After Konn docked and had his ship squared away, he decided to take a detour and sell all his H-fuel. He felt it wasn't worth the hassle to lug it around and hope for a profit at some distant point in the future, when it looked like things might be breaking fast right now. Before he left his ship, he put his eyeglasses in his inside coat pocket, and shoved his blaster-masquerading-as-a-credit-stick weapon in his pants pocket.
Hahukum then debarked, looked for a map of the station, and then headed off for his destination.
The commodity trader was more than happy to pay over the 240 credits a pop, and Hahukum walked away 8000 credits richer and with a nice empty hold to spare. He then decided to pit stop at the equipment dealer, and sold a couple of turret weapons he'd scavenged after the Outcast battle. Those fetched him another thousand credits.
Just before leaving the equipment dealer, Konn wondered if he ought to go back to the commodity trader and pick up something else. He vacillated for a couple of seconds, and then decided against it. He could afford to go without cargo for a while, and although he didn't have a fortune saved up, by his reckoning he had around 150 thousand credits, enough to take the plunge and outfit a Barracuda ship with some better weaponry than what he had currently. He recalled the closest base selling that ship being on Curacao.
He decided to head to the bar and see how Tanya and Travis were doing, and so he turned to look at the station map again, and nearly bowled over a male in BAF uniform. He said, "Hey, I'm sorry about..." and stumbled to a halt as he realized he was looking at his one-time BAF wingman, a gentleman about three centimeters taller than Konn, with light brown hair, brown eyes and a slim build.
The other guy got his oar in first, speaking with a distinct Bretonian accent. "Well, I'll be. It's you, isn't it? Hahukum Konn?"
"That's me, all right. How are you, Derek? You're still Derek Samuelson, haven't changed your name or anything?" Konn grinned.
"Nope. As you can see, I'm still in the BAF. It's a real pissing shame you couldn't stay on, but I guess you'd have had to spend the rest of your life as a Lieutenant because you couldn't get any security clearances."
"I'd love to get Bretonian citizenship one day, but it's just not for me right now. I'll look into it when I'm ready to retire from freelance trading and missions. Listen, what are you doing out here anyway? I was about to go meet a couple, well, friends of mine."
Derek said, "Good on you, mate. I'd love to catch up on old times - in several ways - but I've got to take off." He winked. "Urgent mission way off in Tau-23. BMM have been complaining about Outcast attacks on their mining station over there. I'm here to check out some weapons."
"Outcast attacks? Have they been any more frequent than usual, you reckon?"
"Yeah, they're getting a bit bolder with their attacks these days. Bloody sods. At least the Corsairs have subsided a bit over in Cambridge and Omega-3. We reckon some Kusari bloke did a bang-up job cutting them down to size."
Konn sighed, and said, "Well, Derek, I won't keep you - although I always did like men in uniform."
Derek laughed and said, "You devil, you! We'll have to catch up properly when this Outcast business settles down.
He went on in a more serious tone: "The BAF are taking this spate of attacks pretty seriously, I think. At least I know my commanding officer does. He's ordered us to be absolutely sure nobody gets a nasty surprise; he's reprimanded a couple of my wingmen for things he would normally let slide, like forgetting to check that all weapons are activated before going to cruise speed.
"It's not like leaving them unmounted, you can just hit a button on your console, you know? But you know those bastards are tough even when we've got parity in numbers in a battle. You have to wear them down, wear them right down and it just takes everything out of you."
Hahukum knew what Derek was talking about, having had a forceful reminder of this not too long ago. He said, "Well, good luck, then. And hey, at least let me give you a proper hug, eh?"
Derek extended his arms, and the two hugged. Konn got to surprise Derek with a kiss on the cheek, and he said, "For good luck."
Derek smiled, and stepped out of the embrace. He waved, and stepped towards the equipment dealer. Hahukum left the shop, and made his way to the bar.
On the way, he remembered some of those "old times" Derek mentioned.
It must have been at least six years ago, he thought. Derek hadn't changed much, maybe he'd gained 5 kilograms since then, but he was still pretty handsome -- oh, hell, he was beautiful. He and Konn had gotten along pretty well when both were assigned to the same regular patrol routes in the New London/Leeds/Tau-31 systems. As time went on they had gotten to know each other, and in time they discovered an attachment that went beyond simple friendship.
While the BAF wasn't as nasty about that sort of thing as the Liberty Navy would have been, the official policy stressed that romantic attachments of any kind between officers were to be discouraged as much as possible.
But six years before, they'd managed to get a patrol which terminated at Freeport 6 in Tau-29, along with authorized shore leave for a week. They'd made the most of it, and Konn could still remember the texture of Derek's lips when they'd kissed for the first time in a suite with a locked door and could take their time with each other. And initially, their relationship, while carefully hidden, was a good one.
As the years went on, though, they'd begun to drift apart, knowing that Hahukum's stint in the BAF was for a limited period, and on the five-year anniversary of his enlistment, Hahukum Konn was formally discharged with due honors and a commendation by his superior officer for dedication to duty in the service of Bretonia - all the more remarkable because he was not Bretonian.
Derek and Hahukum had promised to keep in touch, but Sirius was a big place, and they both really knew that they were just talking into the comet dust. And so they had lost touch and not seen each other again until the day they'd bumped into each other at Holman.
Oh well. Time has passed us by, I guess. Glad to know Derek isn't any more resentful about our break-up than I am, thought Konn as he found the bar and went through the doors.
Summary: Konn makes a couple of pit stops, bumps into an old flame, and gets ready to see what Tanya and Travis have been up to.
OOC: Woot. yay for Wilde's and Codename's kick in the pants to do a mini-update.

Edited by - Hahukum Konn on 3/28/2005 4:55:12 AM