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Control Your Own Faction: Part 5- The Redemption: Game Threa
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Unlike you I have a problem with pirates. If i don't build up my forces then they will take over Liberty.
I can't have that happen.
Since you are reluctant to be in any sort of state with me i will accept that and give you my word that i won't attack you.
So my build up should not be a problem.
Liberty asks for permission to build ONE base in Dublin as a mean of getting the metal?
Our trade agrement wont affect this.
Liberty is intersted in starting a trade deal of 10 Gas each turn for a period of 6 turns.
The price for 1 gas is 3 credits I belive. (Might be wrong, taking this from memory if I'am please feel free to correct me)
@To all:
Are there anymore concerned about my forces contact me on the secure cannel and I will explain.
([email protected])
Edited by - The Creator on 3/31/2005 2:47:45 AM
Unlike you I have a problem with pirates. If i don't build up my forces then they will take over Liberty.
I can't have that happen.
Since you are reluctant to be in any sort of state with me i will accept that and give you my word that i won't attack you.
So my build up should not be a problem.
Liberty asks for permission to build ONE base in Dublin as a mean of getting the metal?
Our trade agrement wont affect this.
Liberty is intersted in starting a trade deal of 10 Gas each turn for a period of 6 turns.
The price for 1 gas is 3 credits I belive. (Might be wrong, taking this from memory if I'am please feel free to correct me)
@To all:
Are there anymore concerned about my forces contact me on the secure cannel and I will explain.
([email protected])
Edited by - The Creator on 3/31/2005 2:47:45 AM
From the Corsairs to Liberty:
Edited by - Wilde on 3/31/2005 3:26:57 AM
Or perhaps instead of building up your forces against the pirates, you are building up in order to construct massive, but not noticeable fleets inside your systems. Once these fleets are large enough, you will strike out at all surrounding you--the Bretonians, the Kusari, the Rhinelanders. No, we know you too well. Your dictatorial military movements are ineffective. We request that you cease and desist in doing such.
Edited by - Wilde on 3/31/2005 3:26:57 AM
Deep Space Engineering
Turn 4
Faction/Ships Stats - as in previous turns
130$ + 60$ in bank = 190$
7G + 2G in bank = 9G
13M + 2M in bank = 15M
+10G from Orbital Spa and Cruise
-10M to Orbital Spa and Cruise
Tech Research: Improved Labs - 25$ + 2 * 10$ = 40$
Unit Placement/Movement
5 LF wings at Providence Station
Chugoku Gate is now completed: Hokkaido, 3D <--> Chugoku, 5C
Renaming Chugoku Gate Construction Site to Wakkanai Border Station.
5 LF wings from New Berlin -> Hamburg -> Hudson, Providence Station
5 LF wings from Wakkanai BS -> New Tokyo -> Shikoku -> Galileo, Boston Station
5 LF wings from Boston Station -> Colorado -> New York, Baltimore Shipyard
5 LF wings from Baltimore Shipyard -> Texas -> Hudson, Providence Station
Final Deployment
Baltimore Shipyard, New York 3E - Shipyard - 5 LF wings
Wakkanai Border Station, Hokkaido 3D - Small - 4 HF wings
Planet Pittsburgh, New York 2F - Planet - None
Boston Station, Galileo 5F (in the Raiden Bend) - Small - 17 LF wings, 2 HF wings 1 Gunboat
Providence Station, Hudson 5C (on orbit above Planet Atka) - Small - 32 LF wings, 15 HF wings, 1 Gunboat
New London - 5 HF wings
New Tokyo - 5 LF wings
Colorado - 2 HF wings
Attempt to blitz Pueblo Station (Ageira), Colorado 5C
Faction Standings
Very Friendly - Liberty, Bretonia, Orbital Spa and Cruise
Friendly - Kusari
Supportive - all other lawful factions
Neutral - Zoners, Rheinland
Unsupportive - Lane Hackers
Unfriendly - Corsairs, all other criminal factions
Very Unfriendly - Xenos
Alliance with Liberty, Orbital Spa and Cruise
Coalition with Bretonia
Non-agression pact with Kusari
Trade Pact with Orbital Spa and Cruise.
This is Lord Emperor, of the Deep Space Engineering --- Making Sirius Smaller
Edited by - Lord Emperor on 3/31/2005 8:15:28 AM
Turn 4
Faction/Ships Stats - as in previous turns
130$ + 60$ in bank = 190$
7G + 2G in bank = 9G
13M + 2M in bank = 15M
+10G from Orbital Spa and Cruise
-10M to Orbital Spa and Cruise
Tech Research: Improved Labs - 25$ + 2 * 10$ = 40$
Unit Placement/Movement
5 LF wings at Providence Station
Chugoku Gate is now completed: Hokkaido, 3D <--> Chugoku, 5C
Renaming Chugoku Gate Construction Site to Wakkanai Border Station.
5 LF wings from New Berlin -> Hamburg -> Hudson, Providence Station
5 LF wings from Wakkanai BS -> New Tokyo -> Shikoku -> Galileo, Boston Station
5 LF wings from Boston Station -> Colorado -> New York, Baltimore Shipyard
5 LF wings from Baltimore Shipyard -> Texas -> Hudson, Providence Station
Final Deployment
Baltimore Shipyard, New York 3E - Shipyard - 5 LF wings
Wakkanai Border Station, Hokkaido 3D - Small - 4 HF wings
Planet Pittsburgh, New York 2F - Planet - None
Boston Station, Galileo 5F (in the Raiden Bend) - Small - 17 LF wings, 2 HF wings 1 Gunboat
Providence Station, Hudson 5C (on orbit above Planet Atka) - Small - 32 LF wings, 15 HF wings, 1 Gunboat
New London - 5 HF wings
New Tokyo - 5 LF wings
Colorado - 2 HF wings
Attempt to blitz Pueblo Station (Ageira), Colorado 5C
Message to DSQrn, of Rheinland
We are withdrawing all our ships from your systems. If you however changed your mind, we can return and offer you our services again.
Message to DSQrn, of Rheinland and Wilde, of Corsairs
Deep Space Engineering can confirm that there is large pirate danger in all of the Liberty systems for now. Any rumors about preparing strike on any of the major Houses is completly untrue. If you dont want Liberty to continue building more forces to defend themselfs, please send some of your ships to help.
Message to Shogun Bret, of Kusari
The Chugoku Gate is now completed. Trade Lanes will be operational within several days. Our explorations have discovered natural resources of about 3 units of Gas and 3 units of Metal collectable per base per standard month. Wakkanai Border Station remains for now under our control, but we have mininalised our patrols in the area. Feel free to move in any number of your forces. Also, the Chugoku System is fully under your control.
Message to The Creator, of Liberty
Please specify your desired location of your desired Jump Gates between Texas and California systems, and modifiers that you want to apply for its prize (see page 7 for details)
Message to Shasla, of Orbital Spa and Cruise Lines
We are not sure if we are able to continue in our trade pact as it is. We ask for changing it to our 5 units of Metal for your 5 units of Gas per standard month.
Message to Jacob, of the Independent Miners Guild
Cerberus, the leader of Mollys, has asked DSE to build bases for Mollys in Tau-31 and Tau-23 systems, that are currently controlled bu you. However, because of their past, we are not agreeing to it until they will get your permission. Please contact DSE for either your agreement or disagreement.
We also want to buy 30 units of Metal from you, for a price of 90 Credits. This is only a one-time deal.
Message to Cerberus, of Mollys
Please specify details about your desired Space Stations to be built in Tau-31 and Tau-23 systems. We need to know type of the Stations, their position and any modifiers you want to apply. (see page 7 for details). The construction will start shortly after IMG agrees with it.
Faction Standings
Very Friendly - Liberty, Bretonia, Orbital Spa and Cruise
Friendly - Kusari
Supportive - all other lawful factions
Neutral - Zoners, Rheinland
Unsupportive - Lane Hackers
Unfriendly - Corsairs, all other criminal factions
Very Unfriendly - Xenos
Alliance with Liberty, Orbital Spa and Cruise
Coalition with Bretonia
Non-agression pact with Kusari
Trade Pact with Orbital Spa and Cruise.
This is Lord Emperor, of the Deep Space Engineering --- Making Sirius Smaller
Edited by - Lord Emperor on 3/31/2005 8:15:28 AM
Liberty Turn 4:
Planet Manhattan -New York-
Norfolk Shipyard -New York-
West point military academy (L) -New York-
Ft. Bush (L) -New York-
Planet Denver -Colorado-
Planet Los Angeles -California-
Willard Research Station (L) -California- (hidden)
San Diego Border Station (S) -California-
Planet Houston -Texas-
LPI Sugerland (L) -Texas-
LPI Huntsville (L) -Texas-
Hope Station (L) -New York-
Freedom Station (L) -New York-
Juneu Shipyard -Alaska-
Prison Station Mitchell (L) -Alaska-
Rich Station (L) -Alaska-
50 LF -New York- (Manhattan)
10 HF -New York- (Ft. Bush)
2 Battleship -New York- (Norfolk Shipyard)
50 LF -Colorado- (Planet Denver)
10 HF -Colorado- (Planet Denver)
2 Battleship -Colorado- (Planet Denver)
70 LF -California- (Planet Los Angeles)
20 HF -California- (Willard Research Station)
1 Battleship -California- (San Diego Border Station)
60 LF -Texas- (Planet Houston)
10 HF -Texas- (LPI Sugerland)
1 Battleship -Texas- (LPI Huntsville)
10 LF -Alaska- (Rich Station)
2 Cruiser -Colorado- (Planet Denver)
1 Gunboat -New York- (Hope Station)
10 VHF -Texas- (Planet Houston)
1 Cruiser -California- (Planet Los Angeles)
1 Gunboat -California- (Willard Research Station)
10 LF -New York- (Freedom Station)
10 LF -New York- (Hope Station)
5 LF -Alaska- (Prison Station Mitchell)
5 LF -Alaska- (Juneau Shipyard)
10 LF wings in California
25 Gas + 24 =49
51 Metals + 30 + 5 =81
1 Large Station, 9 LF wings, 1 Battleship, 1 Exploration party
870-150-45-35-25=625 Credits left
49 Gas - 30 - 9 - 10= 0 Gas left
81 Metals - 30 - 9 - 20= 31 Metals left
2 Cruisers from New York to Colorado. 1 Gunboat from New York to California.
@To all:
Regarding my military build up I can assure you all that it will seize when the pirate threat has benn neutralized. As my ally DSE said.
Feel free to send your forces to help me then i don't have to build up my own forces.
The jump gate has to be put on hold for a while becuse of certain problems in Liberty
Liberty offer you an non agresion pact
1 Exploration party searching for Ouray base in Colorado (10 LF wings)
Ship stats:
LF- FA 4, CA 0, FD 4, CA 0
HF- FA 4, CA 2, FD 4, CD 2
VHF- FA 5, CA 3, FD 5, CD 3
Gunboat- FA 7, CA 3, FD 7, CD 3
Cruiser- FA 4, CA 8, FD 4, CD 8
Battleship- FA 6, CA 9, FD 6, CD 9
Faction Relations:
DSE-Very Friendly (Alliance)
Kusari-Very Friendly (Alliance)
Bretonia-Very Friendly (Alliance)
Spa and Cruise-Very Friendly (Alliance)
Mollies-Very Friendly
Lane hackers-Unsupportive
Edited by - The Creator on 3/31/2005 5:09:35 AM
Edited by - The Creator on 3/31/2005 9:54:30 AM
Planet Manhattan -New York-
Norfolk Shipyard -New York-
West point military academy (L) -New York-
Ft. Bush (L) -New York-
Planet Denver -Colorado-
Planet Los Angeles -California-
Willard Research Station (L) -California- (hidden)
San Diego Border Station (S) -California-
Planet Houston -Texas-
LPI Sugerland (L) -Texas-
LPI Huntsville (L) -Texas-
Hope Station (L) -New York-
Freedom Station (L) -New York-
Juneu Shipyard -Alaska-
Prison Station Mitchell (L) -Alaska-
Rich Station (L) -Alaska-
50 LF -New York- (Manhattan)
10 HF -New York- (Ft. Bush)
2 Battleship -New York- (Norfolk Shipyard)
50 LF -Colorado- (Planet Denver)
10 HF -Colorado- (Planet Denver)
2 Battleship -Colorado- (Planet Denver)
70 LF -California- (Planet Los Angeles)
20 HF -California- (Willard Research Station)
1 Battleship -California- (San Diego Border Station)
60 LF -Texas- (Planet Houston)
10 HF -Texas- (LPI Sugerland)
1 Battleship -Texas- (LPI Huntsville)
10 LF -Alaska- (Rich Station)
2 Cruiser -Colorado- (Planet Denver)
1 Gunboat -New York- (Hope Station)
10 VHF -Texas- (Planet Houston)
1 Cruiser -California- (Planet Los Angeles)
1 Gunboat -California- (Willard Research Station)
10 LF -New York- (Freedom Station)
10 LF -New York- (Hope Station)
5 LF -Alaska- (Prison Station Mitchell)
5 LF -Alaska- (Juneau Shipyard)
10 LF wings in California
25 Gas + 24 =49
51 Metals + 30 + 5 =81
1 Large Station, 9 LF wings, 1 Battleship, 1 Exploration party
870-150-45-35-25=625 Credits left
49 Gas - 30 - 9 - 10= 0 Gas left
81 Metals - 30 - 9 - 20= 31 Metals left
2 Cruisers from New York to Colorado. 1 Gunboat from New York to California.
@To all:
Regarding my military build up I can assure you all that it will seize when the pirate threat has benn neutralized. As my ally DSE said.
Feel free to send your forces to help me then i don't have to build up my own forces.
The jump gate has to be put on hold for a while becuse of certain problems in Liberty
Liberty offer you an non agresion pact
1 Exploration party searching for Ouray base in Colorado (10 LF wings)
Ship stats:
LF- FA 4, CA 0, FD 4, CA 0
HF- FA 4, CA 2, FD 4, CD 2
VHF- FA 5, CA 3, FD 5, CD 3
Gunboat- FA 7, CA 3, FD 7, CD 3
Cruiser- FA 4, CA 8, FD 4, CD 8
Battleship- FA 6, CA 9, FD 6, CD 9
Faction Relations:
DSE-Very Friendly (Alliance)
Kusari-Very Friendly (Alliance)
Bretonia-Very Friendly (Alliance)
Spa and Cruise-Very Friendly (Alliance)
Mollies-Very Friendly
Lane hackers-Unsupportive
Edited by - The Creator on 3/31/2005 5:09:35 AM
Edited by - The Creator on 3/31/2005 9:54:30 AM
To DSE -
Thank you for informing us of the completion of the jump gate. However, Chugoku is Kusari space. It may be in your name for now, but you are a Liberty company. When my forces move in there and Kusari naval bases are up, your station may remain but overall control of the system will be under the flag of Kusari.
Thank you for informing us of the completion of the jump gate. However, Chugoku is Kusari space. It may be in your name for now, but you are a Liberty company. When my forces move in there and Kusari naval bases are up, your station may remain but overall control of the system will be under the flag of Kusari.
Samura Turn 3 Results:
Aomori Blitz - 8 - Failure
Improved Labs - 17 - Failure
Gunnboat FD +1 - 15 - Failure
DSE Turn 4 Results:
Improved Labs - 4 - Success
Pueblo Blitz - 6 - Failure
Corsairs Before-Turn Results:
Leipzig Blitz - 3 - Failure
Liberty Turn 4 Results:
Exploration Party - 3 - Success, System forund, no planets
Ouray Search - 6 - Base found, battle with guarding forces (jakob will have to do battle, I don't know how to do it this way, I need the tutorial)
Orbital Spa and Cruise Turn 4 Results:
Mactan Search - 6 - Base found, Battle with guarding forces (jakob will have to do battle, I don't know how to do it this way, I need the tutorial)
Atka Blitz - 15 - Success
Mollies Turn 3 Results:
Graves Search - 16 - Failure, 20 LF and 10 HF lost
Exploration Party? - 1 - Success, system with one habitable planet and one terriformable one (did you have a exploration party?)
Samura Turn 4 Results:
Improved Labs - 18 - Failure
Gunboat FD +1 - 12 - Success
LF FD +1 - 10 - Success
HF FA +1 - 6 - Success
Aomori Blitz - 13 - Success
Xenos Turn 4 Results:
Pueblo Blitz - 15 - Success
I think that's everyone
. Code or jakob, could you do my results?
Edited by - Roc on 3/31/2005 10:14:18 AM
Samura Turn 3 Results:
Aomori Blitz - 8 - Failure
Improved Labs - 17 - Failure
Gunnboat FD +1 - 15 - Failure
DSE Turn 4 Results:
Improved Labs - 4 - Success
Pueblo Blitz - 6 - Failure
Corsairs Before-Turn Results:
Leipzig Blitz - 3 - Failure
Liberty Turn 4 Results:
Exploration Party - 3 - Success, System forund, no planets
Ouray Search - 6 - Base found, battle with guarding forces (jakob will have to do battle, I don't know how to do it this way, I need the tutorial)
Orbital Spa and Cruise Turn 4 Results:
Mactan Search - 6 - Base found, Battle with guarding forces (jakob will have to do battle, I don't know how to do it this way, I need the tutorial)
Atka Blitz - 15 - Success
Mollies Turn 3 Results:
Graves Search - 16 - Failure, 20 LF and 10 HF lost
Exploration Party? - 1 - Success, system with one habitable planet and one terriformable one (did you have a exploration party?)
Samura Turn 4 Results:
Improved Labs - 18 - Failure
Gunboat FD +1 - 12 - Success
LF FD +1 - 10 - Success
HF FA +1 - 6 - Success
Aomori Blitz - 13 - Success
Xenos Turn 4 Results:
Pueblo Blitz - 15 - Success
I think that's everyone

Edited by - Roc on 3/31/2005 10:14:18 AM
Orbital Spa and Cruise- Turn 4
Initial Bases and Forces:
Cortez- Planet Curacao, Tiajuana, 30 LF 25 HF 5 VHF
Stuttgart- Planet Baden Baden, 30 LF 23 HF
Edinburgh- Luxury Liner Shetland, Perth Station, 20 LF 3 HF
Sigma 19- Luxury Liner Hawaii, Oahu, Kaui, 20 LF 3 HF
180 per turn + 130 = 310
32 - 10 gas per turn + 43 = 65
16 + 10 metal per turn + 35
Unit Placment:
5 VHF 2 HF in Cortez
1 Small Station (Jamaica) in Sigma 17.
2 HF
240 credits
36 gas
1 metal
Moving 20 LF to Magellan to search for Mactan.
End Deployment:
Cortez- Planet Curacao, Tiajuana, 30 LF 25 HF 5 VHF
Stuttgart- Planet Baden Baden, 30 LF 23 HF
Edinburgh- Luxury Liner Shetland, Perth Station, 10 LF 3 HF
Sigma 19- Luxury Liner Hawaii, Oahu, Kaui, 10 LF 13 HF
Sigma 17- 10 LF
Blitzing Atka Station
Faction Relations:
Liberty- Alliance
Bretonia- Alliance
Kusari- Allliance
Rheinland- Friendly
Outcasts- Unfriendly
Corsairs- Unfriendly
Junkers- Neutral
Hogosha- Neutral
Bundschuh- Unsupportive
Samura- Neutral
Zoners- Neutral
DSE - Alliance (Trade Pact)
Lane Hackers- Unfriendly
Xenos- Unfriendly
Mollys- Unsupportive
IMG- Neutral
Ceo Shas'la, of Orbital Spa and Cruise.
Edited by - shasla5 on 3/31/2005 7:55:48 AM
Edited by - shasla5 on 3/31/2005 3:16:04 PM
Edited by - shasla5 on 3/31/2005 5:54:16 PM
Initial Bases and Forces:
Cortez- Planet Curacao, Tiajuana, 30 LF 25 HF 5 VHF
Stuttgart- Planet Baden Baden, 30 LF 23 HF
Edinburgh- Luxury Liner Shetland, Perth Station, 20 LF 3 HF
Sigma 19- Luxury Liner Hawaii, Oahu, Kaui, 20 LF 3 HF
180 per turn + 130 = 310
32 - 10 gas per turn + 43 = 65
16 + 10 metal per turn + 35
Unit Placment:
5 VHF 2 HF in Cortez
1 Small Station (Jamaica) in Sigma 17.
2 HF
240 credits
36 gas
1 metal
Moving 20 LF to Magellan to search for Mactan.
End Deployment:
Cortez- Planet Curacao, Tiajuana, 30 LF 25 HF 5 VHF
Stuttgart- Planet Baden Baden, 30 LF 23 HF
Edinburgh- Luxury Liner Shetland, Perth Station, 10 LF 3 HF
Sigma 19- Luxury Liner Hawaii, Oahu, Kaui, 10 LF 13 HF
Sigma 17- 10 LF
Blitzing Atka Station
Faction Relations:
Liberty- Alliance
Bretonia- Alliance
Kusari- Allliance
Rheinland- Friendly
Outcasts- Unfriendly
Corsairs- Unfriendly
Junkers- Neutral
Hogosha- Neutral
Bundschuh- Unsupportive
Samura- Neutral
Zoners- Neutral
DSE - Alliance (Trade Pact)
Lane Hackers- Unfriendly
Xenos- Unfriendly
Mollys- Unsupportive
IMG- Neutral
Ceo Shas'la, of Orbital Spa and Cruise.
Edited by - shasla5 on 3/31/2005 7:55:48 AM
Edited by - shasla5 on 3/31/2005 3:16:04 PM
Edited by - shasla5 on 3/31/2005 5:54:16 PM
@ Codename or Roc
You missed my search party in the dublin system. Graves station.
@The Creator of liberty
I am worried myself about your expansion plans. I will allow you to construct only one station and have a maximum of 20lf/20hf/20vhf in the dublin system. Of course if certain circumstances arise then that can change. You should also confer with the IMG, and the Bretonian Military. Who have a sizeable stake in its operation.
I believe that you can start work in tau 31 immediatly. Only the IMG are there and i have a non aggression pact. I would like to apply a 30lf wing escort at the construction site. 1 large station. I believe you will find that works out to 275 credits. As for where it is in the system, i believe that doesnt matter, but if it does, put it by the IMG base near all the tradelanes.
As for the other systems, i am awaiting approval from picard before i even think about building there
@Roc of bretonia.
Sure, construction rights have been agreed for you to build in the dublin system.
You missed my search party in the dublin system. Graves station.
@The Creator of liberty
I am worried myself about your expansion plans. I will allow you to construct only one station and have a maximum of 20lf/20hf/20vhf in the dublin system. Of course if certain circumstances arise then that can change. You should also confer with the IMG, and the Bretonian Military. Who have a sizeable stake in its operation.
I believe that you can start work in tau 31 immediatly. Only the IMG are there and i have a non aggression pact. I would like to apply a 30lf wing escort at the construction site. 1 large station. I believe you will find that works out to 275 credits. As for where it is in the system, i believe that doesnt matter, but if it does, put it by the IMG base near all the tradelanes.
As for the other systems, i am awaiting approval from picard before i even think about building there
@Roc of bretonia.
Sure, construction rights have been agreed for you to build in the dublin system.
@ Spa & Cruise - I proposed lowering our trade to 5G for 5M per turn. 10M is too much for me now.
@ IMG - I want to buy 30 Metal from you, for 90 Credits. Also please specify if you allow Mollys to have their bases built in your systems.
@ Mollys - the construction will hopefully begin next turn. Also, we demand only agreement with IMG, not Outcasts, because I havent seen them being active, and we dont deal with criminals at all.
@ IMG - I want to buy 30 Metal from you, for 90 Credits. Also please specify if you allow Mollys to have their bases built in your systems.
@ Mollys - the construction will hopefully begin next turn. Also, we demand only agreement with IMG, not Outcasts, because I havent seen them being active, and we dont deal with criminals at all.
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