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Reverse Barrel Roll

Here you can discuss tactics and strategies to best beat your opponents. What is the best loadout for each ship? How do you use "Reverse Thrust" and "Sliding"?

Post Mon Jan 27, 2003 7:30 pm

Reverse Barrel Roll

Or something....

In one of the missions, I think it is the second time overall that you see Col. McGann and the first time you've seen him since he went rogue, he does what looks like an impossibly difficult manuever. I was chasing him, hoping to score a lucky kill. He was at close range. Not a good place to be, really. As I was trying to lock him up, he did some sort of rolling flip that enabled him to change directions very rapidly. I was almost stunned into inactivity. Fortunately for me he warped out right after that. (I got him later on though at his secret base. Ha!)

Anyway, what was that manuever and how did he do it? Was he using reverse thrust or something?

Post Tue Jan 28, 2003 5:43 pm

I bet that it wasn't actually a maneuver... probably just time for him to jet, so the game automatically ****ed him in a set direction.

Post Wed Jan 29, 2003 1:26 am

maybe it was a reverse thrust /roll that isnt too hard + you can switch directions quickly

I rule the world incognito!

Post Thu Jan 30, 2003 7:32 pm

Uh... I'm quite sure I didn't curse there...

Post Sun Feb 09, 2003 9:58 am

its impossible to do a reverse barrel roll coz when u reverse thrust, u can only do that, and everything else is blocked. u cant shoot, turn direction and anything else when u r in reverse, including rolling and strafing.

This war - is a game of chess - and i have a plan - and its my turn - to hit back.

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