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CYO Fanfic RPG: SignUp & OOC Discussion
Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe
hello all, I realize I've been gone for forever and a day, just thought I'd stick my neck back out of my shell of school work. got an email from Code, since I doubt I'll be posting again any time soon (I have no free time until april) do as you wish, and email me if you want to. I'll try and stop by again this weekend.
Hello FA
Great to hear from you. How's school going? When I hear the word "school", it makes me think of 10-yr-olds in a playground.
Given your absence, we (HK, WW, Code and I) have collaborated on the next few chapters. One of them involves Gabriel in a big way and tbh, might be his last appearance for a while.
Why don't you send one of us a note and we can outline what our thoughts are? If you disagree we can always discuss or revise

Great to hear from you. How's school going? When I hear the word "school", it makes me think of 10-yr-olds in a playground.

Given your absence, we (HK, WW, Code and I) have collaborated on the next few chapters. One of them involves Gabriel in a big way and tbh, might be his last appearance for a while.
Why don't you send one of us a note and we can outline what our thoughts are? If you disagree we can always discuss or revise

hehe, wow, I wish that's what I meant by school. If anyone wants to send me the ideas, I know code and athena have my email, it doesnt really matter either way, I've never been a huge contributing factor to this story anyway, even if the creation of my character did throw in a bit of a curve ball and a new faction... if gabe disappears for a while thats cool, I intend to come back to this once school dies down some (with the extracurriculars, the 4+ hours of homework a night, final college/scholarship stuff, and attempting to make some contact with the world outside of my room, I dont get much time to just sit and write, sadly). so feel free to do whatever you feel is best for the story, you have all put much more effort into this than I have, so I'm cool with whatever the general concensus is.
hey everyone, i just got my computer running again. i have just moved to start university (in mid semester nontheleast) when my computer went through some failures (man i love viruses). anyways, i didnt have money for a tech to fix it and my windows disk was in montreal (were i just moved from). so anyways, long story short, computers are really annoying. i would like to get back into the RPG, i know that i only have one post, i want to change that. i have been reading up on what has been happening lately and i need a couple ideas, my character is kind of secondary, and would like to bring my character to the front.
Hi guys. I just want to inform that I've not stopped writing, just been taking a long... very long break. BF2 and school has kept me from doing anything else the last days and my computer really slowed down some month ago so I had to format (word?) and reinstall everything. Right now I've written about seven pages, last time I wrote was somewhere in the end of December/beginning of January. But I plan to start writing again very soon.
I've read everything I've missed and I really like it. I hope that I will be able to catch up with the rest of you soon.
Med vänliga hälsningar, Nederbörd.
I've read everything I've missed and I really like it. I hope that I will be able to catch up with the rest of you soon.

Med vänliga hälsningar, Nederbörd.
Holy crap dude. That's a bit much, don't you think? While things that happened way back when are no doubt important, it's really not necessary to go through everything . So long as bouvier is sufficiently up to speed with where the game is now he should be fine.
First piece of advice - re-read Athena's story and then re-read all the CYOF.
So just reread the last page or two of the game thread and then e-mail Athena with any ideas and/or questions.

Now, I just had my last day of classes for this year of uni which means I'm off until September. It sure would be nice if the game kept going at least until then. If I'm not mistaken, the next post in the tale is supposed to come from ww2. Let's have it then. Or, if not, let's at least have a post saying, "Sorry, lady and gents, but I'm done/taking a break/not writing for whatever reason." Then at least we can kill Jake Talon and move on.

...And when are we going to see the post of yours, Nederbörd? Hmm? It won't post itself.

Let's have it then. Or, if not, let's at least have a post saying, "Sorry, lady and gents, but I'm done/taking a break/not writing for whatever reason." Then at least we can kill Jake Talon and move on.
Code, you're despicable.

Well... yeah. Spring break just began, so it's safe to say that all of you can expect an update soon-ish.
And Code, just so you all know, we should all reread the entire book worth of material in the story and RPG. It's, in all honesty, very,very, good. And it will be even better when I get my editing done and it's all in one nice PDF.

So... yay for us and our 600 page monster!

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