Looking for a Mod Team

Hi there
As most of you will know, ENE Closed down a while ago due to various reasons. Well we're back, and in round two we'll be Ironing out All Bugs before we release it. I'm hoping to be nearing Completion near the End of January 2008, and I've already Implemented Several new Features. The Iotas have been given a total makeover, and changes are being made to every system in Sirius. Once we're finished there'll be at least 60 New Weapons, Capships will be Balanced, and Jump Holes are gonna be really wild. We even have New In-Flight Features, Including Barrel Rolling, Vertical Strafing, and Advanced Subsystem Targeting.
Mod team Wise I need People Who can model, Create Factions, Music and Weapons, and a Couple of Beta Testers. I Also Need someone who knows Shiparch.ini back-to-front. Modlers Need to be able to follow Concept Art, as I have a load of it ready. (Thanks Dan

If you're Intersted, Post here or, if you want more info on what I need, Email me at [email protected]
Edited by - Ruppetthemuppet on 10/11/2007 7:35:32 AM