Was this actually moved?
Was it answered with any more detail than robbio kindly supplied anywhere else?
Just conscious of the delicate line between not introducing spoilers in the wrong forum and being polite to a new comer with valid questions.
BTW: As we cannot discuss this openly here might I just say that there is often nothing wrong with your ship or your load out and the missions can be complete with a lesser ships than we have, which I am sure you already know from other games. Listen to robbio and examine your tactics. Generally in the game if you fly in formation with the other ships on the mission it will lead you in the right direction.
On the subject of tactics have you ever played MechWarrior? The last mission in the Black Knight (4) expansion was too much for me to go through using the usual blend of brute force, speed, skill, and out ritght insanity. I selected long range energy weps and hid in the mountains away from enemy fire with my engines killed while calmly picking-off enemy Mechs one shot at a time. Tactics and the right weps can often be the answer.

*Thinks about going home to load up Mech Warrior again---reconsiders---Santa is due to stirke some F.E.A.R. into the Druid house hold this year

Welcome to The Reactor unc!
Oh yeh, EDIT, no insult intended to JD here but
It may be cool, but its pointless.
Remember, we all have our own opinions based on our own experiences with the game and our own style of play so it might wise to take the advice you are given with gratitude but still form your own opinion. Trial and error helps.
Edited by - druid on 12/22/2005 2:13:48 AM