Why do you visit TLR?

Is it the modding community?
Is it to find answers to something that you can't figure out on your own?
Is it the help you receive from others?
Is it the commeradry?
Is it something else completely?
This topic's rules are simple, be brief, be honest and do not critisize what others may have to say here.
Let's keep it positive, negative comments will just be deleted without reason. We really want to know why our large base of visitors (still averaging 10,000+ hits a week) comes here in the first place. We have some plans in the works for this site in the upcoming year and we want to continue to be what you've come to expect when you visit while me make these changes. Thank you!

Rob "Stinger" Lordier
You like poems? --> Voicesnet.com
Creator of the original Privateer FAQ
NEW Favorite saying - No good deed goes unpunished
Oldest active moderator in these parts, womanizer at heart