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The Age of Titans: A Chronicle of the Sirian Civil War *Upda
Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe
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Here it comes! A new chapter, starring Picard!
“In a world of weakness, the leaders must be strong, if the world wishes to survive.”
President Picard, the leader of House Liberty, stood on the highest balcony of the Presidential Palace on Planet Manhattan. He stood, leaning on the railing, admiring the beautiful city. He was the leader of what was possibly the most powerful government is Sirius, and he was relaxing, watching the sunrise, and eating a piece of fruit.
He loved Liberty so much. It had taken many long years in public service to get to the top, and now that he was here, Picard knew that it was totally worth it. He loved being in control, and becoming the president had allowed him to command navies and diplomats, not to mention being famous and rich.
As he was reflecting and enjoying the fruit of his labor, a man came up behind him.
“I thought I’d find you here, sir.”
It was Commander Hays, Picard’s military advisor.
“Yes, commander? As I recall, this was my fifteen minutes of peace that I had scheduled every morning.”
“Yes, sir, but this is an emergency.”
“What is it?”
“Well, sir, there are two things that I should bring to your attention. Firstly, I wanted to tell you that the first prototype of the new Command Carriers, the Athena, has been completed at Norfolk. We have set up a shuttle to take you there around midday.”
“Very good. I look forward to it.”
“Secondly,” continued the commander, “Chancellor DSQrn of Rheinland and Guildmaster ww2jacob of the Bounty Hunter’s Guild are requesting a conference call with you in the war room. We have set up the screens, so you will be able to talk with them if you wish. But if you are coming, I would advise you to come along now, since the chancellor isn’t known to have a lot of patience.”
This sounded very important, if both of those powerful leaders wanted to speak with him. He followed the commander at a fast jog to the war room.
He arrived, and sat in the chair set up for him. There were two giant screens on the wall in front of him. Then, a switch flipped somewhere and the screens flickered to life, revealing the faces of DSQrn and ww2jacob on the screen.
“Hello, President. Please allow us to tell you why we have called you today…”

“In a world of weakness, the leaders must be strong, if the world wishes to survive.”
President Picard, the leader of House Liberty, stood on the highest balcony of the Presidential Palace on Planet Manhattan. He stood, leaning on the railing, admiring the beautiful city. He was the leader of what was possibly the most powerful government is Sirius, and he was relaxing, watching the sunrise, and eating a piece of fruit.
He loved Liberty so much. It had taken many long years in public service to get to the top, and now that he was here, Picard knew that it was totally worth it. He loved being in control, and becoming the president had allowed him to command navies and diplomats, not to mention being famous and rich.
As he was reflecting and enjoying the fruit of his labor, a man came up behind him.
“I thought I’d find you here, sir.”
It was Commander Hays, Picard’s military advisor.
“Yes, commander? As I recall, this was my fifteen minutes of peace that I had scheduled every morning.”
“Yes, sir, but this is an emergency.”
“What is it?”
“Well, sir, there are two things that I should bring to your attention. Firstly, I wanted to tell you that the first prototype of the new Command Carriers, the Athena, has been completed at Norfolk. We have set up a shuttle to take you there around midday.”
“Very good. I look forward to it.”
“Secondly,” continued the commander, “Chancellor DSQrn of Rheinland and Guildmaster ww2jacob of the Bounty Hunter’s Guild are requesting a conference call with you in the war room. We have set up the screens, so you will be able to talk with them if you wish. But if you are coming, I would advise you to come along now, since the chancellor isn’t known to have a lot of patience.”
This sounded very important, if both of those powerful leaders wanted to speak with him. He followed the commander at a fast jog to the war room.
He arrived, and sat in the chair set up for him. There were two giant screens on the wall in front of him. Then, a switch flipped somewhere and the screens flickered to life, revealing the faces of DSQrn and ww2jacob on the screen.
“Hello, President. Please allow us to tell you why we have called you today…”
And now, for the second part, we finish off part one!
“Those with a mandate of power from their people must always do great things in order to keep that mandate.”
-Outcast Don Chavez
Speech to Pilots
Don Chavez was sitting in his spacious office on Planet Malta, reviewing his plans for the capture of the Battleship Nagumo. It was a brilliant plan, and he had the Farmer’s Alliance to thank for the chance to carry it out..
After the FA pilot Sakudura Nomo had disabled the battleship, the Kusari Navy had towed it back to the Tau-29 Gate and left it there until they could get an open space dock to have it repaired at. The ship was left with little guard, and it was the perfect opportunity to take the ship and escape with it into the Taus. Chavez had already made the arrangements to have the ship patched up at Cali Base, and then they would return the ship to Omicron Alpha through Tau-37.
The Don himself would be leading the Outcast strike team. The strike team would be divided into two groups. There would be the hunter/killer fighter group, which would be made up entirely of Outcast Sabres, and the main strike group, which would be made up of four armored transports filled with the finest commandos that the Outcasts could offer, and their escorts.
The Don, who always wanted to be in the center of things, insisted on being a part of the strike group. The battleship would fall, and Chavez planned on being there to take part in it.
The videoscreen in front of him flashed. His aide appeared on screen.
“Sir? The strike team is ready for you.”
“I will be there momentarily. Chavez out.”
He switched off the screen, and strapped his pistol belt to his gray fatigues. It was time to do or die.
The assault ships accelerated as they got closer to the battleship. Now moving at top speed, they streaked towards the hulking ship in front of them. The hunter killer group was right behind the transports.
Chavez winced as the green light came on in the back hold of one of the transports where he and the commandos anxiously waited. The light meant that it was time to put on helmets and packs, and be ready to go extravehicular. The plan was that the transports would run along the side hull of the battleship, and the commandos, in space suits and jetpacks, would jump out and board the ship using small explosives that would blow a small hole in the ship’s hull or an external hatch.
Chavez slid the bulky helmet over his head, and snapped the seal. He hooked on the jetpack, and attached three of the explosive devices onto his suit. Then, the rear hatch opened, revealing the black of space, and the side of the battleship whooshing past. Commandos began jumping out, and Chavez approached the door. His turn came up, and he leapt out the door, into the blackness of space. He spun and spun, and he finally found the switch to activate the jetpack, and flipped it. He leveled out, and jetted towards the ship. He reached the hull, and attached an explosive to it. He set the fuse, and got out of the way. A small flash, and then there was a clean hole in the side of the ship. Chavez waited for the atmosphere to vent, and then he climbed in. He was in a small hallway, with not many places to go to, but then he noticed an elevator. His goal was to get to the bridge as fast as possible, so he floated over to the elevator and activated it. It hummed, and then the door opened. He climbed in, and shut the door. On the control panel, he selected the bridge level, and the elevator started.
After a moment, the backup oxygen kicked in, and air began to re-enter the elevator car. Gravity had also returned, so Chavez took advantage of the time to remove his space suit and jetpack, and pull out his pistol. The doors opened, revealing a brightly-lit hallway close to the bridge.
Chavez checked both ways, and saw a Kusari man walk down a nearby hallway, and into a large set of doors. He got a glimpse of what was inside, and that left him with no doubts that the bridge was behind those doors.
Another Kusari man came down Chavez’s hallway, and Chavez stepped out and shot him dead with his silenced slugthrower pistol. The man had been carrying a small laser pistol, and Chavez took it off his body.
With both pistols in hand, he moved towards the bridge door. Before he reached it, however, it opened, revealing the same Kusari man as before. Both men were equally shocked, but Chavez reacted first. He raised the pistols and shot the man. That got the attention of everyone on the bridge. Hands went for weapons, and Chavez knew that there was no choice anymore. He raised the guns, and opened fire. Slugs and laser beams flew from the guns, cutting down guards and crewmembers.
Within seconds, Chavez was the only man standing in a sea of bodies. The only other living man in the room cowered by the main console. Chavez had spared the captain of the ship, only because this man deserved worse than a quick death.
He walked up to the front of the bridge, his footsteps resounding in the silent room. The captain cowered on his knees at the very front, silently whimpering for mercy. He would receive none from Don Chavez.
Chavez walked up to the man. He placed the laser pistol’s barrel right on top of the man’s forehead.
“You are a fool!” he screamed at the captain, “and you will pay for your sins right here!”
“W-what sins?” the captain stammered.
“Your people have grown complacent and fat, while we have starved! You have labeled us traitors and criminals, while we were simply trying to survive! We were once your brothers! We fought alongside you! And what do you give us in return? Nothing! You say we have betrayed you, but I tell you, it is you who have betrayed us! But we are finally returning. Our day of revenge has risen at last! We will not be shut in the far corners of Sirius for any longer! We have risen up, and we will crush the evils of your houses! This is the day of HISPANIA!”
And with that, he pulled the trigger.
It had begun.
The war was no longer on the horizon. It was no longer just a possibility. It was reality. The nations began preparing for what could become a prolonged conflict.
In Liberty and Rheinland, leaders of nations gather to form the Axis of Power, uniting as one to stop the Outcasts.
In Omicron Gamma, the Corsair leader, Marco Mendez, agrees to an alliance with the Outcasts.
In Alaska, a Bounty Hunter scout wing stumbles across a jumphole to a strange system.
In New York, an Ageria Technologies officer begins work on a project that will change the face of Sirius.
In Omicron Alpha, the Don watches as the first of a fleet of new battleships takes it’s maiden voyage.
In Sigma-13, a young and skilled pilot, fresh off his 1000th gas run, is promoted to the leader of the GMG.
And on New London, a King begins to make the preparations to crown his son.
All these threads are about to come crashing together.
(End part one.)
Edited by - ww2jacob on 6/13/2005 10:13:16 PM
“Those with a mandate of power from their people must always do great things in order to keep that mandate.”
-Outcast Don Chavez
Speech to Pilots
Don Chavez was sitting in his spacious office on Planet Malta, reviewing his plans for the capture of the Battleship Nagumo. It was a brilliant plan, and he had the Farmer’s Alliance to thank for the chance to carry it out..
After the FA pilot Sakudura Nomo had disabled the battleship, the Kusari Navy had towed it back to the Tau-29 Gate and left it there until they could get an open space dock to have it repaired at. The ship was left with little guard, and it was the perfect opportunity to take the ship and escape with it into the Taus. Chavez had already made the arrangements to have the ship patched up at Cali Base, and then they would return the ship to Omicron Alpha through Tau-37.
The Don himself would be leading the Outcast strike team. The strike team would be divided into two groups. There would be the hunter/killer fighter group, which would be made up entirely of Outcast Sabres, and the main strike group, which would be made up of four armored transports filled with the finest commandos that the Outcasts could offer, and their escorts.
The Don, who always wanted to be in the center of things, insisted on being a part of the strike group. The battleship would fall, and Chavez planned on being there to take part in it.
The videoscreen in front of him flashed. His aide appeared on screen.
“Sir? The strike team is ready for you.”
“I will be there momentarily. Chavez out.”
He switched off the screen, and strapped his pistol belt to his gray fatigues. It was time to do or die.
The assault ships accelerated as they got closer to the battleship. Now moving at top speed, they streaked towards the hulking ship in front of them. The hunter killer group was right behind the transports.
Chavez winced as the green light came on in the back hold of one of the transports where he and the commandos anxiously waited. The light meant that it was time to put on helmets and packs, and be ready to go extravehicular. The plan was that the transports would run along the side hull of the battleship, and the commandos, in space suits and jetpacks, would jump out and board the ship using small explosives that would blow a small hole in the ship’s hull or an external hatch.
Chavez slid the bulky helmet over his head, and snapped the seal. He hooked on the jetpack, and attached three of the explosive devices onto his suit. Then, the rear hatch opened, revealing the black of space, and the side of the battleship whooshing past. Commandos began jumping out, and Chavez approached the door. His turn came up, and he leapt out the door, into the blackness of space. He spun and spun, and he finally found the switch to activate the jetpack, and flipped it. He leveled out, and jetted towards the ship. He reached the hull, and attached an explosive to it. He set the fuse, and got out of the way. A small flash, and then there was a clean hole in the side of the ship. Chavez waited for the atmosphere to vent, and then he climbed in. He was in a small hallway, with not many places to go to, but then he noticed an elevator. His goal was to get to the bridge as fast as possible, so he floated over to the elevator and activated it. It hummed, and then the door opened. He climbed in, and shut the door. On the control panel, he selected the bridge level, and the elevator started.
After a moment, the backup oxygen kicked in, and air began to re-enter the elevator car. Gravity had also returned, so Chavez took advantage of the time to remove his space suit and jetpack, and pull out his pistol. The doors opened, revealing a brightly-lit hallway close to the bridge.
Chavez checked both ways, and saw a Kusari man walk down a nearby hallway, and into a large set of doors. He got a glimpse of what was inside, and that left him with no doubts that the bridge was behind those doors.
Another Kusari man came down Chavez’s hallway, and Chavez stepped out and shot him dead with his silenced slugthrower pistol. The man had been carrying a small laser pistol, and Chavez took it off his body.
With both pistols in hand, he moved towards the bridge door. Before he reached it, however, it opened, revealing the same Kusari man as before. Both men were equally shocked, but Chavez reacted first. He raised the pistols and shot the man. That got the attention of everyone on the bridge. Hands went for weapons, and Chavez knew that there was no choice anymore. He raised the guns, and opened fire. Slugs and laser beams flew from the guns, cutting down guards and crewmembers.
Within seconds, Chavez was the only man standing in a sea of bodies. The only other living man in the room cowered by the main console. Chavez had spared the captain of the ship, only because this man deserved worse than a quick death.
He walked up to the front of the bridge, his footsteps resounding in the silent room. The captain cowered on his knees at the very front, silently whimpering for mercy. He would receive none from Don Chavez.
Chavez walked up to the man. He placed the laser pistol’s barrel right on top of the man’s forehead.
“You are a fool!” he screamed at the captain, “and you will pay for your sins right here!”
“W-what sins?” the captain stammered.
“Your people have grown complacent and fat, while we have starved! You have labeled us traitors and criminals, while we were simply trying to survive! We were once your brothers! We fought alongside you! And what do you give us in return? Nothing! You say we have betrayed you, but I tell you, it is you who have betrayed us! But we are finally returning. Our day of revenge has risen at last! We will not be shut in the far corners of Sirius for any longer! We have risen up, and we will crush the evils of your houses! This is the day of HISPANIA!”
And with that, he pulled the trigger.
It had begun.
The war was no longer on the horizon. It was no longer just a possibility. It was reality. The nations began preparing for what could become a prolonged conflict.
In Liberty and Rheinland, leaders of nations gather to form the Axis of Power, uniting as one to stop the Outcasts.
In Omicron Gamma, the Corsair leader, Marco Mendez, agrees to an alliance with the Outcasts.
In Alaska, a Bounty Hunter scout wing stumbles across a jumphole to a strange system.
In New York, an Ageria Technologies officer begins work on a project that will change the face of Sirius.
In Omicron Alpha, the Don watches as the first of a fleet of new battleships takes it’s maiden voyage.
In Sigma-13, a young and skilled pilot, fresh off his 1000th gas run, is promoted to the leader of the GMG.
And on New London, a King begins to make the preparations to crown his son.
All these threads are about to come crashing together.
(End part one.)
Edited by - ww2jacob on 6/13/2005 10:13:16 PM
Well, I'm sorry to say that I only finished four of the five chapters, so those will have to do for now.
Get ready for the space battle of the millenium: LEEDS!
“I always find it interesting how small conflict always seems to escalate into huge war.”
Major Points in Sirian History
It had exploded.
What had once been kindling was now vicious fire.
It was like everything had happened at once. Don Chavez’s brilliant plan had worked. Huge and nearly indestructible Outcast battleships had swept into systems all over Sirius, and crushed all resistance. Houses Kusari and Bretonia were in ashes, barely able to hold themselves together after losing systems and trade routes to the Outcasts. The Taus had all fallen in under a week. The Sigmas took a week and a half, except Sigma-13, which was still barely held by a token force of brave Gas Miners, led by their leader: Guildmaster Wilde. Bretonia had lost Leeds, Dublin, Edinburgh, and Cambridge. Kusari had lost Kyushu and Hokkaido to the Blood Dragons and the Farmer’s Alliance.
And what was worse, the Corsairs had joined the Outcasts, bringing terror and death to the Omega systems, sweeping through them in two days. They were barely contained by a tiny Bretonian force led by Prince Bret in New London.
Rheinland and Liberty were shocked, and quickly tried to build up a force to retaliate. The Bounty Hunters, after settling into their newly discovered home in the new system of New Athens, were working on capital ships of their own using the incredible new super fuel that they had discovered. In addition, the BHG had led a brave raid on the Luxury Liner Hawaii to rescue civilian prisoners held by the Outcasts there. The Axis of Power was barely scraping through.
But there was some hope for those of Bretonia. Despite the fact that the Bretonian Navy was in ruins, and Planet Leeds and Planet Cambridge were burning from the terrible orbital bombardments conducted by the Outcast Armada, people still had something to hope for. A new King was about to arise. The old King was retiring, and Prince Bret, a war hero already, was coming to the throne. Perhaps, people thought, Bret can pull us through.
The Axis was also providing hope to many of the victims of these dark times. They had led a massive, coordinated attack on Omicron Theta, and had managed to successfully capture it. It provided them with a tactical advantage, but it also drained their resources because it took a huge force to hold back the Outcast and Corsair counterattacks. No one expected any other rebuttal by the Axis, yet one was under consideration. The most crushing recent defeat had been the loss of Leeds to the Axis. With more and more of the new Warship class of Axis battleship rolling off the lines, the Axis leaders: Chancellor DSQrn, President Picard, and ww2jacob were planning to mount a massive attack on Leeds, but they planned not to recapture it: they planned to destroy it, and all the Outcasts and Corsairs they could.

Get ready for the space battle of the millenium: LEEDS!

“I always find it interesting how small conflict always seems to escalate into huge war.”
Major Points in Sirian History
It had exploded.
What had once been kindling was now vicious fire.
It was like everything had happened at once. Don Chavez’s brilliant plan had worked. Huge and nearly indestructible Outcast battleships had swept into systems all over Sirius, and crushed all resistance. Houses Kusari and Bretonia were in ashes, barely able to hold themselves together after losing systems and trade routes to the Outcasts. The Taus had all fallen in under a week. The Sigmas took a week and a half, except Sigma-13, which was still barely held by a token force of brave Gas Miners, led by their leader: Guildmaster Wilde. Bretonia had lost Leeds, Dublin, Edinburgh, and Cambridge. Kusari had lost Kyushu and Hokkaido to the Blood Dragons and the Farmer’s Alliance.
And what was worse, the Corsairs had joined the Outcasts, bringing terror and death to the Omega systems, sweeping through them in two days. They were barely contained by a tiny Bretonian force led by Prince Bret in New London.
Rheinland and Liberty were shocked, and quickly tried to build up a force to retaliate. The Bounty Hunters, after settling into their newly discovered home in the new system of New Athens, were working on capital ships of their own using the incredible new super fuel that they had discovered. In addition, the BHG had led a brave raid on the Luxury Liner Hawaii to rescue civilian prisoners held by the Outcasts there. The Axis of Power was barely scraping through.
But there was some hope for those of Bretonia. Despite the fact that the Bretonian Navy was in ruins, and Planet Leeds and Planet Cambridge were burning from the terrible orbital bombardments conducted by the Outcast Armada, people still had something to hope for. A new King was about to arise. The old King was retiring, and Prince Bret, a war hero already, was coming to the throne. Perhaps, people thought, Bret can pull us through.
The Axis was also providing hope to many of the victims of these dark times. They had led a massive, coordinated attack on Omicron Theta, and had managed to successfully capture it. It provided them with a tactical advantage, but it also drained their resources because it took a huge force to hold back the Outcast and Corsair counterattacks. No one expected any other rebuttal by the Axis, yet one was under consideration. The most crushing recent defeat had been the loss of Leeds to the Axis. With more and more of the new Warship class of Axis battleship rolling off the lines, the Axis leaders: Chancellor DSQrn, President Picard, and ww2jacob were planning to mount a massive attack on Leeds, but they planned not to recapture it: they planned to destroy it, and all the Outcasts and Corsairs they could.
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