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Wed Oct 04, 2006 4:02 pm by [IRS]Wolfguardian
Hi guys I'm looking for a list af all Freelancer server Admin tools that are available.
I know about....
Are there any more out there that will work with a mod ? Any info would be great..
Wed Oct 04, 2006 4:13 pm by richard s
how about that one from colors, and cheaters death lite

Thu Oct 05, 2006 7:10 am by w0dk4
FLHook is a 100% server-side Freelancer tool
improved death-msgs(shows killer/cause)
admin commands(including rights management) which can be executed in several ways(desktop/ingame/via socket):
cash(works even while player is ingame)
improved msging(allows admins to send messages in custom size/color/style)
beam players
and many more
listen to kills/logins/chat events via a socket connection
disable pvp in certain systems
complete source code included
Click here
Sun Oct 08, 2006 1:06 am by BlasterUK
FLAC - Freelancer Anti-Cheat, but you need to register at and get your server left on for 6months or something. Then you get it.
24/7 Blaster Universe
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