<pre><font size=1 face=Courier>Bank Income Trade Total Purchase Final
15$ 260$ 0$ 275$ -250$ 25$
7G 25G 20G 52G -23G 29G
221M 88M -30M 279M -28M 251M </font></pre>

1 Small Station = 75$/15G/15M
1 Cruiser = 50$/7G/10M
1 Exploration Party = 25$/1G/3M
Research Cruiser FA = 25$
Research Cruiser FA = 25$
Research Cruiser FD = 25$
Research Cruiser FD = 25$

Schwerin Base, Stuttgart (S)
5 HF wings to Schwerin Base, Stuttgart
5 HF wings to The Ring, New Berlin
1 Cruiser to Freistadt Base, Omega-7
1 Cruiser to Magdeburg Shipyard, Omega-3
10 LF wings from The Ring, New Berlin -> Stuttgart, Schwerin Base
3 Exploration Parties (1 new, 2 returned) are sent from the Omega-11 System

Blitz Freeport 5, Omega-41 (Zoners) - Small (1-10F, 11-20S)
--repeat up to three times if necessary, when I get it then--
Blitz Planet Stuttgart, Stuttgart (Rheinland) - Planet (1-13F, 14-20S)
--again, repeat until I got it or spend all blitzes--
10 LF wings, 10 HF wings in Stuttgart System searching for Darmstadt Depot (LWB )

Leipzig Station, Dresden (S) - 10 LF wings
Bautzen Station, Dresden (S) - 10 LF wings, 5 HF wings
Pirna Border Station, Dresden (S) - 10 LF wings
Planet Holstein, Frankfurt (P) - 20 LF wings
Mannheim Station, Frankfurt (S) - 10 LF wings, 5 HF wings
The Ring, New Berlin (L) - 10 LF wings, 5 HF wings
Erfurt Mining Facility, Stuttgart (S) - 10 LF wings, 3 HF wings
Schwerin Base, Stuttgart (S) - 10 LF wings, 5 HF wings
Rugen Station, Omega-3 (S) - 20 LF wings
Magdeburg Shipyard, Omega-3 (Shipyard) - 10 LF wings, 5 HF wings, 1 Cruiser
Briesen Mining Facility, Omega-7 (S) - 10 LF wings
Elbich Mining Facility, Omega-7 (S) - 10 LF wings, 5 HF wings
Freistadt Base, Omega 7 (S) - 10 LF wings, 5 HF wings, 1 Cruiser
Solarius Station, Omega-11 (S) - 20 HF wings
Koln Station, Omega-11 (S) - 10 LF wings, 3 HF wings
Freital Base, Omega-11 (S) - 20 LF wings
Leon Base, Omega-41 (S) - 20 LF wings
Sigma-13 System - Small G/M Miner guarded by 10 LF wings
10 LF wings, 10 HF wings in Stuttgart System searching for Darmstadt Depot (LWB )
Omega-41 System - 4 LF wings, 10 HF wings
Ship stats (FA/CA/FD/CD):
'Hawk' Light Fighter (4 max) - 2/2/2/2
'Falcon' Heavy Fighter (5 max) - 5/5/5/5
'Eagle' Very Heavy Fighter (6 max) - 4/5/4/5
Gunboat (7 max) - 5/5/5/5
Cruiser (8 max) - 5/7/5/7
Battleship (9 max) - 9/6/9/6

To gunblader, Guild Master of the Bounty Hunters Guild
We do still have some spare Metal to trade. First offer is 1M:1G per turn ratio, you choose the amount. If you allow us to construct a Small Station in the Sigma-13 System, we may change that to 1.5M:1G per turn.
To all faction leaders
DHC is now opening a Metal market aboard Freistadt Base, Omega-7 System, where you can buy various Metals mined in the Omega System cluster. Prices are based on your reputation:
Very Friendly: 1M:1.5$
Friendly: 1M:2$
Supportive: 1M:2.5$
Neutral: 1M:3$
Unsupportive: 1M:3.5$
Unfriendly: 1M:4$
Hostile: We don't deal wih our enemies.
Just transfer the credits and our transports will be sent immediately.

Coalition: BMM, Republican, DSE, Liberty
Non-agression Pact: Bretonia, BHG

Research Cruiser FA = 25$ (with technologies = 1-16S, 17-20F)
Research Cruiser FA = 25$ (with technologies = 1-16S, 17-20F)
Research Cruiser FD = 25$ (with technologies = 1-16S, 17-20F)
Research Cruiser FD = 25$ (with technologies = 1-16S, 17-20F)
Blitz Freeport 5, Omega-41 (Zoners) - Small (1-10F, 11-20S)
--repeat up to three times if necessary, when I get it then--
Blitz Planet Stuttgart, Stuttgart (Rheinland) - Planet (1-13F, 14-20S)
--again, repeat until I got it or spend all blitzes--
3 Exploration Parties are sent from the Omega-11 System
10 LF wings, 10 HF wings in Stuttgart System searching for Darmstadt Depot (LWB ) ---> from previous turn
10 LF wings, 10 HF wings in Stuttgart System searching for Darmstadt Depot (LWB ) ---> from this turn
@ Hawk of Prey: Check what are you doing, you have just searched for two of my bases. Also check the rules about Exploration Parties once again. You don't send any of your units , but you have to buy separate Exploration Parties for 50$/2G/5M.
Also, I've got Freistadt since turn #2, and I have it clearly written among my other bases. You attempted to blitz it in Turn #6. You can't blitz PC (player controled) bases!
@ Roc: Also check what are you deciding. He can't search for a system with LF, and he can't search for my non-hidden bases. Even in that case, his fighters fight mine, not some Hessians.
@ Codename: Where did you get Pirna Border Station from? It has been mine since my turn #5.
Edited by - Lord Emperor on 8/20/2005 3:26:53 AM