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Here you can discuss tactics and strategies to best beat your opponents. What is the best loadout for each ship? How do you use "Reverse Thrust" and "Sliding"?

Post Mon Apr 04, 2005 9:08 pm


Okay. I understand the Forum Rules (I've even respected them, I've never been the one to bump an old thread.

Here's the problem - given the current state of these Forums, there's hardly a conceivable topic that could be posted in a new thread that hasn't been discussed a hundred times over. IE: Favorite Ships, Favorite Weapon, Favorite Mod, Favorite mission.

Now, my experiance with long established Forum is that reposting old threads in a new form, such as Favorite Ships, tends to generate either A) Alot of hostilities at the least, or a lot of complainging that XYZ topic has been discussed 2 billion point 4 times before and is old and stop posting about it please.

Well that leaves newcomers to the game, and these forums, with the inability to post...we can't dreg up old threads and we can't make new ones.

I seriously think something should be done about this, Boscoe. I think you should clear the Starlancer Forums completely and let us start fresh.

It would be a good chance for the Starlancer community to start all over again, and would prevent alot of the "Grave Digging issues".

Post Tue Apr 05, 2005 4:26 pm

...Who's Boscoe?

I agree, but I believe that the old topics can be stuffed in a new board. It would be locked, but you can still view. Maybe we could call it the StarLancer Thread Grave?

Load up on Fuel Pods. You got to run away from me quick.

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