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Need a good Hardpoint adder!

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Post Tue Apr 17, 2007 12:14 am

Need a good Hardpoint adder!

I need somebody who is very good at adding hardpoints.

If somebody can do it, please send an e-mail to [email protected].

Thank you who ever accepts.

./I,,,/I This is owl. Copy and paste owl to your signature
.( 'v' ) To help owl take over the bunny and rule every forum.
.<(''""')> Owl is sick and he needs more owls around
..." " So help him out. Ok.

Edited by - dudeofthed on 4/17/2007 1:14:46 AM

Post Wed Apr 18, 2007 10:06 pm

Please people.
I really need a person who can make at least 30 hardpoints.

Instead of e-mailing me,
Please reply to this message.


Post Thu Apr 19, 2007 1:53 am

Have you looked at or tried HardCMP v1.0.0.23 (Full Version)

HardCMP is a hardpoint editor for objects like ships, bases, and other miscellaneous models. It makes preparing these objects a much simpler task and even allows you to better select an interim .sur file for your model until that format is figured out. This is the best and pretty much the only targeted solution for ship makers that want a GUI based hardpoint editor. It is fully functional and ready for action.

You can download HardCMP v1.0.0.23from the EOA website.
And version (Full Version) is also available here for download on Lancers Reactor.

Post Thu Apr 19, 2007 8:26 pm

Yes i have Bakedpotato. But i have absolutely no idea how to use it. I could not find a tutorial and i am a bit confused. That is why i have asked for somebody else to add hardpoints for me.


Post Fri Apr 20, 2007 4:17 am

The easiest way to lear how to use the cmp editor is to experiment with it.
You can grab any object that has a cmp to look at hardpoints placed on it.
you can even mess around with the positions, orientations, angles and such. As long as you don't save it, you won't hurt any model.
Once you get a "feel" how to use it, then you can experiment with your model.
In short, for me; learning how to use the editor was an intuitive experience that
I'm glad I learned.

Don't be afraid to experiment.

Edited by - Rankor on 4/20/2007 5:17:44 AM

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