RP: I will not cease my attempts to destroy Orbital Spa & Cruise in the Sigma and Omicron systems. I will continue to pursue this goal to seek the safety of civilians of Sirius, so that no more innocent lives can suffer at the hand of this corporation, only for their greed.
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Control Your Own Faction Part 6- Victory or Death: Round 1 G
Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe
OOC: Kusari never got along well with Rheinland, but Kishiro was never part of that quarrel. It is true that Kishiro was a very close ally to the GMG, making for shaky relations with Rheinland, but at the collapse of the GMG (nobody is playing them) Kishiro and Rheinland both want to move in to expand in Sigma-13 and Sigma-19. That is how we are allied in RP: We seek a common goal.
RP: I will not cease my attempts to destroy Orbital Spa & Cruise in the Sigma and Omicron systems. I will continue to pursue this goal to seek the safety of civilians of Sirius, so that no more innocent lives can suffer at the hand of this corporation, only for their greed.
RP: I will not cease my attempts to destroy Orbital Spa & Cruise in the Sigma and Omicron systems. I will continue to pursue this goal to seek the safety of civilians of Sirius, so that no more innocent lives can suffer at the hand of this corporation, only for their greed.
DSE Turn 3
Bank: 105
Foundation: 40 + Wealth = 70
Trade: 0
Chugoku Gate Construction Site (Hokkaido Small Station) (10 LF Wings)
Baltimore Shipyard (New York Capital Shipyard) (1 Gunboat)
Planet Pittsburgh (New York Planet) (19 LF Wings, 20 HF Wings)
Freedom Station (California Large Station) (10 LF Wings)
Longarm Station (Colorado Small Station) (9 LF Wings)
Base Credit Income: 80
Total Credit Income: 150 + 105 from bank = 255
Resource Income:
4 M/2 G New York
1 M/4 G California
6 M/0 G Colorado
4 M/2 G Hokkaido
Total Resource Income:
15 M/8 G + 13 M/2 G from bank
28 M/10 G
Build 1 Battleship
Take Control of Small Gas/Metal Miner built by BMM
Place Battleship in Galileo
Place Small Gas/Metal Miner in Galileo
Bank Status:
175 credits
8 M/0 G
Move Small Gas/Metal Miner to New Tokyo
Move Battleship to New Tokyo
Move 1 Gunboat from Galileo to Kepler
Sends 1 LF Wing out of New York on exploration attempt
Units After Movement
Total Units:
17 LF Wings, 20 HF Wings, 1 Gunboat New York
10 LF Wings, 1 Gunboat California
9 LF Wings, 1 Gunboat Colorado
10 LF Wings Hokkaido
2 Gunboats Galileo
1 Battleship, 1 Small Gas/Metal Miner New Tokyo
Diplomatic Blitzing California Minor (Modifier +3)
Diplomatic Blitzing Ames Research Station (Modifier +1)
Diplomatic Blitzing
Exploration Party
Trade: Sends 25 credits to BMM for delivery of Small Gas/Metal Miner
Bank Credits 150
Request Alliance with Ageira
Request Alliance with Rheinland
Request Alliance with Bretonia
Request Alliance with BHG
Request Coalition with BMM
Request Coalition with Daumann
Request Non-Aggression Pact with Farmer's Alliance
Request Non-Aggression Pact with Blood Dragons
Request Non-Aggression Pact with Bundschuch
Faction Relations
Very Friendly: Liberty (Alliance), Ageira
Friendly: Bretonia, Rheinland, Bretonian Mining and Metals
Supportive: Bounty Hunters Guild, ALG Waste Disposal, Kishiro Technologies, Daumann Heavy Construction (Non-Aggression Pact)
Neutral: Bundschuch, Republican Shipping, Farmer's Alliance, Blood Dragons, Orbital Spa And Cruise
Unsupportive: None
Unfriendly: None
Very Unfriendly: None
Bank: 105
Foundation: 40 + Wealth = 70
Trade: 0
Chugoku Gate Construction Site (Hokkaido Small Station) (10 LF Wings)
Baltimore Shipyard (New York Capital Shipyard) (1 Gunboat)
Planet Pittsburgh (New York Planet) (19 LF Wings, 20 HF Wings)
Freedom Station (California Large Station) (10 LF Wings)
Longarm Station (Colorado Small Station) (9 LF Wings)
Base Credit Income: 80
Total Credit Income: 150 + 105 from bank = 255
Resource Income:
4 M/2 G New York
1 M/4 G California
6 M/0 G Colorado
4 M/2 G Hokkaido
Total Resource Income:
15 M/8 G + 13 M/2 G from bank
28 M/10 G
Build 1 Battleship
Take Control of Small Gas/Metal Miner built by BMM
Place Battleship in Galileo
Place Small Gas/Metal Miner in Galileo
Bank Status:
175 credits
8 M/0 G
Move Small Gas/Metal Miner to New Tokyo
Move Battleship to New Tokyo
Move 1 Gunboat from Galileo to Kepler
Sends 1 LF Wing out of New York on exploration attempt
Units After Movement
Total Units:
17 LF Wings, 20 HF Wings, 1 Gunboat New York
10 LF Wings, 1 Gunboat California
9 LF Wings, 1 Gunboat Colorado
10 LF Wings Hokkaido
2 Gunboats Galileo
1 Battleship, 1 Small Gas/Metal Miner New Tokyo
Diplomatic Blitzing California Minor (Modifier +3)
Diplomatic Blitzing Ames Research Station (Modifier +1)
Diplomatic Blitzing
Exploration Party
Trade: Sends 25 credits to BMM for delivery of Small Gas/Metal Miner
Bank Credits 150
Request Alliance with Ageira
Request Alliance with Rheinland
Request Alliance with Bretonia
Request Alliance with BHG
Request Coalition with BMM
Request Coalition with Daumann
Request Non-Aggression Pact with Farmer's Alliance
Request Non-Aggression Pact with Blood Dragons
Request Non-Aggression Pact with Bundschuch
Faction Relations
Very Friendly: Liberty (Alliance), Ageira
Friendly: Bretonia, Rheinland, Bretonian Mining and Metals
Supportive: Bounty Hunters Guild, ALG Waste Disposal, Kishiro Technologies, Daumann Heavy Construction (Non-Aggression Pact)
Neutral: Bundschuch, Republican Shipping, Farmer's Alliance, Blood Dragons, Orbital Spa And Cruise
Unsupportive: None
Unfriendly: None
Very Unfriendly: None

<pre><font size=1 face=Courier>Bank Income Trade Total Purchase Final
90$ 200$ 0$ 290$ -255$ 35$
4G 7G 0G 11G -0G 11G
70M 52M 0M 122M -0M 122M </font></pre>

Tech Research - Improved Labs = 25$ + 8x bonus = 105$
-after that-
Tech Research - Improved Labs = 25$ + 6x bonus = 85$
-after that-
Tech Research - Improved Labs = 25$ + 4x bonus = 65$

5 LF wings to Koln Station, Omega-11
5 LF wings from Koln Station, Omega-11 -> Omega-41 System

20 LF wings from Omega-11 search for Freital Base
5 LF wings, 10 HF wings from Omega-41 search for Leon Base
Blitzing Bautzen Station (Dresden, Kruger) - Small (1-10 F, 11-20 S)
If Freital Base search is succesfull - Blitz Freital Base (Omega-11, Hessians) - Small (1-11F, 12-20S)
If Freital Base search is unsuccesfull - Blitz Bonn Station (New Berlin, Interspace) - Large (1-10F, 11-20S)
If Leon Base search is succesfull - Blitz Leon Base (Omega-41, Corsairs) - Small (1-11F, 12-20S)
If Leon Base search is unsuccesfull - Blitz Bonn Station (New Berlin, Interspace) - Large (1-10F, 11-20S)

Leipzig Station, Dresden (S) - 10 LF wings
Planet Holstein, Frankfurt (P) - 20 LF wings
Mannheim Station, Frankfurt (S) - 20 LF wings, 10 HF wings
The Ring, New Berlin (L) - 20 LF wings
Rugen Station, Omega-3 (S) - 20 LF wings
Briesen Mining Facility, Omega-7 (S) - 10 LF wings
Elbich Mining Facility, Omega-7 (S) - 30 LF wings, 10 HF wings <--- forgot to add units after last turn's blitz
Freistadt Base, Omega 7 (S) - 20 LF wings, 10 HF wings
Solarius Station, Omega-11 (S) - 20 HF wings
Koln Station, Omega-11 (S) - 10 LF wings
Sigma-13 System - 10 LF wings on a diplomatic mission
Omega-11 System - 20 LF wings searching for Freital Base
Omega-41 System - 5 LF wings, 10 HF wings searching for Leon Base

At the Helgoland Summit
*The Representant of Daumann welcomes all concerned factions*
We hope that today, we will form a strong and prospering alliance between our facitons. The Daumann Heavy Constructions has, and will be, still standing on the side of Rheinland. Our ships are always prepared to aid the forming Alliance in war or peace. In addition to that, we are able to supply the Alliance with large amounts of Metal mined in the Omega Systems. In return, we want nothing more than protection against foreign attackers and rights to build our bases and station our forces within Rheinland Space.
As an act of friendship, we are revealing positions of all our hidden bases.
To Rashnok, CEO of the ALG Waste Disposal
We agree your trade offer. As for now, a 1:1 trade will be sufficient for both of us. You choose the quantity, we have enough Metal to give you in return.
To Gunblader, Guildmaster of the Bounty Hunters Guild
Daumann Heavy Construction asks you for permission to estabilish small Gas mining operation within the Sigma-13 System. We will in no way interfere with any of your plans.
To Hawk Of Prey, CEO of the Deep Space Engineering
Coalition accepted.
Daumann Faction News -- Daumann declares neutrality
Today, the CEO of the Daumann Heavy Constructions, Lord Emperor, spoke about further plans of the company:
"The Daumann Heavy Constructions is from now declaring neutrality to all factions. We will not attack anyone first, but we will defend our bases and help our allies to defend theirs. In the case that war begins, we will stand on the side of Rheinland and support them, but in peace times we are open to everybody.
Also, we are going to estabilish large Metal mining operations in the Omega System Cluster. Other factions are welcome to come through, but limit your operations to 1 base per system maximum. Allies (OOC allies = listed under the Alliance section) of the DHC are allowed to build whatever they want. Additionally, the DHC will soon open a Metal trading market, where any faction will be able to buy Metal for apropriate prizes.

Coalition: BMM, Republican, DSE
Non-agression Pact: Bretonia, Liberty, BHG

20 LF wings from Omega-11 search for Freital Base
5 LF wings, 10 HF wings from Omega-41 search for Leon Base
a\ If Freital Base search is succesfull - Blitz Freital Base (Omega-11, Hessians) - Small (1-11F, 12-20S)
b\ If Freital Base search is unsuccesfull - Blitz Bonn Station (New Berlin, Interspace) - Large (1-10F, 11-20S)
A\ If Leon Base search is succesfull - Blitz Leon Base (Omega-41, Corsairs) - Small (1-11F, 12-20S)
B\ If Leon Base search is unsuccesfull - Blitz Bonn Station (New Berlin, Interspace) - Large (1-10F, 11-20S)
Independant on search: Blitzing Bautzen Station (Dresden, Kruger) - Small (1-10 F, 11-20 S)
Tech Research - Improved Labs = 25$ + 8x modifier = 105$; +4 bonus from research (1-20S)
-after that-
Tech Research - Improved Labs = 25$ + 6x modifier = 85$; +4 bonus from research; +2 if previous is succesfull (1-20S)
-after that-
Tech Research - Improved Labs = 25$ + 4x modifier = 65$; +4 bonus from research; +4 if previous are succesfull (1-20S)
Edited by - Lord Emperor on 8/14/2005 3:36:52 PM
House Liberty - Turn Two
New York:
Planet Manhatten (P)
Fort Bush (L)
Norfolk Shipyard (C)
West Point Military Academy (S)
Newark Station (L)
Trenton Outpost (L)
Planet Denver (P)
Planet Los Angeles (P)
San Diego Border Station (S)
Williard Research Station (L-SE)
Anaheim Station (L)
Planet Houston (P)
LPI Huntsville (L)
LPI Sugarland (L)
Juneau Shipyard (C)
Prison Station Mitchell (S)
Large base, christened Anaheim Station, placed in California.
10 VHF, 10 HF in Colorado
2 LF, 16 Gunboats in California
4 Cruisers in Texas
4 Battleships in New York
50 LF, 10 HF, 1 Cruiser, 1 Gunboat, 5 Battleships in New York
20 LF, 20 HF, 10 VHF, 1 Battleship in Colorado
52 LF, 10 HF, 16 Gunboats, 1 Battleship in California
60 LF, 10 HF, 4 Cruisers, 1 Battleship in Texas
10 LF, 1 Cruiser, 1 Gunboat in Alaska
300 credits + 60 credits + 290 credits = 650 credits
Gas - 19
Metals - 28
1 Small Base
1 Capital Shipyard
5 LF Wings
1 Explore Party
Tech Research: Other Faction Unique Unit: SHF - +3
Tech Research: Improved Labratories - +3
Tech Research: Improved Navigation - +3
Tech Research: Improved Ships: VHF: FA - +3
11 Gunboats
25 credits
7 Gas
1 Metals
Blitzing Planet California Minor (14)
Blitzing Freeport 2 (12)
Blitzing Freeport 4 (12)
Offer Alliance to BHG
Offer Alliance to Aegira
Offer Coalition to BMM
Exploration Party
Faction Relations
Very Friendly - Bretonia, DSE, BHG, Orbital Spa & Cruise, Aegira
Friendly - None
Supportave - BMM, Daumann
Neutral - None
Unsupportave - Farmer's Alliance, Rhineland, Republican, Kishiro
Unfriendly - Bundschuh, Gaians
Very Unfriendly - None
Faction Agreements
Bretonia: Alliance
DSE: Alliance
Daumann: Non-Agression Pact
Ship Stats
Liberty "Patriot" Light Fighter - FA: 3, CA: 3, FD: 1, CD: 1
Liberty "Defender" Heavy Fighter - FA: 2, CA: 2, FD: 4, CD: 4
Liberty "Liberator" Very Heavy Fighter - FA: 5, CA: 5, FD: 3, CD: 3
Liberty "Justice" Class Gunboat - FA: 7, CA: 3, FD: 7, CD: 3
Liberty "Independence" Class Cruiser - FA: 4, CA: 8, FD: 4, CD: 8
Liberty "Freedom" Class Battleship - FA: 8, CA: 8, FD: 7, CD: 7
Edited by - Roc on 8/14/2005 4:05:53 PM
New York:
Planet Manhatten (P)
Fort Bush (L)
Norfolk Shipyard (C)
West Point Military Academy (S)
Newark Station (L)
Trenton Outpost (L)
Planet Denver (P)
Planet Los Angeles (P)
San Diego Border Station (S)
Williard Research Station (L-SE)
Anaheim Station (L)
Planet Houston (P)
LPI Huntsville (L)
LPI Sugarland (L)
Juneau Shipyard (C)
Prison Station Mitchell (S)
Large base, christened Anaheim Station, placed in California.
10 VHF, 10 HF in Colorado
2 LF, 16 Gunboats in California
4 Cruisers in Texas
4 Battleships in New York
50 LF, 10 HF, 1 Cruiser, 1 Gunboat, 5 Battleships in New York
20 LF, 20 HF, 10 VHF, 1 Battleship in Colorado
52 LF, 10 HF, 16 Gunboats, 1 Battleship in California
60 LF, 10 HF, 4 Cruisers, 1 Battleship in Texas
10 LF, 1 Cruiser, 1 Gunboat in Alaska
300 credits + 60 credits + 290 credits = 650 credits
Gas - 19
Metals - 28
1 Small Base
1 Capital Shipyard
5 LF Wings
1 Explore Party
Tech Research: Other Faction Unique Unit: SHF - +3
Tech Research: Improved Labratories - +3
Tech Research: Improved Navigation - +3
Tech Research: Improved Ships: VHF: FA - +3
11 Gunboats
25 credits
7 Gas
1 Metals
Blitzing Planet California Minor (14)
Blitzing Freeport 2 (12)
Blitzing Freeport 4 (12)
Offer Alliance to BHG
Offer Alliance to Aegira
Offer Coalition to BMM
Exploration Party
Faction Relations
Very Friendly - Bretonia, DSE, BHG, Orbital Spa & Cruise, Aegira
Friendly - None
Supportave - BMM, Daumann
Neutral - None
Unsupportave - Farmer's Alliance, Rhineland, Republican, Kishiro
Unfriendly - Bundschuh, Gaians
Very Unfriendly - None
Faction Agreements
Bretonia: Alliance
DSE: Alliance
Daumann: Non-Agression Pact
Ship Stats
Liberty "Patriot" Light Fighter - FA: 3, CA: 3, FD: 1, CD: 1
Liberty "Defender" Heavy Fighter - FA: 2, CA: 2, FD: 4, CD: 4
Liberty "Liberator" Very Heavy Fighter - FA: 5, CA: 5, FD: 3, CD: 3
Liberty "Justice" Class Gunboat - FA: 7, CA: 3, FD: 7, CD: 3
Liberty "Independence" Class Cruiser - FA: 4, CA: 8, FD: 4, CD: 8
Liberty "Freedom" Class Battleship - FA: 8, CA: 8, FD: 7, CD: 7
Edited by - Roc on 8/14/2005 4:05:53 PM
Lord Emporers Results :
Hawk of Prey:
Roc's Results :
Explorations of ROC
GB's Battles
Honshu 3 lf lost in the first 4
0 losses o nthe last 1
Edited by - Chessalavakia on 8/14/2005 3:57:04 PM
Edited by - Chessalavakia on 8/14/2005 4:00:04 PM
Edited by - Chessalavakia on 8/14/2005 4:02:13 PM
Edited by - Chessalavakia on 8/14/2005 4:02:57 PM
Edited by - Chessalavakia on 8/14/2005 4:04:37 PM
Edited by - Chessalavakia on 8/14/2005 4:15:08 PM
Hawk of Prey:
Roc's Results :
Explorations of ROC
GB's Battles
Honshu 3 lf lost in the first 4
0 losses o nthe last 1
Edited by - Chessalavakia on 8/14/2005 3:57:04 PM
Edited by - Chessalavakia on 8/14/2005 4:00:04 PM
Edited by - Chessalavakia on 8/14/2005 4:02:13 PM
Edited by - Chessalavakia on 8/14/2005 4:02:57 PM
Edited by - Chessalavakia on 8/14/2005 4:04:37 PM
Edited by - Chessalavakia on 8/14/2005 4:15:08 PM
IC: To the people of Liberty:
Chess's Exploration Results:
4 - Success, system has no planets.
13 - Failure, units come back.
Edited by - Roc on 8/14/2005 4:44:33 PM
IC: To the people of Liberty:
Today, we have a great announcement for the people of Liberty. Our exploration teams have discovered a new system! And not only that, but this system has two already habitable planets inside of it! This is truely a time of triumph! The system has been dubbed Tennessee, and the two planets Memphis and Nashville. We have a new home for Liberty citizens!
Chess's Exploration Results:
4 - Success, system has no planets.
13 - Failure, units come back.
Edited by - Roc on 8/14/2005 4:44:33 PM
Could Somone Judge my battles :
All forces in Sigma-17 attacking all in-system Orbital Spa & Cruise forces. Claiming system in case of victory.
(10 LF, 10 HF, 5 VHF, and 1 Gunboat -VS- 5 LF) Guarnateed Loss but still somone has to judge it.
All forces in Sigma-19 attacking all in-system Orbital Spa & Cruise forces. Claiming system in case of victory.
(10 LF, 10 HF, 5 VHF, and 1 Gunboat -VS- 5 LF) + 30 lf 20 hf of mine I got in the base blitz Probly loss but somone has to judge it
New Berlin
Oder = Shipyard-2 Battleships- Westfallen, Leviathan vs 2 Cruisers 10 LF
New Berlin = Planet-10 LF + 5 HF vs 1 Gunboat + 20 lf
Brandenburg = Small Station-10 LF vs 1 Gunboat
Dortmund Shipyard vs 1 lf
Lubek = Small Station-10 LF vs 1 Gunboat
Hamburg = Planet-20 LF + 10 HF 30 lf 40 hf 1 gunboat
Pirna = Small Station-10 LF vs 1 Gunboat
My turn depends fully on these results therefore I cannot post till Iget them.
Edited by - Chessalavakia on 8/14/2005 5:46:49 PM
All forces in Sigma-17 attacking all in-system Orbital Spa & Cruise forces. Claiming system in case of victory.
(10 LF, 10 HF, 5 VHF, and 1 Gunboat -VS- 5 LF) Guarnateed Loss but still somone has to judge it.
All forces in Sigma-19 attacking all in-system Orbital Spa & Cruise forces. Claiming system in case of victory.
(10 LF, 10 HF, 5 VHF, and 1 Gunboat -VS- 5 LF) + 30 lf 20 hf of mine I got in the base blitz Probly loss but somone has to judge it
New Berlin
Oder = Shipyard-2 Battleships- Westfallen, Leviathan vs 2 Cruisers 10 LF
New Berlin = Planet-10 LF + 5 HF vs 1 Gunboat + 20 lf
Brandenburg = Small Station-10 LF vs 1 Gunboat
Dortmund Shipyard vs 1 lf
Lubek = Small Station-10 LF vs 1 Gunboat
Hamburg = Planet-20 LF + 10 HF 30 lf 40 hf 1 gunboat
Pirna = Small Station-10 LF vs 1 Gunboat
My turn depends fully on these results therefore I cannot post till Iget them.
Edited by - Chessalavakia on 8/14/2005 5:46:49 PM
43 LF wings and 8 HF wings will blitz planet Honshu 3 times(if not successfull)
OOC:Roc didn't I tell you to email me if you had news. Respect an admin, BIATCH!!!!
Edited by - gunblader on 8/14/2005 6:20:24 PM
Edited by - gunblader on 8/14/2005 7:18:12 PM
OOC:Roc didn't I tell you to email me if you had news. Respect an admin, BIATCH!!!!

Honshu has fallen!
With the execption of Planet Honshu, the rest of the forces still loyal to the Shogunate have been killed, along with the bases captured. The forces at planet Honshu will be given 1 chance to side with the BHG, if not they will be destroyed.
The cleansing of Kusari almost complete!
With the fall of Honshu, only 3 bases and two planets are left that are still loyal to the Shogunate. Once the are convinced to join or taken by force, Kusari will once be safe again.
Kusari Prisoners.
Today in Omega-11 at Bonds Prison station, the Shogunate and the board of executives of Samura were sentanced to life at Bonds. They will mine and do excessive physical behavior. The Shogunate and the CEO of Samura were thown in the same jail cells as Sirius's most dangerous sexual offenders. Don't drop the soap boys!!!![]()
Edited by - gunblader on 8/14/2005 6:20:24 PM
Edited by - gunblader on 8/14/2005 7:18:12 PM
Gaians Turn 3
Bank - 95
Gas/Metal - 4/4
Foundation credits - 40
Edinburgh - Islay Base (Large)
Edinburgh - (I need a name)(Large)
Edinburgh - Perth Base (Small)
Total credits from bases - 50
Total credits gained - 90
Gas/Metal Gained - 3/3
30 LF wings, 10 HF wings, 3 VHF wings to Tau 31.
After movement
Edinburgh - 22 LF wings, 5 HF wings, 10 VHF wings.
Tau 31 - 30 LF wings, 10 HF wings, 3 VHF wings
Blitzing Holeman Outpost
To Bretonia
We agree to what you said.
To Orbital Spa and Cruise
Please leave Edinburgh soon.
Faction Relations
Every one else
Orbital Spa and Cruise.
BHG, Planetfrom.
Total Resources
Credits - 185
Gas/Metal - 7/7
Can we destroy Jump Gates?
Bank - 95
Gas/Metal - 4/4
Foundation credits - 40
Edinburgh - Islay Base (Large)
Edinburgh - (I need a name)(Large)
Edinburgh - Perth Base (Small)
Total credits from bases - 50
Total credits gained - 90
Gas/Metal Gained - 3/3
30 LF wings, 10 HF wings, 3 VHF wings to Tau 31.
After movement
Edinburgh - 22 LF wings, 5 HF wings, 10 VHF wings.
Tau 31 - 30 LF wings, 10 HF wings, 3 VHF wings
Blitzing Holeman Outpost
To Bretonia
We agree to what you said.
To Orbital Spa and Cruise
Please leave Edinburgh soon.
Faction Relations

Total Resources
Credits - 185
Gas/Metal - 7/7
Can we destroy Jump Gates?
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