too will be adding battleships to a mod of mine: Enigma 2.0

Post Thu May 11, 2006 10:15 pm

I dont know if there are any mods with orbiting planets as it would muck up the trade lanes but you can try

Post Thu May 11, 2006 10:25 pm

These are all the mods i can recommend. Obviously i would like you to download Enigma 2.0 when it comes out and the information on this is in the Editing Forums for Freelancer in the MOD Announcement Forum but here are some others: Just4Fun, The Next Generation(TNG), Crossfire, The Void, The Next Generation(TNG)+Aurora Addon, Tekagi's Treasure and FR Contact. I have played on all of these. Before you download them check what the features are so you get what you want.

Post Fri May 12, 2006 1:41 am

@Xeltron245, please use the edit button, triple posting is not allowed.

Post Fri May 12, 2006 3:44 am

Evolutions 2.29 Nomad Revenge II
Asgard v.4
Void 2015
CrossFire 1.6
Monkey Universe v1.85
Epsilon 3.11
Discovery 4.78.2 particular order.

nima esports / We get your game running
/AaO/ Against all Odds
Xfire / The instant messenger for gamers

Post Fri May 12, 2006 4:38 am

wow, many thanks! looks like crossfire it's a must have :p I've been reading the descriptions for those mods and I'm a bit scared about "how" them work, I mean: i'm on the storyline, and there are many to play in "open freespace" (wich I imagine that referes to a non-history game), or are new campaings (As Asgard). Wich of those mods are better to play the campaing? (I mean, without unbalance it, I don't want to find that some kind of "last final battle" it's just a piece of cake because I'm flying in a super Star destroyer)

Oh, and in addition: There are some kind of faq/newbs guide to the wolrd of freelancer out there? I'm a bit confused with some aspects of the games (I.E. Why I want a freighter if I can't defend from a pirate attack?) and want to know "what have the galaxy for me". Thanks again for the answers

Post Tue May 16, 2006 12:26 pm

plz note monkey univers 1.86 is coming out on a few weeks which has added peoples custom bases that they bought, 2 dockable planets in the nomad systems new weps and other cool stuff


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