Wolfen and Great Fox
I am hoping that one fo you could help me... im looking for The Wolfen and The Great Fox too be modeled (and preferably skinned)... i would greatly apreciate this...
as it is for a this mod Sci-Fi Universe and most of the mod is finnished i just would like too get some ships in for my clan... we already have an Arwing but that needs re-skinned and i dont know how too do that
so help there would be apreciated aswell....
Feel free to contact me in any way you can
I look forwards too hearing from you.
MSN: [email protected]
Y!: maverick_knux
Xfire: maverickknux
AIM: Maverick Knux
ICQ: 220054210
PS: please dont spam these adresses.... or i will be forced to remove somethng you may require during life...
as it is for a this mod Sci-Fi Universe and most of the mod is finnished i just would like too get some ships in for my clan... we already have an Arwing but that needs re-skinned and i dont know how too do that

Feel free to contact me in any way you can
I look forwards too hearing from you.
MSN: [email protected]
Y!: maverick_knux
Xfire: maverickknux
AIM: Maverick Knux
ICQ: 220054210
PS: please dont spam these adresses.... or i will be forced to remove somethng you may require during life...