Looking for a place with a mod team.
I'm looking for a mod team to join that could use my services and help me build a portfolio. I am confident in my modeling, texturing, sound composition, and level design skills and would be more than happy to put those to work for a good mod team. I am also a quick learner with coding/scripting, and have some experience with C++, Java Script, and Unreal Script, as well as currently studying the Torque engine, so I am confident I can pick up whatever scripting knowledge I might need readily enough.
However, my core interest is in design work, rather than art or coding, and I would love to work as a writer, ruleset/world designer, or really any design work for a mod. I am an excellent team worker and very self motivated, so should be a valuable asset to any team.
My motivation to work on mods for Freelancer are threefold: 1) it's a fun game that my friends and I have enjoyed for hours together and I'd love to see it grow. 2) I never get tired of designing and creating worlds and have a love of space games, having been and old die-hard fan of Wing Commander, and 3) I am attempting to break into the game development industry as a designer, and need to develop portfolio work that will impress potential employers.
So, I am primarily interested in a mod team that will A) be willing to list the work I do, and allow me to use it in my personal portfolio,
be working on large mods involing detail and extensive design work, and C) hold a high standard for the mods they put out.
However, my core interest is in design work, rather than art or coding, and I would love to work as a writer, ruleset/world designer, or really any design work for a mod. I am an excellent team worker and very self motivated, so should be a valuable asset to any team.
My motivation to work on mods for Freelancer are threefold: 1) it's a fun game that my friends and I have enjoyed for hours together and I'd love to see it grow. 2) I never get tired of designing and creating worlds and have a love of space games, having been and old die-hard fan of Wing Commander, and 3) I am attempting to break into the game development industry as a designer, and need to develop portfolio work that will impress potential employers.
So, I am primarily interested in a mod team that will A) be willing to list the work I do, and allow me to use it in my personal portfolio,