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Discussion Forum for people new to Freelancer. Here you can ask any question about Freelancer without fear...

Post Thu Feb 23, 2006 1:53 am


I desparately want to play this game again, but it'd make more sense to play online.....anyone know a good solid server?

Post Thu Feb 23, 2006 7:43 am

That would depend on what you want- do you like the game unmodded? Or do you want a higher difficulty? How about ships- any preference? Or maybe you'd like to try a modded version off line (SP) before diving in...

Or you could try 'em all....

Post Thu Feb 23, 2006 11:28 pm


I wanna play online. If people have servers with 150 different systems and running around in Capital Ships.....'kay

If they removed half the weapons and made ships blew up in 3 shots......'kay

I just wanna play.

Also, when I downloaded Patch 1.1, I installed it, but it still says 1.0 at the bottom of the opener screen. And ontop of that, my comp freezes when I try to load the server list......

Anyone know anything about this kind of problem? Cause, as much fun it is to play by myself, playing online'd be funner.....

(Plus I've been turned off Freelancer since, after I became a Multi-Millionaire, I couldn't play the game anymore cause on a required mission I couldn't land on a space station(cause we were enemies), and I wasn't going to play a good 2-3 more hours to go accross the Galaxy, spend half my hard earned money to become friendly, then go all the way back just to continue the story....)

Post Thu Feb 23, 2006 11:54 pm

Players do not require the 1.1 patch, so I would recommend an uninstall. It was made primarily to stop multiplayer cheating, which when freelancer was first released, was a major issue threatening the multiplayer game.

The freezing is typical of a firewall, so you will need to grant the Freelancer.exe permission to access the internet. You can select servers via the server list, and order them by both population (as in player amounts, wait a minute for them to load the list correctly and load populated servers stats up too), version, name etc.

Most servers have their rules on the "join" screen, so make sure you read to them. Alot of servers also have websites or forums set up, so it will be worthwhile joining or browsing forums too. Don't be affraid to leave a server and find another if the people aren't friendly, or you encounter problems - but whatever you do, just make sure you stick to the server rules.

Have fun - the online aspect of FL is the only thing that has kept it alive, as it makes the game from "good" into "fantastically awesome" for most people.

Post Fri Feb 24, 2006 12:04 am

Yea, I've never really stopped loved Freelancer.....but the whole "you have to stick to one server" route compared to, say,, really ruinned online play for me(plus, I have this strange glitch that makes the game freeze for a few seconds at random times- sometimes it does this ALOT- but theres something wrong with my system with that- it did the same with GTA, but oddly, not Warcraft or Enemy Territory or any of them.....its really werid.....)

But you don't have any Servers to recommend? Or you just recommend whatever servers look good right now?

Post Fri Feb 24, 2006 12:06 am

Oh, and I have no idea how to allow Freelancer past the Firewall. Last I checked, we don't have one, but my virus scanner has been screwing up lately, so that might be doing it....

Any real simple way to get around a firewall I don't know exists?

Post Fri Feb 24, 2006 12:12 am

Oh, and since it already showed 1.0, doesn't that mean the patch(strangely) never took effect?

Yay! Responding a few minutes after the last post is as fun as it is asinine!

Post Fri Feb 24, 2006 2:59 am

Jiperly, Please use your edit button rather than tripple posting.

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