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Recommended mods?

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Post Thu Feb 03, 2005 7:38 am

Recommended mods?

Well, the title says it all really. I just got the game, loves it and found this site and saw several mods. So while I am still playing the singleplayer campaign, I am wondering if there is anything you would recommend that I could player after (or maybe now)?

Post Thu Feb 03, 2005 2:34 pm

it all really depends on what you're interested in. if you want a total conversion, try something like Privateer.

There are dozens of ship packs and system addons. look through the database here at the Reactor.

If you want to mix it up a bit, you should try Crossfire, The Next Generation mods, WTS, or Rebalance. These mods add a little bit of everything to the game, including missions, ships, systems, and anything else you could want.

But before you download anything, make sure you get the Freelancer Mod Manager v1.31. you can find that by searching for it in the downloads section. Its also called FLMM.

<Edit>Oops, i forgot to tell you about the Just for Fun mod. i recommend trying this one out. you can change speed, starting ship, starting credits, and other cool thing. a new version just came out so check the news

Have fun!

Edited by - Yomahn on 2/3/2005 2:51:53 PM

Post Sat Feb 05, 2005 4:58 pm

Evolutions 1.28 patched is one of the best I think, it adds a bunch of stuff, but from what I have seen so far, does not add stuff from other SCI-FI universes, like no StarWars, StarTrek, B-5, Homeworld mixins... Personally, such cross universe additions are a turn-off for me, cause I like consistant suspension of desbelief, and it feels really weird to like.. see an xwing fighting with a bork cube while I am flying in an F-117.. somehow converted to fly in space.

So I would say Evolutions is definitely worth a try if you have same views as me

(A TC is cool with me, but not mixing of universes)

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