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Phoenix Server Operator

Advertise for Modelers, Programmers, Webmasters, INI Editors, Script Experts, Adventurers, Servers, or anything that has to do with a project

Post Thu Aug 31, 2006 4:42 am

Phoenix Server Operator


I'm a VB.NET coder interested in keeping the IFSO project alive, and hopefully keep it going as joe announced he has abandoned the project, i think a whole lot more can be done with this project, I have lots of new ideas that have already gone into this project with the code, but one thing has stopped me, and it was something as stupid as the list online command on the FLADMIN DLL, I am unsure how to get the high order bytes and convert them to a Unicode string and place that in a listbox so i can get the name of the character. If you are a VB Coder VB.NET comes with ability to "upgrade" VB Code, so either is appreciated, hope you can help, any contributions here will definently go on the credits when its finally done.

Any ideas? As fiik has discontinued his support I dont know who to turn to...

Edited by - Hazard_FN on 8/31/2006 5:47:19 AM

Post Mon Sep 04, 2006 11:04 am

If you aren't affiliated with the Phoenix RPG Mod or Server, I'd really appreciate if you'd change the name of your project to prevent confusion. (We also have a similar project in the works.)

Head Modder and Admin, Phoenix RPG Server

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