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mission 21... yamoto gets killed.... WHY?!?!

Here you can discuss tactics and strategies to best beat your opponents. What is the best loadout for each ship? How do you use "Reverse Thrust" and "Sliding"?

Post Mon Jul 28, 2003 10:28 pm

mission 21... yamoto gets killed.... WHY?!?!

as soon as destroy shields gens on those 2 coalition ships, the cutscene kick in with a kamov uncloacking near yamato and sending torps right into that landing deck... and i can't do ANYTHING because it is still a cutscene....

what's up with that?!

i had that glitch twice.... i destoryed the varyag, destroyed all kamovs that are uncloacked.... destoryed all the torps.... and still have this one sonovabitch spoiling everything.... HELP!!!!!

Post Mon Jul 28, 2003 11:05 pm

It's been a long time, but I believe that it's because you took too long in destroying the 2 enemy capships' shield generator.

Post Mon Jul 28, 2003 11:46 pm

it could 't have been 'too long'.... 10 screamers + a load of nano cannon = no shields gen

Post Tue Jul 29, 2003 8:32 am

It's definately a time thing, you need to take out the generators pretty quickly. I recommend using some locking missiles for distance shooting.
Once you destroy all the torps go and get the gens. then you should be okay. You might want to get a ship that has lots of afterburner time aswell.


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