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DEFCON 1-NL Productions
Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe
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Let me give you a preview of the next chapter of my fanfic. Basically, the defenses of the Nomad City redirect them to a strange planet with only one visible landmass. They're forced to land and figure out a way back home.
Anyway, that's like the TV Guide-style summary of it. (And by the way, I'm in school rite now.)
Nuclear Fusion~Nuclear Lancer
Anyway, that's like the TV Guide-style summary of it. (And by the way, I'm in school rite now.)
Nuclear Fusion~Nuclear Lancer
Well, sorry about the really long wait. It was hard to find time in my schedule for writing this. I've also been away for a while, as you may have noticed. Anyway, I just finished it today. It gets a bit less sloppy toward the end. I had started this last November, when I was a bit worse at writing. The second half I finished just now, which, thanks to the help of my English teacher, is a bit better. (At least, that's the way I see it. Hope it doesn't dissapoint you how I've written this.) Defcon pilot out! And no, Trent doesn't get the "designated target" T-shirt. At least, not yet... Heh heh heh... Anyway, if you don't like parts of it, I'll try to find time to make a revised edition. Enjoy!
“Okay… It’s going to take about an hour or so to get to the Dyson Sphere on this ship’s jump drive, so be patient,” Captain Akira said over the intership comlink.
The unsatisfied passengers (the ones who weren’t the crew of the I.S.) groaned.
Andrew could hear them audibly. “I know what you people are going to say and I don’t want to hear it. Just do your stuff. Eat, drink, sleep, take a dump… Okay, forget I said that. Just do whatever you do normally,” he muttered to no one in particular. He got out of his chair and went down to the lunch bar to get a sandwich.
Suddenly, the ship was jolted violently. The entire ship flashed a bright purple-white. Then, it came out of jump. They dropped out close to a bright blue planet. “My, my…” Andrew muttered.
Throughout the ship, people gazed out the viewport. “What happened?!” Juni was panicked.
Andrew’s voice came through the intercom again. “Alright, people… We’ve been somehow redirected, probably by the defenses of the Nomad City, and pulled out of jump by this planet’s gravity well.”
This time, everyone groaned.
The planet had one landmass, which was actually a group of islands. This archipelago looked the shape of Indonesia at first glance, but was more circular and was much closer to the poles than the equator.
The Iron Sunrise passed around the planet, upon which they discovered that the planet was a large moon of a gas giant, which was large and blue-green. Its sun was a blue supergiant. Everything, it seemed, was blue in this system.
“Well, well, well…” King muttered to himself. “Have we got a situation.”
Andrew rushed down to the tactical room. “Tech, can you give me a fix on where we are in this system?”
“Yes, sir.” The technician tapped at the keyboard and a holographic map appeared, showing their current position in the unknown system. “Right… Here.” He pointed at the green blip above the bright turquoise moon.
“Any recognizable star patterns surrounding us?”
“Not that we can see. Not even close.”
“Can you identify any known stars?”
“No. I believe that we have been rerouted straight out of the known galaxy.”
Andrew walked up to the viewscreen. “Aw, $%@#.”
A small shuttle dispatched from the enormous docking bay of the Iron Sunrise. The craft swiveled toward the moon, and rocketed down.
Down it came, soaring over the towering peaks and green plains of an alien land, blasting down low over the surface of the terrain. Andrew and Juni were in the shuttle.
“Wow… Beautiful,” Juni whispered to herself as her eyes swept over the landscape.
“It is, isn’t it?” Andrew stepped up behind her. For a kid, he seemed to be well practiced in the art of stealth. She had never seen – no, heard, rather – him coming. “Nice view here.”
“Whoa! Oh, sorry. Yeah.” She turned back to face the window, then turned around to face him. “Aren’t you supposed to be flying this thing?”
“I put it on autopilot. A technology you have yet to fully incorporate into your ships.” He chuckled. “But then, I suppose you need to be ever alert to stay alive in Sirius. Correct?”
“Uh… Yeah, I’ll leave it at that. So… why are you here?”
“Just wanted to check up. There a problem with that?”
“No. Just asking. You have a problem with that ?” Juni noticed that he had a very deep voice, especially for a person so young.
“Good. Because if you do…”
“You’re going to kick my…” he finished.
“Not the nicest way to respond to a person.”
“You should talk, hypocrite.” She was both angered and surprised at his ability to antagonize with only a few lines. Maybe this would have helped against the Nomad-controlled humans, she thought sarcastically.
“Let’s see, this discussion has wasted about…” He looked down at his watch. “2 minutes and 33 seconds of both of our lives. Move on to another topic?”
Juni was silent, giving him only a hard stare.
“I’ll take that as a yes. So, down to business: We’re going to have to start doing something. We can land the ship on the planet-“
“That thing? How could you possibly support it?”
“It has several large landing gears and antigravity generators to help support it. We’ll be unloading some mining supplies and setting up a temporary base. Right now, we’re supposed to be finding a safe spot to land, in a plain somewhere. Now, coming up to the cabin?”
“Whatever.” Juni followed Andrew into the forward area of the ship, then took the co-pilot’s seat. Andrew watched as she put on her pilot gear. She looks pretty good in a jumpsuit, he thought to himself.
“Where the hell are we?” King shouted in frustration.
“Dunno,” Trent said. “Somewhere in another galaxy, orbiting some strange moon of some giant planet going around a blue sun. Far away from home, that’s all I can say.”
King sighed. He wasn’t used to being far from Manhattan, let alone in an entirely different galaxy . The Nomad incident had been enough for him. This was an outrage.
“Look, these guys have resources. They have the technology. They have the ingenuity. We’ll get back home.”
“Dunno… I kinda don’t trust them. I mean, they have guns and everything, a ship that could plow right through an entire fleet and come out unharmed, manpower… Makes me wonder. I mean, where the hell are they from? How did they get here?”
“The boy told me where they were from. I got a lucky guess: Earth.”
“Earth? Where’d you hear about that? Oh, right, you’re a freelancer, I guess you’ve heard stories from all kinds of people. But how is that possible? I mean, Earth… He seems like someone who came out of the twenty-first century. By Earth reckoning, it’s probably 3000 AD or something like that. All this is way ahead of its time if it’s from the twenty-first century. Did he tell you how he got here, and how he managed to get this ship?”
“Never asked. I’ll do that when he gets back.” Trent had felt a slight pang of jealousy when Juni had opted to go with the captain on the scout mission: Though he was only a pre-teen, he had many characteristics of a teenager. However, Trent had decided that it was OK seeing as he was just a kid. He also had an attitude that could make even those most resistant to insults clench their fists and scream at him. A very antagonistic and sarcastic character. But even so… he thought to himself. He decided to take his mind off Juni and Andrew by staring out the viewport at the stars. His mind trailed off as he lost himself in the endless void of space.
Nuclear Fusion~Nuclear Lancer
“Okay… It’s going to take about an hour or so to get to the Dyson Sphere on this ship’s jump drive, so be patient,” Captain Akira said over the intership comlink.
The unsatisfied passengers (the ones who weren’t the crew of the I.S.) groaned.
Andrew could hear them audibly. “I know what you people are going to say and I don’t want to hear it. Just do your stuff. Eat, drink, sleep, take a dump… Okay, forget I said that. Just do whatever you do normally,” he muttered to no one in particular. He got out of his chair and went down to the lunch bar to get a sandwich.
Suddenly, the ship was jolted violently. The entire ship flashed a bright purple-white. Then, it came out of jump. They dropped out close to a bright blue planet. “My, my…” Andrew muttered.
Throughout the ship, people gazed out the viewport. “What happened?!” Juni was panicked.
Andrew’s voice came through the intercom again. “Alright, people… We’ve been somehow redirected, probably by the defenses of the Nomad City, and pulled out of jump by this planet’s gravity well.”
This time, everyone groaned.
The planet had one landmass, which was actually a group of islands. This archipelago looked the shape of Indonesia at first glance, but was more circular and was much closer to the poles than the equator.
The Iron Sunrise passed around the planet, upon which they discovered that the planet was a large moon of a gas giant, which was large and blue-green. Its sun was a blue supergiant. Everything, it seemed, was blue in this system.
“Well, well, well…” King muttered to himself. “Have we got a situation.”
Andrew rushed down to the tactical room. “Tech, can you give me a fix on where we are in this system?”
“Yes, sir.” The technician tapped at the keyboard and a holographic map appeared, showing their current position in the unknown system. “Right… Here.” He pointed at the green blip above the bright turquoise moon.
“Any recognizable star patterns surrounding us?”
“Not that we can see. Not even close.”
“Can you identify any known stars?”
“No. I believe that we have been rerouted straight out of the known galaxy.”
Andrew walked up to the viewscreen. “Aw, $%@#.”
A small shuttle dispatched from the enormous docking bay of the Iron Sunrise. The craft swiveled toward the moon, and rocketed down.
Down it came, soaring over the towering peaks and green plains of an alien land, blasting down low over the surface of the terrain. Andrew and Juni were in the shuttle.
“Wow… Beautiful,” Juni whispered to herself as her eyes swept over the landscape.
“It is, isn’t it?” Andrew stepped up behind her. For a kid, he seemed to be well practiced in the art of stealth. She had never seen – no, heard, rather – him coming. “Nice view here.”
“Whoa! Oh, sorry. Yeah.” She turned back to face the window, then turned around to face him. “Aren’t you supposed to be flying this thing?”
“I put it on autopilot. A technology you have yet to fully incorporate into your ships.” He chuckled. “But then, I suppose you need to be ever alert to stay alive in Sirius. Correct?”
“Uh… Yeah, I’ll leave it at that. So… why are you here?”
“Just wanted to check up. There a problem with that?”
“No. Just asking. You have a problem with that ?” Juni noticed that he had a very deep voice, especially for a person so young.
“Good. Because if you do…”
“You’re going to kick my…” he finished.
“Not the nicest way to respond to a person.”
“You should talk, hypocrite.” She was both angered and surprised at his ability to antagonize with only a few lines. Maybe this would have helped against the Nomad-controlled humans, she thought sarcastically.
“Let’s see, this discussion has wasted about…” He looked down at his watch. “2 minutes and 33 seconds of both of our lives. Move on to another topic?”
Juni was silent, giving him only a hard stare.
“I’ll take that as a yes. So, down to business: We’re going to have to start doing something. We can land the ship on the planet-“
“That thing? How could you possibly support it?”
“It has several large landing gears and antigravity generators to help support it. We’ll be unloading some mining supplies and setting up a temporary base. Right now, we’re supposed to be finding a safe spot to land, in a plain somewhere. Now, coming up to the cabin?”
“Whatever.” Juni followed Andrew into the forward area of the ship, then took the co-pilot’s seat. Andrew watched as she put on her pilot gear. She looks pretty good in a jumpsuit, he thought to himself.
“Where the hell are we?” King shouted in frustration.
“Dunno,” Trent said. “Somewhere in another galaxy, orbiting some strange moon of some giant planet going around a blue sun. Far away from home, that’s all I can say.”
King sighed. He wasn’t used to being far from Manhattan, let alone in an entirely different galaxy . The Nomad incident had been enough for him. This was an outrage.
“Look, these guys have resources. They have the technology. They have the ingenuity. We’ll get back home.”
“Dunno… I kinda don’t trust them. I mean, they have guns and everything, a ship that could plow right through an entire fleet and come out unharmed, manpower… Makes me wonder. I mean, where the hell are they from? How did they get here?”
“The boy told me where they were from. I got a lucky guess: Earth.”
“Earth? Where’d you hear about that? Oh, right, you’re a freelancer, I guess you’ve heard stories from all kinds of people. But how is that possible? I mean, Earth… He seems like someone who came out of the twenty-first century. By Earth reckoning, it’s probably 3000 AD or something like that. All this is way ahead of its time if it’s from the twenty-first century. Did he tell you how he got here, and how he managed to get this ship?”
“Never asked. I’ll do that when he gets back.” Trent had felt a slight pang of jealousy when Juni had opted to go with the captain on the scout mission: Though he was only a pre-teen, he had many characteristics of a teenager. However, Trent had decided that it was OK seeing as he was just a kid. He also had an attitude that could make even those most resistant to insults clench their fists and scream at him. A very antagonistic and sarcastic character. But even so… he thought to himself. He decided to take his mind off Juni and Andrew by staring out the viewport at the stars. His mind trailed off as he lost himself in the endless void of space.
Nuclear Fusion~Nuclear Lancer
OK, this is really just a post to get attention. Go ahead and delete it, mods.
On second thought, I'll make use of it: The next update will be colonization of the moon!
Defcon, a editing note, uncheck your add sig box after first posting in a thread please
Edited by - Finalday on 1/21/2006 5:51:38 PM
On second thought, I'll make use of it: The next update will be colonization of the moon!
Defcon, a editing note, uncheck your add sig box after first posting in a thread please

Edited by - Finalday on 1/21/2006 5:51:38 PM
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